Submarine Mod

Awesome work Continuum!

If it wasn't for damn RL, I would be implementing these sub frms into the game as we speak. It won't be until the end of the coming week that I get a chance to even look at these babies.

Thanks again. Looking forward to see the interior frms as well!
killap said:
Looking forward to see the interior frms as well!
Now I'm taking 4-5 days break from doing anything related to subbie... all this retarded and annoying work which must be done to put everything to game... :tired: :violent:

Demonslayer said:
I wish i had Continuum skills to make every single of my fallouty dreams come true.
Skillz, skillz, skillz... you don't need to have ANY magic skills if you want to make something for Fallout.
Continuum said:
Demonslayer said:
I wish i had Continuum skills to make every single of my fallouty dreams come true.
Skillz, skillz, skillz... you don't need to have ANY magic skills if you want to make something for Fallout.

Yip, just start doing it, everything else will come automaticly (it's named "learning process" :mrgreen: )


Kudos - looks great :)

btw - do you cut the scenery by hand (e.g. with PS) or do use a script?
chewie said:
btw - do you cut the scenery by hand (e.g. with PS) or do use a script?
Yes, I'm doing everything manually. I know there's some script for tile making and I think Karel (from BGE) has posted some script for cutting and adjusting scenery pieces, but I never tried that.

Anyway, cutting into the pieces isn't a problem. Most of the work is going into adjusting Frames Offset, since I must match everything with hexes inside the game. I can't afford for any random adjustments. For example critter's feet could be hanging in the air (sub's sail).

When you'll look at that Where and what image helper I made (for someone who'll be doing a map), you'll see from where cutting/adjustments has started.

Also, I must adjust Frames Offset (pieces close to the player) to prevent that utter broken highlight feature. That red/blocking hex must be at least three hexes away from the point where player may stand.
Idea's for the sub:

A flooded reactor room (to cool off the reactor from overload, special power armor maybe) with power control, shut off power to the torpedo tubes to enable safe passage to enclave

Sub not being visible from san fran dock, have it on new 'open water' map

Unused retina scanner on san fran dock to be used to open a hatch and get down to a boat which you take to the sub

Part of sub destroyed with high pockets of radiation.

Special air lock doors that can only have one door open at a time

Quest from Hubologists: Sink the sub by opening ballast tanks

Quest to gain access to sub: Kill gang a that terrorizes the fishermen

Quest from the Shi: Guide the Sub to san fran dock so they can strip it of technology (torpedos, fuel, machinery etc)

Quest to destroy Enclave support struts: Do all the quests for the Shi then tell them to sail to the enclave and fire at the struts once called by radio (high INT and Accepted town reputation required)

Just ideas to be shared :D
@ Lexx
Just a joke because i am curious for further information.
I know that´s this sub is getting to nowhere but i am hoping to see it in RP soon... :mrgreen:
I'm doing a command room thing:

I hope it's looking retro/unrealistic enough. I'm running out of ideas how to make it looking good. I'm not a maniac, I'm not even a fan, I don't even like this whole retro shit, and because of that I always got a lot of problems with how to make things looking retro like.

Of course each scenery inside will get shitload of meters/clocks/whatever. And forget about large talking and thinking computers retarded thing.

Of course each computer/machinery/whatever will be unique to avoid typical OMFG! I already saw this somewhere! Fallout experience.

I already asked how many accessible things you want to have inside, but I didn't get any answer, so be it. I'll decide on my own :ugly:

Now, the most importing thing (and reason of my post): is the current size enough (of command room)? I remind you: you won't be able to insert anything because I want/I like/whatever to make some room longer for example - you'll be forced to do everything in the same way as I'm doing (because every piece of scenery is unique) otherwise you'll get a shitty shit. Silence = acceptation of course.

And of course between both rooms (command and torpedo) should be some place for the crew and some machinery. Behind command room should be a place for officers and captain, but at this moment not I'm planning to make this or anything else which isn't required. As I said somewhere, in this thread: I'll upload geometry of hull, so hopefully someone else will do it.
*sigh* on noone replying to you.
I aint the one replying you either on the command room size, as i aint the modder that will be working on it for my mod, so i guess that someone should try to work with you on that rather than no one showing some interest on this project. I really want to see it ingame.

Would be easy to know the space needed by planing the "what's going to happen" inside the sub, quests, items in there and whatesoever but seems you're the only one putting effort on this.
Oh, I am intensely interested in this project and it WILL see the light of day in the Restoration Project. I've just been too damn busy to sit down and fully devote time to this. It will happen soon enough though. Do know that I am following this thread.
Demonslayer said:
Would be easy to know the space needed by planing the "what's going to happen" inside the sub, quests, items in there and whatesoever but seems you're the only one putting effort on this.

Look back in this thread. I created an entire design doc months ago for the story of the sub, layout of the sub, every room, items, quests and characters. :roll:

The problem is not no-one answering Contie but conflicting opinions in how the Sub quest should be designed. But as i said earlier in this thread: Contie is putting most of the hard work into this project so i guess it should be his design decisions .....
To the bridge of the submarine: Maybe it would fit if it would look a bit like the cockpit from the very first Star Trek/ Enterprise stuff? I wanted to post this already days ago, but I couldn't find any good images so I wanted to do this later and then... well, I forgot about it because nobody else posted something. : o
(not that Contie delets everything again. Heh.)

The last screen looks already pretty cool in my opinion.
Josan12 said:
The problem is not no-one answering Contie but conflicting opinions in how the Sub quest should be designed.
Nah, I don't care anymore what story/quests/whatever you'll implement there. You can even insert talking plants/animals/computers, ghosts, shitoad of references to movies/books or even magic, orcs, goblins, bad ass dragons who are raping poor princess and cool knights who are saving them from dragon's slavery. I don't care.

That's why I'm only doing what is necessary. No additional stuff 8-)

Also, the only reason I'm doing the art is that interior is going to be really unique (and custom art based only) and you'll not find anything similar anywhere.

Anyway, since there's a silence (which means acceptation ;)), command room isn't going to be longer (earlier I asked about the same in case of torpedo room ;)). I added a locker there, so you'll be able to put something into it. Also, subbie will get its own tiles.
Not that I think that this rusty bucket could ever float but fuck it looks good... Keep it up people, keep it up!
I'm fucking crazy! :D

Scenery (3 pieces):




Final composition (everything is working as it should/as I wanted - no overlapping):


This is going to be one of the best/unique/crazy/complex art EVAH! But it will costs shitload of time...


Here's how interior is looking at this moment (it's not finished yet):

In-game things are temporary. I want to have all this stupid retarded annoying time consuming cutting/adjusting done. Later, basing on layered PSD, I'll replace everything.