
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 35 60.3%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.1%

  • Total voters
Space travel is the most far fetched BS we delude ourselves with. Jump gates ? Inter-galactic travel ? We are fucking light years away from the reality. So whether we play Starfield, Starcraft or X galaxies just enjoy it captain lol
" We're lookin for life, we're lookin for life. We're lookin for life............" DLC 1 will be terraforming semi dead planets. Grow tonnes of Jackfruit and sell to faux Jamaican jerks
Build a home and watch robots attack over and over and over and over and over and over and over...
Was it expected (by anyone) not to be just Oblivion in space?

That's the extent of what they do; FO3 was just Oblivion in the retro 50's.
Was it expected (by anyone) not to be just Oblivion in space?

That's the extent of what they do; FO3 was just Oblivion in the retro 50's.
I recreated a meme I saw.

This is basically how it seems to be viewed by the two sides.
To some people that it's "Oblivion in space" is a total downer but to others that it's "Oblivion in space" is amazing.
Everyone is expecting Oblivion in space, the difference is that for some that's bad and for others that's worth creaming your pants over.
Why does it have to be Fallout that Bethesda makes the testbed for their shitty decisions? Out of all IPs they own why did it need to be the RPG franchise least inclined to have a voiced protagonist and 4 option only dialogue wheel that they felt absolutely needed to be inserted? It’s almost like they sabotage Fallout in order to make their original IPs look better in comparison. Or maybe it’s because they know they can do quite literally anything to Fallout and people will vehemently defend them.

What could possibly be so different about Starfield that they decided to actually think for a zeptosecond and walk back from a voiced protagonist that they couldn’t spare for Fallout of all fucking franchises?
What's infuriating about starfield is that you can't criticize this game without being called a "pony". Because anyone who doesn't like the the latest thing is just Sony fanboy.