Terrorist attack on French satirical magazine

Guys, there is no assimilation. That is a buzzword. There are people that grow up in a culture and there are people that simply exist next to it. How old is Chinatown by now? Have they been successfully assimilated? There are a hell lot of foreign cultures inside nations which happen to exist right next to the culture of the host country.

In Germany you can go to a place occupied by Japanese people, where you can buy in Japanese shops, visit Japanese restaurants, get your hair cut by Japanese hairdressers and planing your Japanese holiday with a Japanese tourist Agency and drink your Japanese beer at a Japanese pub on a Japanese cracker-barrel.

And you can do all of this without talking one word German.

What does this even mean, they have to integrate themself, assume the cultural idenity of their host country. What a bullshit. Sorry. Does a nation even have something like an identity? So when you live in Texas, become a Texan, walk like a Texan, talk like a Texan and think like a Texan have you accepted the US identy? Is your Washington suburbian citizen representative of the culture as whole?

There are no troublesome immigrants, groups or identities.

Why don't we simply call those people what they are? Idiots. Criminals. Nutjobs.

And those exist everywhere, regardless if they are Muslims imigrating from Syria or a Criminal from New York whos family has a 300 year history in the US.

How the hell are you gonna live next to people who are so blind that they think their way of life must apply everywhere they go and everyone should play by their rules?

The same thing you do with the members of KKK. Or the most hated family in America.

are there pictures of IRA attacks with bible verses or mottos spray painted or something?

when the IRA was attacking the british were they shouting religious epitaphs?

i am genuinely curious as i do not recall seeing that.

Are you serious about this? One could even argue that this Irish/British conflict goes even back to the politics of Henry VIII and the Church of England.
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are there pictures of IRA attacks with bible verses or mottos spray painted or something?

when the IRA was attacking the british were they shouting religious epitaphs?

i am genuinely curious as i do not recall seeing that.

Are you serious about this? One could even argue that this Irish/British conflict goes even back to the politics of Henry VIII and the Church of England.

The IRA is a bad example, because the Irish were actually persecuted in their own country for being Catholic. The problem with the terrorist that killed these journalists is that they're the ones doing the invading, they fight against the rights of people that call that country their homeland.
see, that is the issue with terrorism though. Terrorists for some, freedomfighters for others. I am sure if you ask the other side of loyalists they will paint a different picture about the IRA.

Though, there is no doubt about it that the IRA was a very extremistic group. But what happens with the IRA is that there is a real effort to show the diversity in the conflict here. Between both groups. Something that rarely if ever happens with terrorism in Islam. Most people don't even know what the difference is between the HAMAS and ISIS, and why many of them hate each other as much as they hate us.

Also, this killing of 12 people as tragic and horrific as it is is hardly an invasion. It is fair to say that France is not on the brink of colapse.

Like I said. Crazy people exist everywhere. Fight extremism. Not islam or cultures.
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The funny thing is: you're right. But the entire religion is not being criticized. The violent content of their writings, and the masses that condone and spread those messages are the problem. Do you see buddhists commiting suicide attacks in Tibet? Whilst they too have been opressed, and suffered under military occupation and many other terrible things.
Every religion has issues with violent extremists. Every single one. As do secular societies -- see Anders Breivik, or random school shooters. For Buddhism, see the ongoing Thai civil war -- a bloody conflict where some Buddhists have called for brutal violence against the Muslim minority. Or tibet, where violent uprisings have happened, and self-immolation is a common protest. Or look to Japan, where Buddhism was often married to Shintoism and used to justify its militarism. For Judaism, see Israels's extreme right. For Christianity, see the IRA, or Joseph Kony's army, or the role some churches played in the Rwandan genocide, or the murder of Bosnian Muslims by largely Christian Bosnian Serbs. For Hinduism, see the India-Pakistan conflict and fairly common instances of violence against Muslims in India.

Muslims as a whole are not really any more violent than any other religious group -- like any other group, they are simply people, with all the good and bad that applies. The reason Europe is focused on Islam is not that it represents some special evil or a specific threat to Western society. It is that there's a significant Muslim minority that has come to the West relatively recently, and people see them as foreign, as strange, and hence as dangerous.

All this rhetoric about inherently violent people who are loyal to their religion and not the state, who will dominate the local populace by having more kids, who will overthrow the local government to instate their own religious rules if given half the chance? You can find exact replicas of it used against Catholics in the second half of the nineteenth century in protestant European countries (including the Netherlands), in the UK, and in the USA. You can find exactly the same rhetoric about Jews in the early twentieth century (with the exception of the being outbred thing). Islam's just the latest religious minority to be feared, and unfortunately a few extremist actions have reinforced that 'danger' in people's minds, and have created an atmosphere of Islamophobia that has allowed truly scary political parties like UKIP, PVV, FN and others to accumulate popularity. And yes, those parties are genuinely scary -- the rhetoric about a war on European culture, the fear-mongering about Islam, the posturing about immigration and deporting Muslims, about the inherent violence and criminality of entire groups of people -- that sort of thing leads to mass violence.

