First time out of the vault

Brother None
I talk to republicans at work for hours. Call after call. Many of them agree that the problem is that the republicans aren't that conservative. In an average hour I talk to 10 people who tell me they don't want to donate money to political organizations connected to the republican party because they don't feel it will go towards promoting their conservatives principles. Most of the people who do donate will tell me it's in hopes that the funding will help to promote more conservative principles in the republican party.
So I would hardly say that America politicians have really been striving for the same conservative government that the people are. But that is just my opinion on the matter.
I talk to republicans at work for hours. Call after call. Many of them agree that the problem is that the republicans aren't that conservative. In an average hour I talk to 10 people who tell me they don't want to donate money to political organizations connected to the republican party because they don't feel it will go towards promoting their conservatives principles. Most of the people who do donate will tell me it's in hopes that the funding will help to promote more conservative principles in the republican party.
So I would hardly say that America politicians have really been striving for the same conservative government that the people are. But that is just my opinion on the matter.