
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

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    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

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If someone knows about an alternative for Nexus mods, please tell me.
Pretty much all mod websites nowadays are either under full tranny tyranny or dead. Someone actually had to make a web3 website that runs on the ethereum decentralized network just so that people wouldn't get their LGBT removal mods censored. I kid you not:
Why did they do this? Scanning mini games always tend to be one of the things that slow games down. "Scan 10 of X to get a full profile of X" is not enticing. Maybe only get basic information first, giving possible stat boosts until you put the sample in an advanced scanner or something to get more information.
To pad out the play hours because apparently they forgot to add actual side content to this game.
You know I don't think anyone's brought this up yet, it actually deserves its own thread TBH, but for now we'll talk about it here. With the way Starfield has turned out, you guys think Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be dead on arrival? And actually be even WORSE than how Starfield turned out with it's quality?
That TES6 is going to suck ass is pretty much a given at this point. Todd and Emil aren't getting fired anytime soon (F76 and SF didn't sell poorly enough for that to happen) and they have even confirmed that they are still reusing the Creation Engine for that game as well. Abandon hope all ye who enter here, etc...

Let's talk about SPEHSS! You can do some nifty things like using your maneuver thrusters to pull a 180° in the middle of dog fight to be facing somebody, becomes funnier when you do it with something the size and shape of a housing project.

While combat is simple and straight forward, Bethesda has found the best way to liven things up with it. Be a early game player doing a early game mission and fighting early game lvl 5 space ships. Let's add some spice to this dish and drop a lvl 35 Frigate who spanks your ass in seconds unless you burn through all your ship heals disabling his engines so you can board him. What's that? You only have a few ship repair kits that weigh 22lbs a piece? Well that is what you get for being a dumbass and trying to buy them at the space port, everybody knows you get them at the grocery store.
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Ok, here's a bit of lore that doesn't make any sense.

UC was first faction, they allowed people to settle on other worlds and become sovereign powers.

Akila and Neon band together to form Freestar Collective.

UC sets up a medical starstation around one of their planets.

Everything is hunky dory.

Naridan(?) decides that it wants to join Freestar Collective. Who is Naridan? No idea.
But the "rising tensions" (doesn't mention what they are) causes a war between Freestar Collective and UC.

UC has a decisive victory.

And after they win.... They allow Naridan to join Freestar Collective...

I'm sorry, why the fuck did a war start over Naridan wanting to join and after a bunch of life has been lost due to warfare and you decisively win you decide to go "eh, you can join anyway, lol!" ? I mean if the whole point was that a war started over this to the point that it is called the Naridan War, why would you allow them to join anyway? What's the point?


Terramorphs are bio-engineered mutants used in the Colony Wars, any you find are likely remnants of it or black market ones that got loose.


Oh great, crashed. Again. By the way I think this game is a 4/10.


I finally understand what Starfield's setting is. Why this isn't a part of an intro movie cinematic or whatever is beyond me because up until this point I had no idea what even is the point of the setting. I'mma try to simplify it:

Earth is fucked, lost its magnetosphere and atmosphere and is gonna be pepsi max in 50 years. Humanity has to band together to finally get off their ass and colonize the stars. They do and form the UC. However, as is human nature people want freedom. So eventually UC has to allow others to settle elsewhere and found their own sovereign nations. The problem is that the UC still lords over them as the king decision maker. And so war, war never changes, but in space!

Starfield's setting is that humanity has JUST begun settling space, we don't have fancy stuff, we don't have connections with alien species yet, we haven't even begun to uncover the mysterious of the universe. We're just estbalishing ourselves in the galactic scene, and as is common with humanity frictions begin which turns into schisms which turns into conflict. Starfield is set in a post-war period and a lot of references people make are in regards to this. It's important that you understand what the Freestar Collective, UC and especially Colony Wars are in order to understand the backdrop of the setting.

As to the story of the setting, it has nothing to do with this. A bunch of rich yuppies are playing indiana jones and want to find artifacts cause they think they're neat. Now, maybe eventually something more is unearthed about these artifacts but we're talking about a "hook" here, you're not supposed to play through 1/3 of the main story until you finally get hooked, it should happen right off the bat.

The setting isn't awful tbh but the problem is that it is soooooooooooooo dryyyyyyyy. Way too dry. There's no flare to anything. No iconicism. But still, once you understand the setting it puts a lot of quests and NPC interactions and little environmental details into perspective.

