Bal-Sagoth said:"Pentagon: 61 ex-Guantanamo inmates return to terrorism
Well, seriously. If they would catch me and bring me to Guantanamo to torture me... then, after this, I would be a terrorist and anti-american man too.
Bal-Sagoth said:"Pentagon: 61 ex-Guantanamo inmates return to terrorism
Wooz said:How surprising, one would've think they'd see the error of their ways. Lawks.
Lexx said:Bal-Sagoth said:"Pentagon: 61 ex-Guantanamo inmates return to terrorism
Well, seriously. If they would catch me and bring me to Guantanamo to torture me... then, after this, I would be a terrorist and anti-american man too.
Ausdoerrt said:I do not believe this is a step in the right direction for race relationship. If anything, racism has escalated during the campaign, and raceof the candidate was one of the big issues. If anything, B.O. becoming the president has pointed out the racial divides where they were hidden. Racism will not go away as long as people keep bringing it up, and media is doing a very "good job" at that.
Youtube said:I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers.
Wooz said:I sense idiotic nitpicking, in good 'ole suburban mom style.
Since you brought them up, you should make a post listing your basic political beliefs and what kind of policies you would like instituted. That way we will know a little bit more what you are referring to instead of it just being socialism = bad. It would be much appreciated.CriticalCheck said:My conservative beliefs would piss most republicans off.
And that would be even understandableLexx said:Bal-Sagoth said:"Pentagon: 61 ex-Guantanamo inmates return to terrorism
Well, seriously. If they would catch me and bring me to Guantanamo to torture me... then, after this, I would be a terrorist and anti-american man too.
Well would be interesting to know who the right person would be in your opinion.Brother None said:The assumption that much will change is just a result of both hype and fear.
Any one with remote historical knowledge of American history recognizes this situation as similar to that of an earlier reformer. Not Jackson, Teddy Kennedy, Lincoln or FDR, but - of course - Lyndon B. Johnson.
But if you get rid of all the wedge issues in U.S. politics then you would have some Democrats becoming Republican and some Republicans becoming Democrat. That would end up being more confusing than the Star-Bellied Sneeches. Okay enough of my sarcasm. Seriously, I think eventually gay-marriage and abortion will become non-issues like they should be.CriticalCheck said:I personally believe that far too many conservatives fail to realize that religion shouldn't change their belief in small local government. I think that gay marriage should be legalized. Marriage is supposed to be about love isn't it? I am personally pro choice. I really don't think that these things shouldn't even be considered issues. But just because I stand with a party doesn't mean I support it's every move, or every supporter of that party.
Personally, I'm kind of wishy-washy about gay marriage. But to call gay marriage families "dead branches" is to ignore adoption, sperm banks, egg donations, surrogate mothers, and all manner of ways to get around the technical difficulties using technology, markets, and social networks (I don't mean Facebook, I mean a gay man getting his sister to donate her eggs).Ausdoerrt said:As for gay marriage, it's a grey area, although not like the issue has any importance other than the social and the moral argument. I don't think politics should be mixed in. From an efficiency stand point (this will sound wrong but...) there is enough reason for gov't to oppose same-sex marriage because those to-be families are "dead branches" and do not contribute to country's well-being because they are unable to produce offspring.
So you would in a minimum government interference economy trust the banks with your money? I mean, seeing how good they have been with peoples money recently.CriticalCheck said:I massive because I'd be pumping another 40 bucks a week into the bank. That would be $2240 dollars a year before figuring compound interest.