So what difference do you all think he will make?

Brother None

I talk to republicans at work for hours. Call after call. Many of them agree that the problem is that the republicans aren't that conservative. In an average hour I talk to 10 people who tell me they don't want to donate money to political organizations connected to the republican party because they don't feel it will go towards promoting their conservatives principles. Most of the people who do donate will tell me it's in hopes that the funding will help to promote more conservative principles in the republican party.

So I would hardly say that America politicians have really been striving for the same conservative government that the people are. But that is just my opinion on the matter.
aronsearle said:
The UK has something stupid like 300% GDP of debt, and a large intrusive government.

The US has striven for small government.

maybe all this proves is that it is not the size that matters but what you do with it :boom boom:

Uh the Observer says we only have 47% GDP of debt which is sliiiiiiightly lower than what you put it at.
CriticalCheck said:
I talk to republicans at work for hours. Call after call. Many of them agree that the problem is that the republicans aren't that conservative.
I'd say this is true. The enthusiasm that brought the GOP control of congress back in 94 has been totally lost as they got entrenched in power and became more and more corrupt. They did some good things for the first couple of years back then, mainly because the dems at the time had become so entrenched and corrupt. That bought them a considerable amount of goodwill. Then Delay took over in the House, and they decided to move to stealing full time instead of reforming. When Bush got elected he simply rubberstamped all their corruption without really doing much that was "conservative." He could never have gotten approval ratings as low as they were unless many republicans joined the dems in disliking his policies.

The GOP deserved to get their asses kicked in the last election, and I'm not sure the house-cleaning is over. I do think I can see some seeds of them making a comeback, though, mainly because the dems in congress aren't even making a show of reforming anything, and just picked up stealing where the republicans left off. It's kind of sad. I hoped they would at least try. I don't think Obama will be able to control them even if he tries, which I'm not convinced he will.



Uh the Observer says we only have 47% GDP of debt which is sliiiiiiightly lower than what you put it at.[/quote]

And is the Observer quoting the fiddled goverment statistic?
I don't know if the higher ups in the RNC realize exactly how pissed people are at them, but grunts like me on the bottom of the ladder get to hear about it all day. I get called tons of dirty names for being associated with the GOP. Much of the misdirection of the party gets put down on us. Most of the battling and instilling values of hope in people for the party is really done on our level at this point.

The thing is the party isn't going to have the support that it counts on if they don't change their ways. I'll gladly fund raise and push for conservative principles but for the most part I avoid pitching the RNC's past as much as possible.

As far as I see, Obama is just playing more politics. Everybody has been so excited about his color that it feels like things have really stalled as far as being interested in politics. If people put as much effort and passion as they have about his color into the actual workings of the system. We'd all live in awesome houses with awesome technology and FLY our vehicles to work because the reform would be so great that our private districts advancement would be skyrocketing at this point.
CriticalCheck said:
I don't know if the higher ups in the RNC realize exactly how pissed people are at them
Yeah, I think you're right. As someone who is generally contemptuous of both parties but realizes there needs to be an effective opposition, I'm surprised at how totally clueless the upper eschelon of the GOP seems to be. It's painfully obvious that they don't believe a word of the positions they espouse. If I thought for a second they'd actually do some of the things they say, I'd vote for them. Not the ones running the show now, of course, but maybe a new generation.