So, who's excited for The Frontier

We have in the TTW team some people who contributed for that mod and we are actually tutoring and teaching another of their team members that is eager to learn cool stuff to put into that mod. I would say that it will definitely be a nice and complex mod.
I give it the wombat's paw of approval.
Wombats are evil Risewild, you're Portuguese, you wouldn't know their savagery and... sickly adorable cuteness that hides a bestial rat beast.
Wombats are evil Risewild, you're Portuguese, you wouldn't know their savagery and... sickly adorable cuteness that hides a bestial rat beast.
Wombats are awesome, I live in Australia for quite a few years now and know wombats quite well :cool:.
Also they are from the order Diprotodontia (Vombatidae, Marsupialia, Vombatiformes) and not Rodentia (Rattus, Muridae, Murinae).
Basically Wombats are from the same Order as koala, possums, wallabies, cuscus and kangaroos. Very different from the Rodentia which includes animals like mice, rats, squirrels, prairie dogs, porcupines, beavers, guinea pigs, hamsters and capybaras.
Wombats can attack when scared and startled (usually if scared by dogs barking or other sudden loud noises) but they usually prefer to run away and no wombat attack ever killed or permanently damaged a human in recorded history. They are more dangerous when walking on roads as their body has a low center of gravity and they are composed as a keg of pure muscle and hard, armored cartilage at their back side and act as a ramp, sending the vehicle flying and could be fatal for the driver or passengers. There are also way more kangaroo attacks per year than wombat attacks (they are quite rare).
The thing to remember is Wombats are still wild animals so if you see one steer clear, do not go and try to pet it or shoo it or something.

This wombat report was brought to you by Risewild, the wombat nerd.
Wombats are awesome, I live in Australia for quite a few years now and know wombats quite well :cool:.
Hoped you like it, it's a wonderful country. I love living here.
Blah, blah, blah, wombats, blah, blah, blah, wombats.
Fucking savage beasties... full of hatred and rage... also kangaroos are no better. We should eat them all. Now Koalas, Koalas are nice. Until they start shrieking and chase you around.
I love Australia, it's quite nice and full of natural wonders and animals, and the people are pretty nice (my wife is australian, so that says something about how I like people here). I also love Portugal and think it is a pity these two nice countries are exactly at the opposite sides of the globe (makes it hard to travel between them, not to mention it is expensive too).
I love Australia, it's quite nice and full of natural wonders and animals, and the people are pretty nice (my wife is australian, so that says something about how I like people here). I also love Portugal and think it is a pity these two nice countries are exactly at the opposite sides of the globe (makes it hard to travel between them, not to mention it is expensive too).
Australia is so... suburban (well, where I live in) and quiet, and full of trees and buildings that aren't decayed or looking like Industrial factories...
Australia is so... suburban (well, where I live in) and quiet, and full of trees and buildings that aren't decayed or looking like Industrial factories...
I was born and raised in rural Portugal, in a farm surrounded by pine and eucalyptus forests. I love nature and wilderness :mrgreen:.

Crap I derailed this thread :confused:
I was born and raised in rural Portugal, in a farm surrounded by pine and eucalyptus forests. I love nature and wilderness :mrgreen:.

Crap I derailed this thread :confused:
Eh it doesn't matter. It was basically a shitpost thread.

And I called this thread a shitpost one... fuck, fuck, I messed up the thread names. This is a good thread, keep talking about it.
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I really hate Bethesda for making F3 with this shitty engine that everyone and their mother is now using when it comes to Fallout ... I am sick of seeing it. Sorry guys. I just think that ... thing ... is not aging very well, and watching that video from this mod kinda remeinds how limited and shit the engine is :/.
I really hate Bethesda for making F3 with this shitty engine that everyone and their mother is now using when it comes to Fallout ... I am sick of seeing it. Sorry guys. I just think that ... thing ... is not aging very well, and watching that video from this mod kinda remeinds how limited and shit the engine is :/.

It is not like it can be helped, though.

They need to use gamebryo since they do not have got engine of their own.

And creation engine is so hardcoded that no roleplaying can be done whatsoever.

In a perfect world Fallout New Vegas would use better engine and no time constraints.
I'm really excited for this. Not for the trailer or the premise, but because fallout 4 was such a disappointment.
i'ts been 7 years since New Vegas. I'm so desperated for a good fallout, that i'll take anything.
I hope this is good.
Guess I'm the only one not being excited about it. :D All I've seen from it is guns, guns, guns, big vertibirds, more guns and w/hacky driving tanks. While it sure looks impressive from a modders point of view, everything else pretty much lets me cold.
Guess I'm the only one not being excited about it. :D All I've seen from it is guns, guns, guns, big vertibirds, more guns and w/hacky driving tanks. While it sure looks impressive from a modders point of view, everything else pretty much lets me cold.
I'm also unexcited. The fact that the Legion and NCR are there in the first place is ridiculous, and unless they have a very good explanation I'm just not into it. It seems too action packed and goofy, with space stations, BIG-ASS GUNS and tanks.
Yeh, suffers the same story-related problems as Fallout 3 did. Too much rule of cool, too much "we need to have faction x in it!" even if it makes no sense from a lore point of view.
Yeh, suffers the same story-related problems as Fallout 3 did. Too much rule of cool, too much "we need to have faction x in it!" even if it makes no sense from a lore point of view.
That's a really fitting comparison. I would much prefer a conflict between two new factions, and between you and... however reads this, I'd prefer if rather than abstracting wars like mad (in Fallout New Vegas it was... forgivable, the war was more of a collection of stalemates and skirmishes not large battles until the end), but make a setting where 7 people shooting each other is actually considered a worthy force. Basically, what happens a small tribe encounters a small post apocalyptic settlement.
Guys, we're not alone, people are constantly pocking developers on the fact that so far Frontier doesn't look like an RPG but call of duty clone.
I would like to be excited too, since @Risewild admitted that the mod is nice and complex. But the trailer full of only shooting and shooting doesn't help, and the Codex reception made it even worse. Is there anything more than shooting in this mod? Is it downloadable and, therefore, available in an 'early access' like Project Brazil did?
I would like to be excited too, since @Risewild admitted that the mod is nice and complex. But the trailer full of only shooting and shooting doesn't help, and the Codex reception made it even worse. Is there anything more than shooting in this mod? Is it downloadable and, therefore, available in an 'early access' like Project Brazil did?
Well, I only have to base my opinion on what the team member keeps asking if it is possible to do. I will ask him directly if the mod is more combat oriented or if it has focus on story and stuff next time I see him.
From what i've heard and seen this mod will be revolutionary just based on the vehicles, mechanics, the story and the map. I will definitely be playing this when it comes out, but I still got to ask, Who's excited for the frontier?

If trailer is this shitty I can only imagine how bad mod is.