So, who's excited for The Frontier


First time out of the vault
From what i've heard and seen this mod will be revolutionary just based on the vehicles, mechanics, the story and the map. I will definitely be playing this when it comes out, but I still got to ask, Who's excited for the frontier?

I am incredibly hyped for The Frontier.

What is this about ?
Spaceships and big battles ?

A NCR general is re-assigned to relative Antarctica after a dispute with President Kimball, who sends him up north beyond Klamath and Arroyo to expand the frontiers of the New California Republic, towards the ruins of Portland.

There, he finds a Legion force which had trekked around the Mojave theatre of war, either in a grand flanking operation or somesuch.

In the middle of it all are the ruins of Portland, a superweapon most likely, and the survivalist communities of the region.
If it's just going to be an action-packed Call of Duty clone, count me uninterested.
give the mod a chance until it comes out then play it for yourself. We can only truly know what this mod will be when it does come out. however I am extremely excited to drive that sherman around blowing up enemies and other mad-max style looking vehicles while doing quests in the portland, oregon area where the mod takes place.

What is this about ?
Spaceships and big battles ?

It's not going to be another mothership zeta based off of the trailer. perhaps later in the mod will be when we can expect to actually be able to go into that space ship, for the most though I believe this mod will be on the set on the ground.
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I don't get hyped for mods because they are rarely finished. Fallout: Lone Star looked amazing if you went by concept art but was anything else ever shown? I know some modders wanted to jump to Fallout 4, but that was a bad idea. Also, don't double post because I have to merge it and it's super hard for me to click these two boxes and click merge.
I don't get hyped for mods because they are rarely finished. Fallout: Lone Star looked amazing if you went by concept art but was anything else ever shown? I know some modders wanted to jump to Fallout 4, but that was a bad idea. Also, don't double post because I have to merge it and it's super hard for me to click these two boxes and click merge.
They have a site that shows their percentage done with the mod along with other aspects of the mod, if you want to check it out here it is:
They don't say in the FAQ if it is combat oriented or C & C oriented.
They say that the map will be huge, which doesn't make me optimistic. Usually, the bigger the map, the lesser the content...
They don't say in the FAQ if it is combat oriented or C & C oriented.
They say that the map will be huge, which doesn't make me optimistic. Usually, the bigger the map, the lesser the content...

Big maps can give the impression of a bigger wasteland and drain your resources in survival mode which is something the vanilla game didn't focus enough on. As long as they have a couple of hubs with a lot of C&C it would be fine, but I hold no hopes for that these days.
We have in the TTW team some people who contributed for that mod and we are actually tutoring and teaching another of their team members that is eager to learn cool stuff to put into that mod. I would say that it will definitely be a nice and complex mod.
I give it the wombat's paw of approval.
Heck I'll give it a shot.
I just hope that it doesn't get too glitchy as these big ones tend to be. (Not a bad thing as I understand the amount of effort required for such a project.)

Is there a release date yet? I'm looking forward to some mayhem.
Heck I'll give it a shot.
I just hope that it doesn't get too glitchy as these big ones tend to be. (Not a bad thing as I understand the amount of effort required for such a project.)

Is there a release date yet? I'm looking forward to some mayhem.

The developers of this mod all work full time jobs and as such they don't have an actual release date pinned but at the bottom of their site regarding when will it come out they said they were pushing for a winter release, don't if they either meant this winter or next.