Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

Well, Freespace is already a first person perspective game featuring lots of shooting :D
Well then let's make it a tb iso tactic puzzle game. For the justice!

No surprise that the new Syndicate becomes a shooter. Really. It's kind of the current Zeitgeist.
Hassknecht said:
Well, Freespace is already a first person perspective game featuring lots of shooting :D

Yes but now it'll be an "immersive cinematic first person experience" where you never actually end up piloting a spaceship at all. Also it takes place during an alternate world war 2 timeline where USA is the only surviving country trying to take down the axis after they defeated all of europe.
Maybe it's because I haven't heard of syndicate until today. But I'm positive. It might be good
I never played the game(s), but looking at screenshots it looks like something I might enjoy (the old games I mean). Fuck "reboots", it doesn't make the old games worse.

You can bet your ass Baldur's Gate and Planescape are next.

Maybe BG, but I doubt anyone who wants to make the big $$$ will touch the Planescape Module. The setting is just too alien and "confusing" instead of generic highfantasy crap, a lot of people would be inclined to say "wtf is this lol I won't buy".
There was a time when people said Fallout was too niche because of its post apocalyptic alternate history 1950's vision of the future.
Surf Solar said:
I never played the game(s), but looking at screenshots it looks like something I might enjoy (the old games I mean).

Definitely give them a try, they both work well with DosBox, there also is a working port of Syndicate Wars made to work on modern OS. :)

These reboots seem so unnecessary. Why not just give your new FPS another title, it's not like they are doing old fans a favour with their crazy turn everything into a FPS antics. But what do I know..

Everything Syndicate (Wars):



I bet Crusader is next on the reboot list.

Mad Max RW said:
You can bet your ass Baldur's Gate and Planescape are next.
[youtube][/youtube] :| [/spoiler:51c05daf4d]
Eternal said:


The guy in that thread with the Egyptian statue avatar is so whinny.

Why do nerds get like that? It's just a game don't lose sleep over it.
Sabirah said:
Eternal said:


The guy in that thread with the Egyptian statue avatar is so whinny.

Why do nerds get like that? It's just a game don't lose sleep over it.

If it's "just a game" for you, why are you registred on this forum, one dedicated to fandom of another game then?
Surf Solar said:
Sabirah said:
Eternal said:


The guy in that thread with the Egyptian statue avatar is so whinny.

Why do nerds get like that? It's just a game don't lose sleep over it.

If it's "just a game" for you, why are you registred on this forum, one dedicated to fandom of another game then?

Because I enjoy the game.

But if the next Fallout was Fallout: murdering Sabirah while buring a mosque and was a God of war clone I wouldn't get all mad. I'd just go back to playing what I enjoy
Hmmm, Syndicate, starbreeze? Wierd!
These guys made The Darkness which was pretty good, and Assault on Dark Athena which was quite generic. But it's kinda surprising that they are making a Syndicate game. Well, it's bad sign for all those Syndicate fans. I never played any of the Syndicate games.

Makenshi said:
Arcanum FPS reboot, YAY! :lol:
I will commit suicide if that happens someday!
An FPS about a distopian future cyberpunk setting where you equip your augemented agent with items and weapons. Truely it hath never been done before.
Also it truely is a reimagining of Syndicate, not a single trenchcoat or crowded street to be seen in those pictures, two things that are iconic to the franchise. Looks like a sequel to Invisible War.
Ugh. Conflicting emotions here.

I love Starbreeze. Their work with Riddick and especially The Darkness was very very impressive. I'd wager that The Darkness is probably on my top three list of best console only games for this generation. It tells a great emotional story and it's moody as hell. Gameplay is a bit typical but good Lord that story sucked me in.

While I've never played Syndicate Wars, I also know how it felt when both Fallout and X-Com where announced as "kewl" first person shooters. It nearly broke my wee little heart. X-Com was particularly devastating. At least Bethesda tried to keep the illusion of an RPG; X-Com pretty much was screwed from the start. God I hate when good developers are put on bad titles. I should of expected this though. Starbreeze is pretty much the bitch of any publisher that owned them.