
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 35 60.3%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.1%

  • Total voters
It's typical design of so many games out there, for all the praise devs wanna blow up their own ass about how they've advanced this and advanced that I wonder if there is a single game where animals really react the way animals ought to do. Maybe a hunting game? But yeah exploring alien planets just turns into a shooting gallery. Gotta get that tiny bit of microreward exp somehow!

There have been quite a few that at least tried a midway compromise really, such as Horizon Zero Dawn and Subnautica. As for the ones that actually put a lot of effort that come to my mind there are Rain World and RDR 2.

Yknow how people keep going on and on about mods will fix it when it comes to Bethesda games? Has mods ever fixed a Bethesda game completely?
You know how these people will reply.
"titties fix everything, but titty horsedick futas fix it faster"

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Yknow how people keep going on and on about mods will fix it when it comes to Bethesda games? Has mods ever fixed a Bethesda game completely?
Nope. There are overhaul mods that try their hardest, but Bethesda's games are filled with so much gunk and crap that is pretty much impossible to try to fix every single problem with the game. If anything these mods tend to add as many problems as they fix like crashes and bugs.
Oh man that's some great dialogue! Upboats to the left fellow bethesdittors!


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So uh, in "build-a-ship" (gonna call it BAS) You can get these error messages if you have some form of a critical failure, one such thing is when a module (a part) isn't connected to something, like you left it to the side or whatever. Here's the problem... Sometimes... You just get that error. And you're like "what, but I didn't misplace anything, is it this last part that I moved cause let me just detach it and reattach it then". But nope. Doesn't work. So you have to sit there and manually detach and reattach EVERY SINGLE PART until the error message goes away. You'd think parts that are unattached to things would be highlighted in red but that's sensible game design and Bethesda is too avant garde for that.

BAS is an absolute fucking chore to deal with. The menus are awful, the details given to you are awful, the hab modules doesn't tell you at all what workstations they go so you gotta place one and chance it. Oh and here's a fun little thing, you'll be able to craft a small landing pad at your outpost. That landing pad is only for ships of certain lengths. If you exceed it, your ship will not be able to land on it and will land pretty far away from your base. Yknow what you need for a larger landing pad? You need to put perk points in outpost engineering that is a tier 3 perk which means you need to sink in at least like 7 or 8 perks into Tech first before you even get access to it. So better get accustomed to running around in a tiny ship cause a bigger ship is not worth the walking around.

Walking around sucks by the way.

The traveling system in this game is infuriatingly clunky. Hell the whole menu system is godawful. I gotta say, I think this worse than the pipboy menu's in Fallout 3 and 4 and you will spend A LOT of time in these menu's
So what's your prediction @Mr Fish ?
Do you think the game's reception is going to go continuously down the drain as time goes on? Or it'll remain the same, and even potentially improve in the near future?

I think it'll go down over time. You need to invest a lot of time into a Bethesda game to finish it and not everyone is a no-life like me so it's gonna take a while for a bunch of people to slowly realize how bad it is. But I don't think we'll see a massive decrease, we're talking about increments at this point.


Horny Mommy was really excited to give me a gift... A twig. I dunno how I'm supposed to read into this.
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I think this worse than the pipboy menu's in Fallout 3 and 4 and you will spend A LOT of time in these menu's
I think this menu was designed as some type of psy-op to see how far they can push somebody's brain into going through a myriad of menus before it snaps from it. Checking your mission is a what a 4 to 5 step process through multiple menus just to get to the mission screen. Is this how they pad the game's run time out? Spongy enemies and just make doing the simplest of things take a eon to accomplish? We should ask The Smartest Gamers ever if they have sussed this out yet.
Serious-Sam-tier mooks with 0 AI suicide charging the player and completely breaking immersion for anyone who even bothered to try and take the setting seriously aren't fun. I would rather prefer games with soulful intricate AI such as RainWorld thank you.

