
Yes, thinks sometimes. The WHOLE active Community has turned against Glowbewohner. This also has reasons. He has killed smt, nobody else.
I always liked the - even when they suported this ultrabuggy and boring THE FALL-game.

It was still a very good an interesting homepage for Fallout-Fans.

So its really sad that this site has closed.

I also strongly disagree with the Glowbewohner-statement that the FO-community is dead. There is still one dwarf in Moria... ermm... I mean as long as there are still some FO-fans there who create such things like Mods the community is still alive and thankful.

I guess we can rule out some guy registering multiple accounts to post here, otherwise the admins would have noticed by now.

So that leaves two options: Glowbewohner is lying or everyone went Ides of March on him without any wrongdoing on his side.

The horrible written accent of some of my comrades aside, I'd rather believe the majority in this case than the self-proclaimed martyr who can only come up with something along the lines of "you suck" in defense of his actions.

Whatever the events leading to the current situation, is dead -- all parties agree on that.

Whether it CAN be reborn by the former administration minus the guy who declared it dead is another thing.
If you guys DO bring it back, I wish you good luck.
Projekt said:
Instead of trying to calm the situation down or just ignore it like every admin does he began to flame.
Every admin does that? Really? Damn. I must've missed that memo.

*Grabs his own box of popcorn and starts lobbing it Briosafreak*
Hello dear NMA team an NMA users,

at 1st, sry 4 my bad english! ;-)

Well, I was a new user,
joined in the middle of october this year.

In this very short time i met new and very nice peoples from SMT(
In NEW threads and chat or PM.
And this "DEAD" community (what Glowbewoner said...)
are a lot of peoples!...

Here, I try to remember that "dead" peoples from this site that i met (don´t forget, I was a new user!):
Zitrusfrucht, Mr. Tom, F0lem, SteWoBo, Chiefchen, Der Dude, Human Grund, Callahan, Wolf Hagen,
FEV-Infizierter, Max Loechte, Projekt, Son, Burm em, Aun Shi, Pir@te 85, MadMax85, Punck Drawn,
Hellspawn, Vastin, Aides, Demon Knight, sergantkanus, Akaryah, The Supporter, Joe-Joe,
Verdammter, celtic, junfun, Xerxes, Glowbewohner...

Well, 4 sure, I can´t remember all that I met,
I don´t have a super-brain...^^ but this is the list from people
that I can still remember!!

So I have one question at U Glowbewohner:
can u tell me where that "dead community" is/was ?!?!?
In under 45 days I can remember sooooo much peoples,
that I saw online, and saw them posting something and many more.
So... "dead community" is the BIGGEST BULLSHIT I ever heard!!

Glowbewohner... why U don´t had the balls 2 say what is fact:
"I don´t like SMT no more,
I´m f**king bored with that site, I want 2 leave this project,
and do something else, can someone else do my work?"

Damn... no... U better destroy all that work...
and it wasn´t your site...
U said in an admin meeting "I´m SMT, and SMT is me, so if U have a problem with me, U have it also with SMT...
Vastin (one of the admins) said: "Ure not SMT, SMT is the community" and that´s right!
SMT WAS the community, and not a madman who play "god"...
Whitout that community SMT would have never a chance in that two years 2 get so much respect from other international fallout fan sites like NMA or DAC!!

Others like Projekt, Mr. Tom (and many many more!!!)
build that site with Glowbewohner, they worked on many projects.
And all the peoples where his friends! But in his eyes their were nothing more than simply animals.
That´s really poor, and it is a shame what happend, and all that reasons (that Glowbewohner said) are a shame and lyings too.

At last to U Glowbewohner... thank U for building that site,
and spending more than two years on it,
4 that U get my really my respect, I hope U see that it was a big mistake what U finally did with the site.
So... I wish U good luck in your "new real life"...


Well, SMT is dead... but not the community!

and we, the community...

..."WE WILL RISE FROM THE ASHES OF SMT!!!!" <---- sentence by Aides (EX-SMT admin)

... and the new page will be much better than the old SMT,
because we have a fantastic team, that lives in a great friendship!

thank´s 4 read my text, sry for my bad english again, ;-)
and good night everybody!
oh sharcc, can u see the taers in my eyes, that was sooooo beautiul ^^

but sharc is right, smt was not dead, OVER 30 active users IS NOT DEAD
Somehow I got no respect for Germans who use "4", "2" or "u" and excuse it with being bad at English.

German doesn't use numerals as words and German doesn't have a form of "you" that consists of a single letter word -- in fact I can't think of one single letter word that appears in everyday German.

Now with Dutch I can understand using "u" out of a habbit (it's the Dutch equivalent of "you" anyway), but even then it's a matter of disrespect to stick to foreign words and expect everyone to know them.

Laziness has little to do with bad language proficiency. Sentences start with a capital letter in Gemran too, punctuation is a feature of most languages in existence and I'm not aware of any school teaching the use of numbers as letters or words.

