Still Mildly Glowing

Not that I like the democrats, but as it is it may be for the best. Look at the EU - more gov't power, more funding, and the recession is less severe despite countries' economies being smaller and more dependent on the exports that are decreasing by day.
But larger government can also get you into more debt, and deeper into the hole instead of out of it (cough cough UK), I don’t see any evidence to show whether a big or small government is better at dealing with recessions. I am not into American history, but I have heard several comments from people who are that say the great depression could have been solved quicker if it wasn’t for certain government programmes or interventions.
As for your Minessota example, I think that it's either a bad example or you are getting it backwards. Social programs are exactly that - some people paying taxes so that others can benefit.
There is charity and there are social programs. If it doesn’t directly benefit me, it is charity, the government isn’t there to force charity.
Sure the metro example could benefit you, but it’s also a good example of flimsy justification for a social programming. The metro might benefit an area 100s of miles away, as the extra business it might allow could trickle down, but then surely if it creates extra business it could be self funding?
Far far to many companies these days go running to the government for money when they get into trouble, or go looking for government money for various research or construction projects, money that they could get through private means, but of course if the government is offering a free meal……
That is the very real threat of local money being used for non local projects, it gets spent on projects that don’t benefit the locals a great deal, and it could be funded privately or by the people it does benefit, but often isn’t simply because the money is there.
Governments are great at spending money, simply because they have the money to spend.
The rich pay so that the poor can have unemployment payments, the healthy pay so that the unhealthy can have medical treatment. It all comes around and is necessary to get economy going - if only those who needed the benefits would pay for welfare, the economy would stagnate.
I’m not sure I agree with your stance that paying benefits to the unemployed helps the economy, not that I disagree with some level of benefits.
As for gay marriage, it's a grey area, although not like the issue has any importance other than the social and the moral argument. I don't think politics should be mixed in. From an efficiency stand point (this will sound wrong but...) there is enough reason for gov't to oppose same-sex marriage because those to-be families are "dead branches" and do not contribute to country's well-being because they are unable to produce offspring.
The 2 words you are looking for are “Social engineering”.