The problem is that you have to go to New Atlantis, immediately go into MAST's elevator and head down to orientation and then go through its audio museum to actually GET this lore. And I mean, I've called Bethesda incompetent before and I might have sounded like I'm hyperbolic but... This is kind of necessary information for players to understand your newly established IP. Why the fuck is this not mandatory? Why isn't this information given to you at the start of the game through an intro cinematic or through various mentions of NPC's and stuff? Why do you have to go out of your way to go to a random museum and go through an audio tour to get this? And like I said, story has nothing to do with this, the story is go find shiny things for a bunch of yuppies so that a middle-aged woman can fuck you.

That TES6 is going to suck ass is pretty much a given at this point. Todd and Emil aren't getting fired anytime soon (F76 and SF didn't sell poorly enough for that to happen) and they have even confirmed that they are still reusing the Creation Engine for that game as well. Abandon hope all ye who enter here, etc...
Here's something I'd like to throw out there; Fallout 4 introduced settlement building and since then it has been in every game. 76 and Starfield. So that is probably going to carry over (and be just as pointless and revoltingly clunky as ever) into TES6. But a bunch of the things in Starfield cannot carry over to either Fallout or TES.

Build-A-Ship? Can't do that.
Zero-G combat? Can't do that.
Scanning? Can't do that, and if you could it would be completely pointless.
Generated RNG maps? Can't do that, people will want one big sandbox map.

Like, I'm trying to think of what TES6 (Skyrim+) will adopt from Fallout 4, 76 and Starfield. And while there are some mechanics here and there they haven't really improved upon anything that is fantasy oriented. Melee combat is literally just Skyrim's combat in all of these titles. Gunplay is just gunplay, take a singleshot rifle and you got yourself a bow and arrow, or better yet go play F76 and literally get a bow and arrow, it's the same as in Skyrim. They haven't added in a magic system equivalent and explored upon refining it either. Weapon crafting works for guns with tons of little parts but how useful it is it going to be for melee weapons or bows? Hell, even "dragon" equivalents (scorch beasts) haven't been fleshed out upon. So if they do decide to go back to TES then what from 4, 76, SF can they actually apply to Skyrim 2.0?


Colony Wars, summed up.
UC is king shit, after Naridan War (where they won) a treaty was signed that said that Freestar was NOT allowed to just colonize planets as they pleased. They broke that treaty and did it anyway. They had also been ramping up their military production HEAVILY since the last war and fought a very bloody war with the UC and used civilian ships as meatshields, winning over UC because they didn't want to slaughter innocent civilians (also a city of UC had a bunch of Terramorphs set loose upon it that ended so bad that they had to nuke it). After Freestar forced UC into a peace treaty (as Freestar are radical fuckwits) they had the audacity to say that UC's military leadership was a bunch of war criminals. A trial was had and 3 top ranking military officials, one of which is very revered by some people as a hero, was hanged.

Now granted this museum IS in a UC city so it might very well be biased but Freestar sound like a bunch of complete cunts to me. Sure, UC is king shit and one can argue "tyranny" all they want to but you broke the peace treaty, used civilians as meat shields and set bio-weapons loose on a city that... I want you to picture a city full of civilians. A mom with her baby stroller right. Some kids playing in the park. We have some geezers over here feeding the spaceducks. All of the sudden, WEREWOLVES! And they tear through the city and slice and dice and main and tear and feed upon all those civilians, and the fear of these werewolves leaving the city into the wild to potentially attack other cities is so horrifying that the better option is to just nuke the city from orbit. That's what Freestar did. And UC is the tyrannical warmongering war criminals. Sure.

I guess we'll see if I can find a Freestar city's museum on the same thing to see what they have to say.
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Ok, I'mma try to not make this long. I'm someone who doesn't like to push story and like to zone out to gameplay oriented bits first especially to some podcasts so that's primarily what I've been doing but I gotta call it quits. See, the game can be absorbing when you are susceptible to busywork in games but that doesn't mean it is good and it most certainly doesn't make it fun. The game is a slog. It's a chore. It's full of so much busywork and delay and tedious design and jesus CHRIST all the fucking WALKING sucks the sloppiest of Tijuana donkey dick.

So, I need to force myself to stop and focus entirely on the story instead. Not the sidequests. But the main story.

