Crni Vuk said:
Well would be interesting to know who the right person would be in your opinion.
As a historian I hate that question too. Because we don't really know. No matter how much history you analyse, it is hard to say because so much happens independently of great minds. Like, I dunno, the way the Civil War was not initially about the abolition of slavery but became so simply by lasting longer than it should, and that Lincoln would have been "fine" with just quarantining instead of abolishing slavery had the option existed.
It's easier to say when someone is wrong than when someone is right; Herbert Hoover was wrong because he was too inactive in mindset to actively battle the recession. In Cold War politics, Kennedy was wrong because he was too belligerent for the frail world-balance that existed. Nixon was right because he was the opposite of Kennedy, and Reagan was right because he had the same mindset as Kennedy but at a more appropriate time.
On the outside, Obama looks wrong because of the times. Because he's neither a reformer nor a conservative, and the US needs either one. He talks like a reformer, but for all his career he hasn't acted like one. If he does reform, then yes, maybe he'll turn out to be the right guy, but as it is, he's too halfway between nowhere, and that's the worst kind of guy...