Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

The final map was finished today, so after 10 years Mutants Rising is completely mapped. I have gone over all of the maps carefully over the last few weeks fine tuning and fixing little issues with the maps, much of it was building new artworks to fix problems I left for last. I've cleaned out some unnecessary clutter, but the maps are still more detailed than Fallout 1 or Fallout 2. One element I spend a lot of time on was the night lighting for each location, all town maps look much better at night than the original F1/F2 game maps. The lighting engine is very primitive so many of the interior walls required individual lighting for each section, it was very time consuming but enhances the atmosphere of each location greatly IMO.

So will the game ever be released? I can't say...we need to finish about 320 scripts, when that's done the game will be released. Now as an incentive I'm going to show every map in the game with a description of each place. We need help to finish the game, so I'm going to advertise the entire game in the hope the modders that post here might be willing to help finish the scripting of the game. So over the next few weeks I'll be screen grabbing every location and uploading the images in seperate spoiler brackets, all up there will be about 150+ images.

I've reached the point where I don't really care anymore, I can't do anything more to complete the game, scripting isn't something I'm capable of so it's up to the Fallout comunity if the game will ever be released. For players that don't want the game to be spoiled, I recommend you don't open the spoilers, everything will be shown, including hidden areas that players won't be able to initially see and are opened though gameplay. With the location descriptions and images the players will have all of the fundamental information covering Mutants Rising, so be aware, but the devil is in the detail, and the game has a lot of amazing details.

I will open a new thread for this and load each town one at a time. I will probably reduce the image sizes to 50% of actual size, just to save loading time. I'll post the same thread over at RPG Codex, hopefully it will build enough interest to finish the game. I've been told we only need to finish 320 scripts...is that a lot? :P


Description: Elko is a small, isolated town founded by the Chosen One some 20 years before the game starts. Elko's population is made up from the survivors of Vault 13 (now turned wastelanders), Arroyo tribals and various people who settled in town over the years. This is the very first town of the mod.

Technical information: After the mutant attack, Elko disappears from map, and instead - Destroyed Elko appears (the same trick as with Arroyo in Fallout 2);

Sub-locations: Elko Vault, Destroyed Elko, Shufflestop;

Expected level of the PC on arriving at the location: Lvl 1 in Elko, Lvl 2 in Elko Vault and Destroyed Elko, Lvl 3 in Shufflestop.

XP: About 6000 XP it total (Elko: 2000-2500 XP, Elko Vault: ~250 XP, Destroyed Elko: 200-400 XP, Shufflestop: ~3000 XP)

Number of marked quests: 16 (Elko: 12, Elko Vault: 2, Shufflestop: 2)

Notable events in the main plot: A supermutant army attacks the town on the first day of your adventure; Cassidy suffers a heart attack on arriving in the Elko Vault and is in critical condition afterwards; You receive the three main quests from Daniel Feng;

Notable equipment: Sharpened spear (Elko), Radio (Elko, Elko Vault), Zip-Gun (Shufflestop, Baxter), Flare Launcher (Shufflestop),

CNPCs: Cassidy (temp), Baxter (perm), Luigi Santiago (temp)

Enemies: rats, giant ants, silver geckos, small radscorpions, Matatu (no armor), pig rats, mole rat Ben, Ishmael (no armor), Luigi Santiago (leather jacket)

Karma titles: none;

Talking heads: Cassidy;
Hats of for all the work you and your fellow MR rising have done all over these years. I am hopeful it will gets released one day. Also I feel you made a good choice on sharing the maps for publicity. surly it will get more attention like this. for myself I wont be touching the spoiler tags ;) Hopefully the Dex show some support too!
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I've reached the point where I don't really care anymore, I can't do anything more to complete the game, scripting isn't something I'm capable of so it's up to the Fallout comunity if the game will ever be released. For players that don't want the game to be spoiled, I recommend you don't open the spoilers, everything will be shown, including hidden areas that players won't be able to initially see and are opened though gameplay. With the location descriptions and images the players will have all of the fundamental information covering Mutants Rising, so be aware, but the devil is in the detail, and the game has a lot of amazing details.
Are the dialogs and lines spelled out? I would take a small change to implement. I must say that I do not know English well. But I studied the scripts a little while working at home. I make builds in Russia.
The dialogs are complete, the maps complete, the quests and story are complete, the artwork is mostly complete...there are 11 locations, I would say 6 are completely scripted (playable), the other 5 are in different states of completion - from 80% to 0% - the final location hasn't been touched. A place like Vegas has 6 maps and 18 elevations, close to 30 quests, and 100 critters doing their thing. Ardent spent months scripting it, but it's still not finished. The place has about 170 scripts, and it's only 50% complete. I'm not trying to hide the reality that there's a lot of scripting required to finish the game, people might ask 'is it worth my time' - well I'll show you what we have (the world we made) and then people can decide for themselves, that's all I can do - I'm basically advertising for help.

We have a Mutants Rising Discord server - https://discord.com/channels/662168370564694047/662168370564694053
A place like Vegas has 6 maps and 18 elevations, close to 30 quests, and 100 critters doing their thing. Ardent spent months scripting it, but it's still not finished. The place has about 170 scripts, and it's only 50% complete.

How long will it take to finish the scripting? Can you give me an estimate?
The place has about 170 scripts, and it's only 50% complete. I'm not trying to hide the reality that there's a lot of scripting required to finish the game, people might ask 'is it worth my time' - well I'll show you what we have (the world we made) and then people can decide for themselves, that's all I can do - I'm basically advertising for help.
You must upload all the files that are in the network, otherwise it will lie for an indefinite number of years, or send me in private (if you do not want to put it in public access for everyone) so that I can take a look at your big creation in what state are the current scripts and dialogs there.
I would do this if it was entirely in Russian, (including the design documents). that is, your finished texts of dialogues will have to be translated into Russian by third translators, after which I will be able to make scripts...
Unless of course I get tired of it :)

It is very important to see how you have implemented the construction of scripts. For example, in Sonore, a very convenient method is chosen (templates), which takes little time and effort to write scripts.
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We use TortoiseSVN to upload our work and add or subtract from the current build. Obviously anyone assisting will have to be trusted to use the software and not abuse the trust. I'm messaging Ardent to get you the password for the server, from there you can download the build - currently it's 4.01 GB, but much of that is working files that won't be used.