SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG


Space Wreck Full Version Early Access
is available NOW!

Yup, thanks for pinging it here - yesterday was hectic for us. Game is out, you can play it now.

FYI - full version means the game has 100% of the planned content, all the endings, all the branches of the story. It has bugs - that's why it is EA.

@william dempsey sorry that I did not get back to you! Now the cat's out of the bag, though. :D

Space Wreck Full Version Early Access
is available NOW!

Yup, thanks for pinging it here - yesterday was hectic for us. Game is out, you can play it now.

FYI - full version means the game has 100% of the planned content, all the endings, all the branches of the story. It has bugs - that's why it is EA.

@william dempsey sorry that I did not get back to you! Now the cat's out of the bag, though. :D

No probs. I noticed a small bug :P Shove=Kick.
Multiple save slots
Version 1.2.27

We're back with a big one! Most notably - finally we add the feature that existed in Fallout three decades ago - save slots.


Now you have 5 more manual save slots in addition to the previous auto, chapter and manual saves.

The flow and idea do not change - when you end your current play session, just quit the game and you'll be able to CONTINUE it later right from where you left off. But now, in addition to this, you now can create custom save points that won't be automatically overwritten (as with AUTO and CHAPTER saves).


Small detail but now the game won't auto-save also if there are hostile creatures nearby, even if combat is not started. That should also reduce some of the issues.

Worth noting that this was actually a rework of the saving system in general and as such, the old save file format is now deprecated. But, don't worry, on startup the game will try to import and migrate the saves from the old file.


Choose which save game to continue from if defeated

This is a simple UI improvement - if you encounter a GAME OVER screen you can now select from which save slot to continue your game. Previously it was always AUTOSAVE, now you have a choice.

Fix screen slate white screen issue

This update also, hopefully, puts an end to the annoying random screen slate/dialogue glitches when interacting with containers, and computers in the game. It is a very difficult bug to address because it's very random and hard to reproduce reliably - hence, difficult to identify if fixed. However, I refactored the code related to this functionality and am now cautiously optimistic it won't bother you again. Fingers crossed.

Fix spawn in space bug fix

Another annoying and equally hard-to-reproduce bug was the occasional spawn into the void. Like with the previous bug, I refactored code that could be related to this issue and have not encountered it since. Let's see if it stays that way!


New content

Won't spoil you the details but we've also fleshed out certain parts of the game by adding new dialogue, character reactions, and interactivity. For example, now you can get an answer to the question: why this routine trip went bad? Or, why are there two-headed cows in the shuttlecraft in the intro? We added some new routes as well, moved items, added security consoles and tiny adjustments like that.

We even have some new ending slides, based on your actions in the game.


More bugfixes

There are a lot of small bug fixes, cannot even list the all. For example, the annoying locked VR room issue, should not be a problem anymore, Oh and you know that map zoom reset glitch that drives you mad? Yeah, that one. It's fixed now!

Not really a bug fix but I slightly rebalanced unarmed damage - for lower PHY/FOC it should be as was before but exponentially grows to more impressive levels once you hit 4+.


Overall, thank you for playing the game and giving me feedback so we can fix and improve it for everyone!

Read on Steam
Ironically, space is really space. That's why the ships, stations - the levels in the game are so cramped, and sometimes hard to navigate.

I think our next update improve things: pixel-perfect selection should make the navigation and interactions easier.

I think the presentation looks really messy with the combination of color palette choices, jaggies, the amount of dithering and noise, the level of environmental detail and the low contrast. All stylistic choices of course, but perhaps a balance could be struck that would result in a less cluttered look whilst retaining the style? Unless you're dead-set on the looks already.

Also maybe it's just me but the perspective on a lot of the cylinders seems a bit wonky

edit: I didn't read the thread but just looked at the screens, so if this is something that has been / is being addressed then sorry for wasting your time
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All stylistic choices of course, but perhaps a balance could be struck that would result in a less cluttered look whilst retaining the style? Unless you're dead-set on the looks already.

Thanks for the feedback! We settled on this style a while ago, and the game is nearing its final release (currently EA), so I don't think it will change.
Thanks for the feedback! We settled on this style a while ago, and the game is nearing its final release (currently EA), so I don't think it will change.
Understandable! Minor stuff really, the project seems wonderful all in all.
Coming next update: fix up broken robots.