I don't really have much else to report on the gameplay side of things that I haven't already said. Everything's clunky, everything's locked behind a stupid perk, it's all micro-rewards and nothing feels worthwhile. Starting to see dungeons repeat now as well.

Oh and by the way, creatures are pretty much never part of a dungeon or anything. The most you'll get is a Terramorph. It's all spaceraiders, they might sometimes have different voice lines but it is just the same space raiders all the time. No mirelurks, no ghouls, no frost trolls or giant spiders. Just spacedudes with shit weapons.

God this game is so fucking boring.

I'm going to try and just power through ONE faction storyline and then do the main story but after that I'm done. And honestly, I don't know if I can keep this up to finish those two either. The game is soulsucking.
I'm gonna return the game from what I've played. Not willing to pay $70 for this. The concept of the game is great but Bethesda either doesn't have the talent or interest to do it correctly.

Had the game freeze up on the main menu as a first experience. I get loading issues when just walking around in environments irregardless (or so it seems) of the graphics settings and I know it can't be an issue with the pc considering specs and how any other game runs wether it's Cyberpunk or modded Minecraft.

Environment music cuts in and out for me occasionally and characters will be talking but the audio is out of sync with their mouth fairly often. Art direction is good but I don't care much for the environment design.

Being given a ship at the start of the game is pretty disapointing in the same way as getting power armor in F4 was. No feeling of progression or earning it. Could have made for a good quest. Excessivley friendly character just gives you the thing because you passed out after touching a rock and are now the chosen one. I hate it.

Traveling to other planets is kinda mindblowing how they approched it especially after their claims on how the game works. Take off in ship to space (fast travel section). Open map and select planet (2nd fast travel section). Arrive at planet and select to land (3rd fast travel section).
LGBT removal mods
Spectrum behavior.
Goofy shit like this and porn mods should be relegated to obscure sites anyways.
So if they do decide to go back to TES then what from 4, 76, SF can they actually apply to Skyrim 2.0?
- "Streamlining" away of the skill system in favor of making everything perk based. With the cringe challenges and everything.
- "Streamlining" away of the progression for stats like health, mana and stamina. Instead you have fixed values that don't evolve when you level up.
- Shitting all over the crafting system and making it so that getting good weapons is more about finding that super lucky +15% crit chance modifier after you have farmed the same weapon drop 100x in a row.
- Magic portals that take you to some copypasted procedural random dungeon thing with a random reward at the end.
- The annoying companion system that makes them comment on every single little action you take and needless interject on your conversations.
- Generic no name NPCs in order to stuff towns and make them feel larger.
- Botched up and needless home construction system like on that Skyrim DLC.
- Maybe they will bring back levitation since they are OK with you flying with a jetpack now.
Spectrum behavior.
Goofy shit like this and porn mods should be relegated to obscure sites anyways.
You will never be a woman, etc, etc...
- "Streamlining" away of the skill system in favor of making everything perk based. With the cringe challenges and everything.
- "Streamlining" away of the progression for stats like health, mana and stamina. Instead you have fixed values that don't evolve when you level up.
Perks - Isn't that Skyrim already? I thought the "skill" was just a perk unlocker for the star constellations anyway?
Stats - Oh they'll just change this into a perk like Starfield is.

Oh, that's one way, we'll probably see a lot more things get locked behind perks.
Did I mention that you can't stealth (at all) until you get a perk to unlock the feature in Starfield? Cause that's a thing.

That's the background of all the Terran factions in StarCraft. Also Firefly.

Also Colony Wars.

Hm, not the most original then. Skyrim was also just a bunch of generic fantasy tropes strung together into a storyline so it doesn't surprise me that they'd just copy others.
Perks - Isn't that Skyrim already? I thought the "skill" was just a perk unlocker for the star constellations anyway?
Yes, they removed the skill system where you would unlock new attacks when you reached a rank in a skill from previous games in favor of a crappy perk system in Skyrim. Literally just copied from Call of Duty because Todd Howard around this time was talking how Call of Duty had apparently RPG elements because it had perks in multiplayer.

