SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG


Subspray - non-invasive subdermal spray - can deliver any medication without piercing the skin (and patient - noticing).

For example, sleeping meds will knock the NPC out but this way the effect of any available drug can be applied to the victim.
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You can stumble upon this biped robot while exploring the derelict space wrecks. Unlike cambots, there is no official info available about this machine though.

SMPSV Klaipeda is a small multipurpose space vehicle. Those can push containers, shuttle people and cargo, also deploy explosive charges to crumble the asteroid ore. Some of them have had a tumultuous and eventful service this far.
I love the art so far, thought the pallet would be too garish at first but you really pulled it off. The interface is a really nice touch too. Followed :]
Fun fact: This was literally going to be the name of a novel I was writing until I saw this game.

I am so sorry :(

I love the art so far, thought the pallet would be too garish at first but you really pulled it off. The interface is a really nice touch too. Followed :]
Thanks! The color palette is somewhat inspired by those oversaturated, overexposed, super-bright open space photos.

Change your clothes to stay under the radar!

Some groups in the game have specific uniforms - faction armor if you will - and if you wear it, you are perceived as a member of that group.

Note that this does not work with every group out there (e.g. demo) because a tight or small crew would easily recognize each other. "Faction armor" usually comes into play when there are societies with sub-groups that can be generalized as 'they' by others.

Don't drink and spacewalk!

If you are intoxicated and roll a critical FOCUS failure on surface change (e.g. broken tile), you trip over and hurl through the space.

  • It cannot happen outside (because you are extra cautious).
  • After a fall, you get a cooldown/grace period before the next check (because the fall sobers you up for a moment).
  • Yes, it can happen in combat.

If you are drunk when talking to an NPC, you get an additional dialog option - an insult.
While usually, this will close any future conversations with the person, it grants you a temporary confidence boost in form of a bonus of 5 maxHP. While it may not sound much, remember, some characters start off with 9 maxHP, so it's not nothing.

Why did we add this?
1) Look what you are saying - if you are drunk, your impulse control is lower and you may accidentally piss some people off. This is essentially it.
2) Sometimes you just want to say something insulting to another person. Because it's funny, because you can or because you hate the guy - does not matter.
3) This +5 maxHP mechanic might work well with certain character builds adding to the overall diversity.

Of course, you have to be confident and not ugly to even get to a point where you spit out your insult.

There are a lot of mechanics in Space Wreck but you don't have to use or even learn about them to enjoy the game. That's why there isn't really a tutorial for that. But I still wanted to at least give a hint to players what kind of options they have.

Because our loading screen was not doing much, I added a roster of Did you know... type of hints like many other games do. However, every tip has a nice, short clip (GIF) associated - over the years I've created quite a selection. I think this is subtle enough and sort of entertains you while the game is loading.

Basically, with high FOCUS, your character can smell bullshit from afar.
Lie detection is now automatic. And, yes, it sometimes opens new options to confront the NPC.
Context: previously detection was manual but it did not fare well in the testing, so we changed it.

NPCs don't take it kindly if you barge in with a gun in your hand.

Be careful when meeting new people in Space Wreck - to show your friendly intentions better holster your gun, otherwise, they get all tense. Additionally, if you try to talk to someone while holding a gun in their face, you'll get an appropriate reaction and options to say.

Also, note the "shoot" option. If you succeed in a FOCUS roll, you deliver a fatal shot from point-blank range. While that is an effective way to get rid of one NPC, you, of course, will become a faction enemy if there are witnesses.
Once again we have reworked our UI, this time changing the layout so that all on-screen interface elements are grouped around the screen slate (sort of a pip-boy). This way all you need is in one place.

That looks soo good! Release 2022?

Thanks! Though, I don't want to jump the gun with dates. However, I can tell you that we have an internal beta (of the full game) in testing and I think I'd like to turn it into closed beta at some point.

If you step out in the vacuum of the space, your helmet's visor slowly fogs up.

This helps to identify change of the environment - which is important, considering that outside you need a space suit or you'll take damage. And, also, I feel it adds a bit of immersion. I have glasses and live in country with cold winters and the fogging up can be a real pain in the ass.

Disabling security in Space Wreck is not just an ON/OFF option. After you pass the initial scitec check, you can

  • disable the bots right away
  • turn the robot friendly with an additional scitec
  • take over cambot directly with additional tools (Soldering iron) and component (R/C controller) and succesful tinker skill check

Each of these options has its own nuanced benefits. For example, if you disable the bot, you can scavenge it for parts. If you turn it friendly, it will attack your enemies. If you take them over directly, the bot actually is "neutral" and that allows you to scout an area ahead without engaging in direct combat.