Design decisions like this I feel help dismantle a setting. In a full on action game it is okay, creatures just exist to be shot. In an RPG game you seek design a somewhat believable world even if parts of it clearly only make sense in a game. That would include any possible wildlife.
Even in open world survival games like Subnautica a lot of the animal life is passive or flees from you as you come over as a predator. Only some territorial animals would make a stand. They would outnumber predators and parasites.

I have not watched the video, but serious? Or just a joke.

I will have to go through your experience on playing Starfield before I can give you a response.
As Jesus Christ rose again so shall your companions in Bugthesda's Starfield. Amen.

Yeez, I just watched the video (I thought first it was a 'praise' video). Damn, that is stupidly bad programmed and the people who were responsible should be called to the office of the management and be addressed on this.

On your first playthrough post.

Marvel humor at the start.

Ugh. Self referential right? This is what most of the humor these days has been reduced to. Don't know what to comment on it other than that I am pretty done with it.

Character creator.
No sex, we're just body types again.
There is a serious lack of good looking feminine hair. Is this just a modern day thing? Do gen z's just have shit hair styles or something and they're appealing to the kiddies? Cause there is not a single good looking feminine hair.

Shows that I have been out of the loop for a while, its now 'body types'? Yeah not feeling that I have been missing out on the latest in character creator choices.
Same issues as with TOW. I don't know what the female hairstyles were in NV as I never made a female Courier. Anyway, more 'pushed choices', I bet mod makers are already working on a female hair pack. Wonder if the Nexus will allow it. If someone knows about an alternative for Nexus mods, please tell me.

Also, apparently it's your first day on the job or something and yet YOU are asked to go and touch precious scanning thingie that is massively important for this mining companies financial future. Why? A bunch of NPC miners basically tell you to fuck off because you're a newbie and unimportant and to leave them alone so why are you asked to go deal with this thing and why is your SUPERVISOR not coming along to SUPERVISE YOU?
Bad writing imo.

Definitely. I know it is common withing a lot of writing for RPGs and action-adventure games as they don't want to saddle the player with too much background about their character but it makes a good case why sometimes games should not have setup stories or very minimal ones. Can't tell you how this one could have been done better, I need to think about it.

In order to scan flora or fauna you need to scan the same type multiple times, that means that they took the generic scanning feature in NMS and made it worse by increasing the grind.

Why did they do this? Scanning mini games always tend to be one of the things that slow games down. "Scan 10 of X to get a full profile of X" is not enticing. Maybe only get basic information first, giving possible stat boosts until you put the sample in an advanced scanner or something to get more information.

By the way, I'm extremely bored with the game already and I have not seen a hook for the game yet.

Not being given any kind of hook within the first fifteen minutes of the game is not very good game design. Deus Ex for example immediately had you being sent into Liberty Island to take out a bunch of terrorists and capture their leader, the excuse of you being alone on this job is because your superiors want to see how well you do during a real job. In Fallout New Vegas the setup is very short and you can skip the tutorial if you are not in the mood for it and immediately leave town to chase after Benny or face Cobb and his crew.
Even if the designers wanted to introduce the hook later, they should at least make the setup part interesting on its own.

even things like forks which aren't used for anything.

Same shit as with Fallout 3 which FNV improved on by at least making the player able to use a lot of stuff that is not directly useful into raw material. Bethesda did not learn.
Ugh. Self referential right? This is what most of the humor these days has been reduced to. Don't know what to comment on it other than that I am pretty done with it.
Kinda, but I gotta say that I haven't seen much of it since, the game plays itself pretty seriously for the most part which... Makes the dry parts of Starfield even drier, dunno if that's a good thing.