Skyrim was already so basic and shallow that games that came out after like Far Cry 3 which isn't a RPG had about as much depth as Skyrim. When a FPS with a basic perk system has as much depth as a so called RPG then that's a problem. So Bethesda has to actively try their hardest to make things more barebones and simpler than Skyrim.
Hm. Cydonia's worldbuilding... Is not bad. Mining facility on Mars. Used to provide mats for Deimos to build warships, war's over so there is less demand, because of this the facility isn't worth upgrades and stuff so people are running basic equipment because of it. Because of budget cuts they had to cut certain other operations that would offer people without mining skills a place of work, now some people have fallen between the cracks and are essentially on welfare. Too poor to leave, not fit for work. They live in tiny cramped spaces because this isn't meant to be a "city", it is just a mining operation. You get your cubicle of living space and shower and toilets are communal. Kids born here are barely considered and have to make do with what time they can get in the cafeteria (when the grown ups aren't using it as a drinking space) and their schooling is done online. Both children living here are clearly bored, trying to make the most of it but you can tell by talking to them that they aren't happy at all. There is a bit of class schism between the "upper crusters" who don't know the meaning of hard work and the miners who slave away in the mine.

Honestly, it's not bad. The only problem is, again, it's pretty dry (to be fair, it is Mars). Not the most eventful of locations. Still, the worldbuilding in Cydonia is good. Could be better, but it's good.

literally lol'd


Yknow, Cydonia might be a bit premature to talk about this as I haven't seen everything else but I think I know how this game could have been good. Not great. Not amazing. Not phenomenal. Not Perfect. Just good.
Drop weapon crafting, build a ship and outpost crafting.
Streamline the perk chart to get rid of unnecessary bullshit.
Get rid of scanning completely AND.... Get rid of the open world maps. They don't add anything, they just make the game worse. Honestly, I bet a large part of why the game has such high demands for performance is because of these stupid generated maps anyway, and with less bullshit to QA the game would probably have been more stable.
Streamline the menus a bit, especially the travel portion of the game.
Spend the resources you would have spent on all of this dogshit on just finetuning the combat, the AI and balancing the game more.
And uh, drop the main quest of artifacts and focus on a post-war society struggling to keep peace between high tension factions.

And yknow what you're left with?

First person Mass Effect.

Now that's not drawing a comparison of quality between them, god no. Mass Effect is miles ahead. But I've talked to a ton of NPC's now and yknow what? The voice acting is... Good. It is really varied. The characterization of all characters are pretty good too. Their faces are good (bar the facial animations) as well. IF Cydonia is anything to go by the world building might actually be competent this time around. And when I get quests that aren't just fetch quests they can be quite engaging and fun to do. (and let's be fair here, Mass Effect also had bullshit fetch quests to pad out the game)

It seems to me like the quality of the game is ironically enough in the story portion of the game. Sure, it has missteps, this is basically if baby Bethesda finally stands up to walk. It's baby steps, it's gonna stumble. But... There's also good parts in the writing. Whether it is for environmental things or a bit of the backstory of the setting or some lore for how a location work or just the personality of a character it seems like the quality of the game lies 'the most' in its side-stories.

And keep in mind, this is coming from someone who WANTS Starfield to fail. I hate this fucking company so much for what they did to Fallout but I'm not gonna let that blind me. There are good parts to Starfield. The problem is that these good parts are weighed down sooooooooo heavily by all the complete donkey parts of the game. And just cause some of the writing is good doesn't mean all of it is, like I said, they stumble.

If they had reallocated their resources differently and dropped the open world bullshit and crafting this and that and aping NMS then it seems like there could have been a good game here.

But, that's not what happened and that is not the game we got. I can see the potential for a good game in here, I really can, a good starting point to lay the groundwork for a series going forward. But the end product is filled with so much tedious clunk and worthless optional game systems that it's a 4/10 from me. (and if these fucking crashes keep happening I'm lowering it to a 3.5)

Of course, this is me speaking very prematurely, I haven't been to a bunch of other locations yet. I wonder how the hell cowboys in space is going to have good worldbuilding. If the rest of the locations suck and character writing turns bad I will obviously backtrack on everything I've said here.

(just looked it up, Emil isn't the writer apparently, he's the design director.)
Hm. Cydonia's worldbuilding... Is not bad. Mining facility on Mars. Used to provide mats for Deimos to build warships, war's over so there is less demand, because of this the facility isn't worth upgrades and stuff so people are running basic equipment because of it. Because of budget cuts they had to cut certain other operations that would offer people without mining skills a place of work, now some people have fallen between the cracks and are essentially on welfare. Too poor to leave, not fit for work. They live in tiny cramped spaces because this isn't meant to be a "city", it is just a mining operation. You get your cubicle of living space and shower and toilets are communal. Kids born here are barely considered and have to make do with what time they can get in the cafeteria (when the grown ups aren't using it as a drinking space) and their schooling is done online. Both children living here are clearly bored, trying to make the most of it but you can tell by talking to them that they aren't happy at all. There is a bit of class schism between the "upper crusters" who don't know the meaning of hard work and the miners who slave away in the mine.

