Volunteers (Of America)
Volunteers (Of America)
Jefferson Airplane said:
Look what's happening out in the streets
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Hey I'm dancing down the streets
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Ain't it amazing all the people I meet
Got a revolution Got to revolution
One generation got old
One generation got sold
This generation got no destination to hold
Pick up the cry
Hey now it's time for you and me
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Come on now we're marching to the sea
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Who will take it from you
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of America
Oh boy, another populist movement.
Good to see any status quo get a reality check.
Interesting how it may be blind siding the present Democratic Coalition,
and may successfully deconstruct the transitory nominal majority of the reigning status quo.
Sad to see behind some of the pawns to the big players pulling strings, as they pretend to be leading / not leading the mass dissatisfaction.
Americans are pissed and our provocateurs are naming the cause of the day. Both sides pointing at the other's status quo!
Federal government verses crony corporate governance. Big WWF Smack Down, more bread and circuses for Pax Americium.
What a great break from Octo-mom and Brittany Spears!
This grass roots movement is real enough that self anointed canvassers have shaken down my work place.
Funny how 2 of 3 of the vocal revolutionaries here are not the best workers,
one games the system and does as little as necessary, a true working class hero,
one is dead weight, carry them from task to task,
and one is a parasite, an emotional vampire,
right, the best recruiting stock for politicians at any level of organization.
But, hey, if their work ethic didn't pull down the productivity, doing less with more, I wouldn't have had the opportunity for this union job!
About the time I realized I was being politically interviewed, that it was another "white man test" (are you the 'right' kind of 'white' test)
like one has had to, still do to, endure in the south / north white working class environs,
then I was more demonstratively pissed off then this COMMISSAR, (commissar may have a Stalinist fit, but the creepy totalitarian tag applies to any 'opinion groomer'),
My rant about all media being corporate manipulators -- chain pullers and dream merchants --
well maybe I won't be the first against the wall when 'the revolution comes'.
Maybe I get to be the horse in this brave new Animal Farm, get to die in the traces ...
is that a step up from freezing in the dark, or just another lateral promotion?
Am not plugged into am radio --> "hate radio", just righteously pissed off at all our glorious demagogues, selling opinions and misdirection as "TROooo Fact (tm)".
Yet I can see this grass roots movement has found a stick to beat the establishment with ... in some ways it's the circus American politics deserves...
an emotional hissy fit against posturing politicians.
Soon that self appointed COMMISSAR will be bus riding with a cadre of ORGANIZED protesters,
will be riding to some town hall meeting that allows in the general public,
(our local congress person does telephone and web meetings ...)
so they may be driving through your town, riding in the night, right now. Mo' freedom riders, or ghost horsemen of the confederacy, you decide.
'Cause some folks just can't stop fighting that ol' Civil War ...