
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
To be frank, I was put off when I heard that 90% of the planets had no life on them. Spent far too much time on No Man's Sky exploring a desolate walking simulator, mining the odd rock only to hear "LIFE SUPPORT POWER LOW" every five minutes, which required me to feed the rocks I just mined into my suit so I wouldn't die of space aids.

Never again.
Yeah I mean I don't necessarily want life to be overflowing in the universe but 90% of 1000 planets is 900 planets that will be void of anything remotely interesting to do. Big yawn.

That is not even an argument. And this was this type of reasoning was used on many decisions or opinions we would be in a world of trouble.
To the lower rung of Bethesdafans, it is. That's not very cashmoney.
So the main story is just a bunch of radiant fetch quests similar of the likes to the Greybeards telling you to fuck off to a word wall in Skyrim?

Probably preset missions, but they still boil down to 'go to X and kill Y amount of Z'.
Probably preset missions, but they still boil down to 'go to X and kill Y amount of Z'.

It could be worse.
Boss guy "You have carried out all the missions. Now build colonies throughout the galaxy and defend it from pirates."

"I've got a word that a settlement needs your help, I'll mark it on your map." -Preston Garvey

This is basically that, but IN SPACE!

:D :roll:

You are just ahead of me.

Probably preset missions, but they still boil down to 'go to X and kill Y amount of Z'.

Yep. I only have so much time left in my life. I am not going to waste a percentage of it on this.
And I keep hearing that the game "doesn't
It could be worse.
Boss guy "You have carried out all the missions. Now build colonies throughout the galaxy and defend it from pirates."

You are just ahead of me.
That's probably what the "real game" is after the main quest!
And I keep hearing that the game "doesn't

That's probably what the "real game" is after the main quest!

Very probable.
A confession; I wasted some time in the last thirteen years on trying out some X rated mods for FNV because I was bored and I could not find something better to spend my time on. I am still deeply ashamed of it.
There will be people who feel this will be great part of their lives.



I already wrote that I am sorry about it.

snip personal bullshit. Even I sometimes talk out of my ass when I think I have something to tell

Anyway sorry for going off topic. I thought there was somewhat of a comparison of people wasting their time on these repeatable but pointless quests such as settlement building and defending, but I should not tell someone else how they want to spend their hours. Just that I think there are way better things to do.
IGN gave it a 7 so the honeymoon phase is finally fucking over.
Sorry Bud, but only reviews that reaffirm my life choices count. better luck next time.
I have it playing on my TV. I do like the idea of mining at least.
I already wrote that I am sorry about it.

snip personal bullshit. Even I sometimes talk out of my ass when I think I have something to tell
You misunderstand, I'm also a degenerate who mods my games with tig bitty mods. :ok: (difference is that I'm not embarassed about it, I blame my autism. :ugly: )

However trying to mod Fallout 4 with the porn stuff became so exhausting that I just took a break from it and haven't returned to finishing the modding setup for 5 months. I think I'm just gonna get rid of all of it and just get mods to fix the gameplay. The novelty of twisting and contorting a AAA game into a porn game just isn't worth the effort.


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IGN SCHMIGN, initial review score is way too positive for my liking. I guess I was wrong and it's the greatest thing ever. Bless Godd Howard.
Literally. I’ve seen people brush this off by saying that IGN scores can’t be trusted. Which is true, but that applies to every reviewer.
I don't think they understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy.


New info from various sources from RPGcodex:
When you get to the space around a planet (which you of course fast travel to) you only exist within a little space box where you can go closer and further away from other ships or space stations but you cannot get closer or further away from the planet and if I understood you cannot go to the 'side' of the planet either.

There's a report that on xbox the game can FPS dip down to 7.

Someone's made a claim that you cannot submerse yourself below water and only swim on top of it. Which means we're going back on fundamental game design since Morrowind.

Also this is the ending screen, this is the final end spoiler, do not click if you do not want to be spoiled.



Least buggy game huh? Also, damage sponge.

Oh just some civvies running to an elevator.


Supposedly it is already cracked and piratable. Of course we here at NMA condemn piracy and would never support it, just reporting that it is cracked.


