Dec 4, 2005 #61 C chewie Look, Ma! Two Heads! I can't believe it... this guy really lost something... Selling a db with adresses - how stupid. Terms of protecting privacy are still there and valid! Dear Glowbewohner, thats one step too far.
I can't believe it... this guy really lost something... Selling a db with adresses - how stupid. Terms of protecting privacy are still there and valid! Dear Glowbewohner, thats one step too far.
Dec 8, 2005 #62 Y Yuma Flats First time out of the vault There is nothing to do Your right! But I think we can live with it... @all the others: Does someone knows the mail adress of the host from
There is nothing to do Your right! But I think we can live with it... @all the others: Does someone knows the mail adress of the host from