Star Wars Thread

Your favourite movie in Star Wars

  • The Phantom Menace

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • Attack of the Clones

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Revenge of the Sith

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • A New Hope

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • The Empire Strikes Back

    Votes: 19 51.4%
  • Return of the Jedi

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • The Force Awakens

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters
The casting was good, I agree with that but the acting was just bad. I don't even know if I blame the actors for it as weird as that sounds. I blamed the director like I said before for not doing a good job with the actors, communication and things like that. Agreed though that Liam Neeson and Ewan Mcgregor were the best actors in the prequel trilogy. Have any of you watched The Phantom Menace with subtitles on? It helps the movie a lot in my opinion. The acting is actually so bad that it can be hard to understand what they're saying at times, for me at least. When I could actually understand what was being said I didn't think the writing was bad. I kind of want to rewatch it so I can reanalyze it just to make sure I'm not crazy. I defended the writing of TPM to a few friends online in a skype call and they called me a moron, I immediately responded with "did you watch it with subtitles on" and they all said no, I swear it helps. EDIT Another actor that actually did a great job in the prequel trilogy was Ian Mcdiarmid.
Speaking of which lemme introduce you to your taste.
Fuck you. The clone wars was one of the greatest things to come out of the star wars franchise. Also you are in no position to judge my tastes. You like the phantom menace and you're obsessed with the 80s.
The clone wars was one of the greatest things to come out of the star wars franchise.

You like the phantom menace and you're obsessed with the 80s.
When did I say either of these things?
The Clone Wars sounded much cooler before Lucas ruined them.
Honestly anything Lucas did pales in comparison to Disney retconning the entirety of the EU out of existence. Lucas may have made some poor decisions in his time but he also didn't say that KOTOR II didn't happen so I can't hate him too much.
Yeah, Disney's decision to axe the EU sucks, but at least it lives on in Legends as well as stuff creeping over to the new Disney EU, like Thrawn.
Lucas made the Clone Wars unchangeably lame, though.
Either way, still very excited for Rogue One.

How did he ruin them? (Besides the prequels). Honestly before that it was just some offhand remark by a wizard hermit.
In the early EU novels (like the Thrawn Trilogy) it sounded like the clones were fighting against the Republic, that the clone masters created clone armies (that tended to go mad) and clone dark jedi and plunged the galaxy into chaos.
Turns out it was just a war that had no impact whatsoever, robots against clones. Boooooring.
Well I liked the clone wars. I liked the way it handled the politcal side of war. It was interesting to me. And the characters were better here than they ever were in the prequels. It even managed to make me Like Anakin.:shrug:
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Honestly I haven't even acknowledged anything Star Wars related since like 2011 when The Old Republic MMO was announced.
Watching with the subtitles on just exposes the bad writing even more, it's like if someone said "Hey Fallout 4 has bad writing but as long as you have the subtitles on and pay attention to them it'll be easier to understand.", just my point of view nothing personal.
Watching with the subtitles on just exposes the bad writing even more, it's like if someone said "Hey Fallout 4 has bad writing but as long as you have the subtitles on and pay attention to them it'll be easier to understand.", just my point of view nothing personal.
What are you referring to?I always watch movies with he subtitles on. I Like to stare at them.
What are you referring to?I always watch movies with he subtitles on. I Like to stare at them.
I was talking to Paladin Waffles.

Well obviously I still can't stand the Anakin we see in the films. But the cartoon Anakin is far more charismatic and likable. Honestly why didn't you guys like the clone wars cartoon?
I couldn't stand that little emo fucker, irredeemable in my opinion.
Well obviously I still can't stand the Anakin we see in the films. But the cartoon Anakin is far more charismatic and likable. Honestly why didn't you guys like the clone wars cartoon?

I personally haven't watched them but I've heard they're good because they wipe George's ass clean up and the shit job he did with the prequels.

There's two seasons, right? I've been meaning to get around to watching them.
I personally haven't watched them but I've heard they're good because they wipe George's ass clean up and the shit job he did with the prequels.

There's two seasons, right? I've been meaning to get around to watching them.
There's five seasons.
Yeah, Disney's decision to axe the EU sucks, but at least it lives on in Legends as well as stuff creeping over to the new Disney EU, like Thrawn.

I am not happy with Thrawn being introduced in Rebels. Not because I hate the guy (I think he was a great antagonist and I loved the Heir to the Empire trilogy) but rather because this once again goes against the claim that Disney dropped the old Expanded Universe because it put to much weight on the franchise for their own people to tell new stories in.
Well they got rid of the old EU and immediately make a 180 degrees turn to go through it to pick whatever they like instead of using their clean slate to create complete new characters and stories.
It does not just speak of laziness, it reeks of admitted incompetence. Disney's Star Wars team basically admits that it can't come up with anything of their own, they just want to play with what other toys people have made before them.

At best that would make then fan fic writers, but when they are praised for being some smart and creative by fans it just wants me to bash these people's brains in.

And now that Thrawn is being put in Rebels these fans are sucking Disney and Dave Filoni's cocks for bringing in a character from a fan beloved book series they got rid off instead of making up their own brilliant strategist character.
Don't these people realize how much they have been suckered?

Disney owns Star Wars and Thrawn, but that does not make them creative.

In the early EU novels (like the Thrawn Trilogy) it sounded like the clones were fighting against the Republic, that the clone masters created clone armies (that tended to go mad) and clone dark jedi and plunged the galaxy into chaos.
Turns out it was just a war that had no impact whatsoever, robots against clones. Boooooring.

I admit after reading about what Zahn thought the Clone Wars would be like that I really wanted to read that prequel saga.
I imagined Anakin Skywalker as a young Republic starfighter pilot who during the wars met a young Obi Wan who recognized that Anakin's great pilot skills came from subconscious use of the Force.
Well I liked the clone wars. I liked the way it handled the politcal side of war. It was interesting to me. And the characters were better here than they ever were in the prequels. It even managed to make me Like Anakin.:shrug:
Yeah I liked it for the same reasons.

And to be honest, everyone felt more likable. Padme wasn't some stuck up prig, Anakin wasn't some emo asshole and... fuck it pretty much everyone was nicer.

Then there's the added characters like Cad Bane, Darth Maul (they actually didn't screw up his return) and many others.