I've heard that Starfield looks good but uh... No? I mean we got a weird stain on the wall there and some stains on teh ridge of the ceiling of whatever that thing behind them is but other than that this looks so... Sterile. Like uncannily clean. Also, obviously why are those two going O_O? But more importantly, art design. Art design is important. Art design helps cement iconography and makes areas memorable. Part of what makes an area memorable are the people there. Their clothing looks godawful and is completely unmemorable. It looks bland and like they just threw "SCIFI" at the wall and hoped something would stick.
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They are still having npcs staring at you like they want to kill you when you near them and that shit has been happening for like 20 years at this point. Someone should tell Todd that's not how people work, if anything people looking at you creepily is generally considered a bad thing.
Why would the 'tool-tip' style interaction info be in all caps? It makes small point lettering noticeably harder to read.
Really thought I was gonna play this game but I'm not sure now. No Man's Skyrim is definetly an apt description. The game looks fine enough I guess, but not sure I want to buy it due to being a rip off. There's only so many ways to do a space game of course. It just doesn't seem to have it's own identity.

I know me not buying it isn't gonna have an impact or anything but I don't know if I want to support them just copying Hello Games verbatim after all the work they put into NMS just to have someone else lift the blueprint like this.

Really thought I was gonna play this game but I'm not sure now. No Man's Skyrim is definetly an apt description. The game looks fine enough I guess, but not sure I want to buy it due to being a rip off. There's only so many ways to do a space game of course. It just doesn't seem to have it's own identity.

I know me not buying it isn't gonna have an impact or anything but I don't know if I want to support them just copying Hello Games verbatim after all the work they put into NMS just to have someone else lift the blueprint like this.

I mean, what did you expect? It's Bethesda after all. Always overhyped, and yet their mediocrity still shines through! Which has gotten even worse overtime.

:-D :roll: :-?
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Really thought I was gonna play this game but I'm not sure now. No Man's Skyrim is definetly an apt description. The game looks fine enough I guess, but not sure I want to buy it due to being a rip off. There's only so many ways to do a space game of course. It just doesn't seem to have it's own identity.

I know me not buying it isn't gonna have an impact or anything but I don't know if I want to support them just copying Hello Games verbatim after all the work they put into NMS just to have someone else lift the blueprint like this.

Well, that depends, I think I know enough of the game right now to answer this question, think very clearly and elaboratively, what is it you 'want' out of a Starfield experience? (you can't have a proper RPG, it's Bethesda)
I really don't want a reboot @Mr Fish because it will only follow up more on Bethesda's way of story ideas and writing. We will have wars between the BOS, the Enclave, and mutants all over the wasteland, forever. People forever living like it was just twenty years after the war. Shitty Bethesda humor.
I know there will be no going back to FNV, decanonizing all of Bethesda's crap (God I wish Van Buren had been made so that we had a proper trilogy). The lore is damaged beyond repair and I don't know who I would trust with the writing of a reboot. Definitely not current day writers.

And it will probably be yet another action-shooter with stat elements where the player will not be limited in the choices they get to make, there would just be too much backlash from gamers and journalists if they are limited in some way and need to start a whole new game to see what the others outcomes would be like. Oh the tyranny of choice.
Hm, maybe. I mean it depends on who gets a hold of it. We might get a studio that wants to tell interesting stories that decides to broaden the universe or maybe even twist the already established around into something different that fits a broader perspective.

Like, I'm fine with saying Fallout is dead. I came to terms with that with Fallout 4. But the only way I can see Fallout having any kind of a future is a reboot. And if the reboot is shit, then, well, I mean, Fallout is already dead to me so it's not like it can get dead 2.0. At least a reboot could have the chance of course correcting.

And yknow what, there is this tiny little glimmer of hope in me... Cause what if Microsoft/Xbox looks at BG3 and goes "...Fallout used to be isometric and turn-based..." and then hands an alt universe IP over to another studio allowing them to essentially reboot the series as a Larian competitor. That could be interesting.

You're probably correct though, it'll most likely just be this endless loop of iconography cause they are creatively bankrupt.


To some this will matter, to others it will not, it is very diverse and by that I mean people claim that there's barely any white men around and most peeps in power are women. First superior you get is an asian woman who has white man as a "punching bag" (metaphorically speaking). You also get to choose pronouns at the start.

Seems like the game is heavily leaning into left-wing politics of representation.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't care what your makeup of the characters are all I care about is good characterization, costume design and art design and so far all of that seems to be lacking but I've scratched a snowflake on top of an iceberg for all I know.


Here's a good review.
Negativity! Yay!
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