Honestly, it's not bad. The only problem is, again, it's pretty dry (to be fair, it is Mars). Not the most eventful of locations. Still, the worldbuilding in Cydonia is good. Could be better, but it's good.

I gotta wonder what is the use for all of the advanced robots in this game's lore when you still have space proletariat doing manual labor on an inhospitable environment. This is honestly a thing that bugged me with the Outer Worlds as well, the lack of industrial automation on such a highly futuristic world. But yeah, as far as Bethesda worldbuilding goes, this is actually kinda good.
Humans need food, water, oxygen and shelter to survive which is never going to be cheap on Mars (unless we terraformed it, but that doesn't seem to be the case on Starfield and realistically it's not happening on the next 1000 years). Robots on the other hand only need energy which would be easily available on a futuristic martian setting via solar power or fusion, theoretically they could even continuously self-replicate with the abundant iron-oxyde available on the planet's surface until they have completely strip mined the face of the whole thing (von Neumann wrote a whole book on the 60s just to prove that this was possible). Even here on current-day Earth where sustaining human life is cheap we are already walking towards automating much of human labor anyway, 300 years into a futuristic space setting using humans for menial labor would be extraordinarily unlikely and inefficient. There are good reasons why 99%+ of everything we send into space is unmanned, by definition maintaining human life outside our biosphere is highly expensive, so a space underclass is really never going to be a thing.
Humans need food, water, oxygen and shelter to survive which is never going to be cheap on Mars
Which they pay you for. And when some miner gets crushed by moon rocks, his replacement pays you for the privilege to breath recycled air. Because as they say, Life is Cheap.
I gotta wonder what is the use for all of the advanced robots in this game's lore when you still have space proletariat doing manual labor on an inhospitable environment. This is honestly a thing that bugged me with the Outer Worlds as well, the lack of industrial automation on such a highly futuristic world. But yeah, as far as Bethesda worldbuilding goes, this is actually kinda good.
There is a robot down there and it's broken, they don't have the funding to fix it.
I don't mind there not being robots everywhere. I'm sure there is a good argument to be made for why there ought to be robot automation but I mean, there's an argument to be made that aliens would not be humanoid, air wouldn't be breathable, microbes would kill us or we would kill everything by introducing microbes into the environment and so on and so on. You get too realistic and sensible and it creates a ton of limits that might not be the most fun. They wanted miners mining, I'm fine with that. My problem isn't with robots it would rather be with if the miners aren't mining in a sensible way.

A pinch of suspension of disbelief if you will.
I'm fine with it, it's not a dealbreaker to me.
Cydonia's fiiiiiiiiiiine.
Remember folks we aren't dealing with science here, we are working with SCIIIIEEEEENCE! Because if it were real science we would all be doing this in low G environments.
There is a robot down there and it's broken, they don't have the funding to fix it.
I don't mind there not being robots everywhere. I'm sure there is a good argument to be made for why there ought to be robot automation but I mean, there's an argument to be made that aliens would not be humanoid, air wouldn't be breathable, microbes would kill us or we would kill everything by introducing microbes into the environment and so on and so on. You get too realistic and sensible and it creates a ton of limits that might not be the most fun. They wanted miners mining, I'm fine with that. My problem isn't with robots it would rather be with if the miners aren't mining in a sensible way.

A pinch of suspension of disbelief if you will.
I'm fine with it, it's not a dealbreaker to me.
Cydonia's fiiiiiiiiiiine.

That's a slippery slope of sloppy writing leading straight to Little Lamplight. [/50% of sarcasm]

Remember folks we aren't dealing with science here, we are working with SCIIIIEEEEENCE! Because if it were real science we would all be doing this in low G environments.

Hulk-style jumps sound more fun than holding W all day and watching the run animation to be honest.
Well, I mean this is actually them slippery sloping 'upwards' on the quality scale. So I'm not sure the metaphor really works.