Shows that I have been out of the loop for a while, its now 'body types'? Yeah not feeling that I have been missing out on the latest in character creator choices.
Same issues as with TOW. I don't know what the female hairstyles were in NV as I never made a female Courier. Anyway, more 'pushed choices', I bet mod makers are already working on a female hair pack. Wonder if the Nexus will allow it. If someone knows about an alternative for Nexus mods, please tell me.
The weird part is that a bunch of the hairstyles looks good on female NPC's I come across but in the character creator the hair styles all just looked bleh.
And yeah, we're not calling it man or woman anymore, it's now bodytype 1 and bodytype 2. Which is supposed to be inclusive to those who are trans (which doesn't make any sense, if you want your character to be FtM then just make a male character?) or those who think that the concept of "man" and "woman" when it comes to sex, not gender identity, is not a fact. I mean keep body type 1 and 2 but add in more body types than that. I wanna be Ricky Berwick.

Definitely. I know it is common withing a lot of writing for RPGs and action-adventure games as they don't want to saddle the player with too much background about their character but it makes a good case why sometimes games should not have setup stories or very minimal ones. Can't tell you how this one could have been done better, I need to think about it.
I would just have made her stressed out about various things and then a mechanical failure of something or someone getting hurt happens and she tells you to just go in and just mine like you just did a minute ago thinking nothing of it, showing that the mining operation is not exactly running smoothly and you, a newbie, is told by a stressed out supervisor who's being sloppy about their job because their thoughts are elsewhere to just basically busy yourself. And as you go in there you'd mine something that would 'look' like a normal bit of ore but when it cracked opens THEN the artifact appear and falls out and as you catch it in a slight cutscene with your hands BOOM vision, unconscious, wake up.

Not perfect but it's a better explanation.

Why did they do this? Scanning mini games always tend to be one of the things that slow games down. "Scan 10 of X to get a full profile of X" is not enticing. Maybe only get basic information first, giving possible stat boosts until you put the sample in an advanced scanner or something to get more information.
Oh I have further reports later on in the thread btw. You need to scan everything for full scan data on a planet so you can sell it and you have to scan flora and fauna like 8 times each but not only that, you also need to find special sites sometimes that appear as map markers on the compass and walk thousands of meters to get to them AND you have to land at multiple spots on the planet as not all fauna and/or flora are in the same zone.

It's horrible. :)

Not being given any kind of hook within the first fifteen minutes of the game is not very good game design. Deus Ex for example immediately had you being sent into Liberty Island to take out a bunch of terrorists and capture their leader, the excuse of you being alone on this job is because your superiors want to see how well you do during a real job. In Fallout New Vegas the setup is very short and you can skip the tutorial if you are not in the mood for it and immediately leave town to chase after Benny or face Cobb and his crew.
Even if the designers wanted to introduce the hook later, they should at least make the setup part interesting on its own.
Yeah I'm a bit further in with the story and I still don't care. Me and Dommy Mommy went off to find another artifact (and boy do companions suck something fierce) and after doing it and coming back we put the shiny thing with the other floaty shiny things and it makes it slightly more shiny thing. Wooooow. AREN'T YOU EXCITED!!! LET'S GO FIND MOOOOOOORE!!!!

And that's the hook.

I am not hooked.

Same shit as with Fallout 3 which FNV improved on by at least making the player able to use a lot of stuff that is not directly useful into raw material. Bethesda did not learn.
Weird thing is that FO4 did learn from it and made every single junk item something you could break down to its core components. But I mean, you kind of adjust your looting behavior as you play the game and start to suss out what shapes are junk and what shapes are useful so you can relatively quickly loot.


Anyway, I got a new thing to report people!

The dialogue system people have been praising for Starfield? Yeah it's just Fallout 3/4's chance based system with three tries now and NPC's go from :< to :> on a dime when you fail and succeed which together with the face animations looks ridiculous.

So yeah, no, it's not better. It's still shite.


77% on steam now ^^,


By the way, game features a new game+ that is set into the story with some changes in that new game but apparently... You don't get to keep anything. So all your ships, all your bases, all your outfits and weapons are apparently gone.