Hypothetically, if you can find enough R/C controllers (random drop), you could create a small robot army.


And yes, you can repair a broken cambot, use it to destroy another cambot and then fix up that one, and so on. And if any of your bots get broken, you can repair them again.

Thus far our proofreader (native speaker) has already checked 33,641 words worth of dialogue. That's NPCs from 2 major locations, the first game area KROGUS and the ship BULTA. I estimate we have around 150k words in the game in total.

P.S. And, if you are curious, this is the in-house proofing tool we are using for this task:

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That's a lot of words!
Indeed it is! This is actually where Early Access has been very useful - first of all, based on the feedback we identified that proofreading is significant for our players and, also, we obtained a budget to hire a proper native speaker to go over at least part of the texts.
Update 1.2.65

A cure for randomness
If you have ever been frustrated by a dice roll failure, this update is for you!

The main focus of this update is on managing the randomness factor in the game. Following player feedback, we noticed complaints about the game's dice rolls. While the math is sound - we use natural distribution algorithm which means that rolls will most likely fall around your skill/attribute value, there were clearly some things we could improve. Read on to learn specifics!



Plain and simple: now you can reroll failed skill checks. Rejoice! Of course, there are some caveats, though:
  • you have a limited number of rerolls, based on your FOCUS attribute;
  • you have to be "concentrating" - you must select the option before the rolling ends.

There are many skill checks in the game - some important, some less so; now you have an additional safety buffer for those crucial ones.

Clearer difficulty messaging


Previously difficulty of a skill check was based on its absolute value: that is, regardless of your skill level, it would show "easy", "hard" etc.

With this update, however, we describe the difficulty based on the difference between your skill and the target number. See here:
  • if delta >= 4 then "guaranteed"
  • else if delta == 3 then "pretty safe"
  • else if delta == 2 then "easy"
  • else if delta == 1 then "likely"
  • else if delta == 0 then "50/50"
  • else if delta == -1 then "risky"
  • else if delta == -2 then "unlikely"
  • else if delta == -3 then "unrealistic"
  • else if delta <= -4 then "impossible"

Remove random completely with Nominal tablets


Lastly, if you still are annoyed with randomness as a concept, we got a solution for you too - Nominal tablets. This is an item that can be found in the game and, once consumed, will remove any dice rolls whatsoever. That is if your tinker is 3, you will never "roll" anything but 3 while under the influence of the drug,

Lore-wise, these Nominal tablets suppress your anxiety and stress, remove stage fright, but also dull the excitement and adrenaline. Basically, you don't crumble under the stress but you also would never perform above expectations or get the "second wind".

Be warned of side effects, though: while medicated, your XP gain is severely hindered - because you never challenge yourself, you cannot grow.

Grenades, mines and traps


Take advantage of the new throwables - grenades. If you manage to land a hit - based on your PERCEPTION - the target will be paralyzed for a turn. Good if you want to follow up with a killing blow or just run away.


Or, if you tend to avoid combat (which is a good idea, btw) the new shock traps can be useful - set it up on a container that NPC might use (e.g. where they keep their water bottle) - and it'll knock them out cold upon next interaction. All their stuff - keys included - now is yours for taking!

Repair robots


There are now new possibilities for engineers: repair a destroyed robot to get a loyal mechanical follower! Even better, if defeated in battle, you can "resurrect" it right after; granted you have the components and skill to pull it off.

To be honest, there's really no limit to how many robots can you repair - as long as you have R/C Controllers to spare.


Book's worth of proofread NPC dialogue

We've been slowly but steadily proofreading the game's texts. With this update, all of the character dialogue in the game should be now covered. This amount to a whopping 130 000 words!


To give you a perspective - Andy Weir's Martian is around 110k words long. An excellent book, by the way: its realistic near-future Solar system exploration has been an inspiration for many things in the world of Space Wreck.

The Chief Snitch


And last - but definitely not the least! - we've been adding subtle content all around the game. The biggest and the most impactful addition is the new quest The Chief Snitch on Kurbads. To be fair, it's not just the "quest" per se but rather all the new options to advance your main quest or provide new ways to interact with the world that are noteworthy here. You also get a chance to explore some of the characters more and interact with them.


Note: there are now new story stars and even new final ending slides related to this storyline.


These are the major highlights of this update but there are still more subtle changes and fixes in the game.

Until the next time!