Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

ZeusComplex said:
I love Starbreeze. Their work with Riddick and especially The Darkness was very very impressive. I'd wager that The Darkness is probably on my top three list of best console only games for this generation. It tells a great emotional story and it's moody as hell. Gameplay is a bit typical but good Lord that story sucked me in.

I also loved all the little side quests you could do in The Darkness. I also liked the collectables and all those funny phone calls. I wonder How The Darkness II will be. That and Prey 2 are two games I am really looking forward too.



What a load of wank.

Look, it's not complex. If you don't want to make a game that plays like the franchise always has, then why are you making a game under that title? Just make a new shooter franchise.
Brother None said:
What a load of wank.

Look, it's not complex. If you don't want to make a game that plays like the franchise always has, then why are you making a game under that title? Just make a new shooter franchise.

I will be honest, I loved Syndicate + American Revolt to death. The game is huge and friggin' good to play.
I didn't liked Syndicate Wars too much, but the game had a context and didn't deviated from the frenchise.

I have nothing against First Person View, iD knows how to put this type of perspective to work to the fullest.
The problem looking at the screens...well, it looks just another shooter.
You know, those Doom clones or Quake clones or CoD clones or C&C clones that appeared from time to time because the success of these games? Or even better, if you substitute the name for FEAR4, nobody would ever know.
That's what the new Syndicate looks.

What a shame. :(
brfritos said:
I have nothing against First Person View, iD knows how to put this type of perspective to work to the fullest
Neither do we. Neither do we.

But that is not even the point if it is decent or not.

You can make the best car in the world. But it cant replace a great bicycle. Because I use both for a different reason. But I sure don't have to explain that it is about the experience. Not the look.
Player will probably start out as a member of the "evil" Eurocorp, experience something horrible, sees the error of his ways, removes his chip and joins the resistance in order to take down Eurocorp and the crazy Church of the new Epoch.


My god.



Alphadrop said:
Also it truely is a reimagining of Syndicate, not a single trenchcoat or crowded street to be seen in those pictures, two things that are iconic to the franchise.

Day 1 trenchcoat DLC maybe?
Agree with BN here. But maybe it's too hard for people to come up with anything new these days? Since new is so risky when the markets are going to hell?
It's easier to get funding for an established franchise name. They can do something entirely new but most publishers won't take the risk.
Damn it!
If it had been done like syndicate wars with bigger maps and with modern graphics it could have sold well in todays markets, at least i think so. Having squad in GTA style one big sandbox city with different areas to control and different factions in isometric view could have been quite neat.
Mutoes said:
Damn it!
If it had been done like syndicate wars with bigger maps and with modern graphics it could have sold well in todays markets, at least i think so. Having squad in GTA style one big sandbox city with different areas to control and different factions in isometric view could have been quite neat.

But according to rumor it is going to be like GTA. Just not Isometric.

I dunno about you guys but a GTA type game set in a River Of Gods Style setting sounds awesome to me
ZeusComplex said:
I love Starbreeze. Their work with Riddick and especially The Darkness was very very impressive. I'd wager that The Darkness is probably on my top three list of best console only games for this generation. It tells a great emotional story and it's moody as hell. Gameplay is a bit typical but good Lord that story sucked me in.

As far as I've heard, that Starbreeze is no more. Most of the old employees are gone.
I like how EA's response was basically, 'well now you get to experience the universe from a cool perspective now'

Geez, maybe the universe wasn't fun because I was living in it, maybe it was fun because I got to fuck around like a God.
Back in my 3DO phase I was a HUGE fan of this series. There were very few games that I always felt were untouchable. Well:

Fallout - raped
Shadowrun (Genesis)- murdered then raped
Syndicate - raped
Diablo - sexually assaulted at the very least

Planescape, Flashback and Arcanum, you better remain very very quiet.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
maximaz said:
Planescape, Flashback and Arcanum, you better remain very very quiet.

Flashback was already raped by its sequel.

I haven't even played that one cause it looked so different but I hear it's not too bad if you can get past the old 3D.
maximaz said:
Back in my 3DO phase I was a HUGE fan of this series. There were very few games that I always felt were untouchable. Well:

Fallout - raped
Shadowrun (Genesis)- murdered then raped
Syndicate - raped
Diablo - sexually assaulted at the very least

Planescape, Flashback and Arcanum, you better remain very very quiet.

I'm sorry to hear that a bad sequels somehow destroys your original copies.