Somehow, I don't think I would ever do a new game+ in this game.
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You know I don't think anyone's brought this up yet, it actually deserves its own thread TBH, but for now we'll talk about it here. With the way Starfield has turned out, you guys think Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be dead on arrival? And actually be even WORSE than how Starfield turned out with it's quality?

I bought Starfield and have been playing it over the weekend. I've barely experienced any performance issues, but I've had some people tell me that they've had severe issues playing on a HDD, so I would not recommend that (minimum requirements say to use an SSD anyway).

I've noticed that the main quest is quite literally just a long chain of fetch quests that bring you to places where you'll actually do something interesting, so they've essentially sacrificied the main story for side quests which I honestly don't mind that much because the main quests in most Bethesda games are dogshit so at least this game brings me to the side quests I do for entertainment.

Finished the Freestar Rangers questline yesterday which was probably the most interesting thing I've done in the game so far. Neon has a really nice aesthetic to it, looks very similar to Cyberpunk except you can actually enter the buildings there instead of them just being pretty exterior objects.

Invested a bit into settlement building today. From what I've seen so far, its an improvement from Fallout 4, as in Fallout 4 settlement building was just a gimmick to make Preston Garvey happy in exchange for soul draining resource gathering, but in Starfield, all you have to do is find a planet with resources, plant an extractor down, and then send the resources back to your main outpost. Haven't done much past this due to a lack of perks, so the jury is still out on how gimmicky this actually is.

They've also changed how outposts share resources. In Fallout 4, you'd point and click on the Pip-Boy and instantly every settlement would share resources which doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. They've gone out of their way to make it so you have to make cargo pads at each of your outposts and link them together. You then select which resources you want to transfer, and a ship will come and collect them and take them to the receiving outpost. Getting this actually setup was a bit time consuming, but at least they've tried something different that feels less cheaty. Although take it as you will on how annoying you think this may be.

Surveying a planet for all of its resources actually improves the output quantity of every extractor built at an outpost on that planet, but I haven't actually seen any other uses for this so I'd only recommend doing it for a planet where you're building an outpost on that is actively extracting resources.

I haven't done much past this yet as I haven't got the relevant perks required. I think this is Bethesda's attempt at focusing character builds rather than just making an OP Jack-of-all-trades character, however saying this I haven't seen a need to invest in any combat skill par ballistic damage, so I'm not sure how well this works outside of outpost/ship management.
I'm just gonna leave this here:

I mean what I can say? It's the sad, bitter truth unfortunately when comes to these so called "fans" really paid & dumb downed shills is what they're.
Ok, I'mma try to not make this long. I'm someone who doesn't like to push story and like to zone out to gameplay oriented bits first especially to some podcasts so that's primarily what I've been doing but I gotta call it quits. See, the game can be absorbing when you are susceptible to busywork in games but that doesn't mean it is good and it most certainly doesn't make it fun. The game is a slog. It's a chore. It's full of so much busywork and delay and tedious design and jesus CHRIST all the fucking WALKING sucks the sloppiest of Tijuana donkey dick.

So, I need to force myself to stop and focus entirely on the story instead. Not the sidequests. But the main story.

I don't really have much else to report on the gameplay side of things that I haven't already said. Everything's clunky, everything's locked behind a stupid perk, it's all micro-rewards and nothing feels worthwhile. Starting to see dungeons repeat now as well.

Oh and by the way, creatures are pretty much never part of a dungeon or anything. The most you'll get is a Terramorph. It's all spaceraiders, they might sometimes have different voice lines but it is just the same space raiders all the time. No mirelurks, no ghouls, no frost trolls or giant spiders. Just spacedudes with shit weapons.

God this game is so fucking boring.

I'm going to try and just power through ONE faction storyline and then do the main story but after that I'm done. And honestly, I don't know if I can keep this up to finish those two either. The game is soulsucking.