Another guy from SMT!!! :lol:

I agree with the things posted before und hope that glow will post here again!!! It seems to be the only way to hear his sight of the things ,because he is not responding to any of my contact- tries!!!

Well the bottom line is that we are already working to build up a new site wthout him, which will be bigger and better!!! (i really hope so!!! :wink: )

Now some words to Ashom:

Although I´m not a Mod or Admin here I got to say something to your last post!!!!

It seems that the topic is not interesting to you so don´t post here!!! Somehow I got no respect to users that appraise (or judge) a post like a teacher would do!!! So please say something to the topic or stay away from the keyboard.

PS: A PM would have been a better way!!!!
Whoa. In which part of Germany is it customary to finish sentences with three exclamation marks?
Aides said:
Somehow I got no respect to users that appraise (or judge) a post like a teacher would do!!! So please say something to the topic or stay away from the keyboard.

We do at NMA, generally, stay away from typing like the typical AOL chatroom. It makes it easier for people of any mothertongue to understand what is written. It also makes it far easier to search what is on the forum. Just to explain things a bit. :D
In my part!!! :lol:

No this is one of my foibles!!! The guys from SMT can tell you that this is normal in my posts!!!
Ausir said:
It might be typical in your posts, but it sure as hell isn't normal :).

you're somewhat right dude... :lol:

and please, nobody from ex-smt post anymore here in this thread.
everyone should know now. so it's time to get things started. use creativity and time to push the german fallout thing. we'll let you NMA-guys know when there's something new.

with kind regards,
@ ashmo...
1st: if you really means that you got no respect from germans who writte like me, you´re a moron... because not the "writting style" is important, the contents of a text is important!

2nd: I´m not a German, I life in Germany many years, and I´m glad about that! (if it´s interessting for you: I came from Poland/Lublin)
But that´s no reason... if I´m a Dutch, Italian, German or whatever...

3rd: I never used "U", "4" or something like that in the school,
I use it here because it´s faster, I also never writte "rolling on the flor and laughing"... or I never writte *smile* I use this: :)
and I see no difference in it... but when an admin say to me "stop that!" ok... but your not an admin...
Everyone got his/her own style... and I think, that this must be accepted... -.-

4th: I got an oncle and cousins who life in Toronto (Canada),
and from them I have all that "U, 2, 4, ya, Y and many more"...

5th: please don´t spam here, nobody is interessted if you respect
that "U, lol, 2" or something else, Aides said the rest, and with
my writting style i don´t wanted to hurt or attack somebody -.- omg!

------> So peoples... :notworthy: PLEASE, go back TO topic!... <-----

And :sorry: that I used that very bad and for non-english people not normal "U´s" and "2", "4",... clear the rest in PM and not here please!


greetinX ya gr8 white Sharcc! (*-*)/)
Sharcc said:
@ ashmo...
1st: if you really means that you got no respect from germans who writte like me, you´re a moron... because not the "writting style" is important, the contents of a text is important!

Please don't mistake "style" for "regard to elementary rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar", I beg of you. It's the very content of the post that you managed to distort by using such ridiculous shortcuts.

Sharcc said:
2nd: I´m not a German, I life in Germany many years, and I´m glad about that! (if it´s interessting for you: I came from Poland/Lublin)

Thanks for sharing that. Now I may rebuke you without pissing off Bund der Vertriebenen or anything. Don't you be giving my compatriots a bad name! ;)

No matter where you live or where you came from, it doesn't lift your obligation to write in the most perfect English you are able to in this forum.

Sharcc said:
I use it here because it´s faster, I also never writte "rolling on the flor and laughing"... or I never writte *smile* I use this: :)

FYI, there's a difference between useful abbreviations and moronspeek.

Sharcc said:
and I see no difference in it... but when an admin say to me "stop that!" ok... but your not an admin...

Well, I am. Although I doubt I'd ever become one had I not wiritten in god English.

Sharcc said:
Everyone got his/her own style... and I think, that this must be accepted... -.-

Every forum's got its rules.

Sharcc said:
5th: please don´t spam here, nobody is interessted if you respect
that "U, lol, 2" (...) PLEASE, go back TO topic!... <-----

Actually, we are. A rebuke to you will serve as a warning for others.

Sharcc said:
1st: if you really means that you got no respect from germans who writte like me, you´re a moron... because not the "writting style" is important, the contents of a text is important!
Funny you should say that, because whenever I spot stupid acronyms and abbrevations in someone's post, I ignore the entire content and move on to reading something more legible.
Hey guys, don't get p*ssed just because of a grammar-language-conflict between a User from here and two Users from us which felt affronted :roll: . There are greater issues we should care about (and this topic is much more important) than the using (or better saying not-using ;) ) of "u" and "4".

Well, Fact is we are going to build a new supermutant and when we'll have some infos about the new site we will inform you. :)