Despite the fact that the deadliest terrorist attack in the past ten years was carried out by Anders Breivik. The Netherlands is filled with Islamophobic assholes, and we've had all of one death due to Muslim terrorism since, well, ever for as far as I know. Meanwhile, some dumbass killed seven people by driving his car into a royal parade, a left extremist assassinated a politician, and a psychopath killed seven in a mass shooting in a shopping mall, all in the past fifteen years. But Muslims are the real threat, right?

If you want to know what this Islamophobic rhetoric leads to, start reading comments on news articles about anything remotely related to Islam -- I'd suggest sites using Facebook as a commenting system, so you can see ordinary people with their entire lives in the open spout the most hateful rhetoric imaginable, all under their own names. Burn mosques! Kick every Muslim out of the country! The level of anti-Islamic sentiment is genuinely dangerous.

Akratus said:
Another thing: Where do you think the repression of non-believers and women in a great amount of muslim countries originates from?
Your phrasing is hilariously leading -- plenty of Muslim countries are not especially repressive. Regardless, oppression of women and non-believers is pretty much a constant in most (religious) societies. This oppressive culture that is not inherent to the religion, as is demonstrated by the hundreds of millions of Muslims who do just fine whilst not being especially oppressive of women. It is a function of culture, which can change without the religion changing. Women's rights are an issue everywhere in the world, but, say, Indonesia (the largest Muslim country in the world) is not particularly worse than, say, Russia, or Japan, or many majority Christian countries.

TheWesDude said:
and from what i understand the order for those sweedish things

unknown people firebombed empty mosques
unknown people firebombed christian churches and jewish synogouges when people were present
Did not happen. I'd suggest finding a new source of news, you keep coming up with bullshit on every single topic.

Nas92 said:
The IRA is a bad example, because the Irish were actually persecuted in their own country for being Catholic. The problem with the terrorist that killed these journalists is that they're the ones doing the invading, they fight against the rights of people that call that country their homeland.
I'm fairly sure the dead people are not any less dead because their murderers happened to be local. Also calling Muslims "invaders" is generally nonsense. Also they're probably justifying it as terrorist attacks to defend their own religion from oppression, too.

Nas92 said:
Today's tolerant view does not allow room for assimilation, which I find extremely strange. How the hell are you gonna live next to people who are so blind that they think their way of life must apply everywhere they go and everyone should play by their rules? These people need to get a good hard wake up call, but then you'd have a few well-intentioned fools crying about how they're people too.
This is not a muslim problem, this is about every single problematic minority group. They don't even have to be immigrants, gypsies are rarely immigrants and they are one of the biggest, most problematic people ever. But that's another topic entirely.
You shame your The Wire avatar. Jesus fuck what a bunch of racist horseshit. You're actually arguing that "these people" do not deserve to be treated as people.
Kinda like how the Germans had a big fear about immigrants from Poland in the 19th century where 10 thousands of workers immigrated to Germany from Poland to work in the coal pits. Fucking horrorible jobs by the way. infact many apparently German families still have their roots in exactly those immigrants. It is funny how the exact same rhetoric used today with islamic immigrants was also used against the poles in 1850-1900. Destroying German culture, outbreding the German population and so on.

Hmm. Yeah. I totally see all of that today, after 150 years. Germany has really become a vassal to Poland. Tagz even overtook this board!
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You shame your The Wire avatar. Jesus fuck what a bunch of racist horseshit. You're actually arguing that "these people" do not deserve to be treated as people.
No, I'm saying they need to be treated as people. Meaning, they need to be punished properly for their crimes, and politicians, and academicians shouldn't be citing liberal bullshit so that the perpetrators can just get away scott free. Because, even if the law gets them, thanks to limp dicked Yuropoor law nothing will happen to them. Whatever sentence they get, they'll laugh it right the fuck off and the entire muslim community laughing with them. The least they should get is the death penalty, maybe even the collective shaming of the entire European muslim community. That sounds harsh, but that's the only way to deal with it in a humane manner. Because, my earlier point still stands - they take tolerance for weakness, or "western decadence" as they might call it, which will result in even more violent crimes. And I'm not saying it's anything have to do with them, it's human nature in general. Give your pinky finger, they take your arm.
thanks to limp dicked Yuropoor law nothing will happen to them. Whatever sentence they get, they'll laugh it right the fuck off and the entire muslim community laughing with them.

I think you are gravely mistaken, multiple murder charges, including the cold bloded execution of a wounded police officer, is bad news for them in Europe or in any other part of the world. I don't know if there is death penalty in France, but at the very least they'll never live another day in freedom.

The perpetrators (including intellectual actors) should be caught and sentenced. Outside that I wouldn't want to see this act justifying a new military intervention in another part of the world.
I think you are gravely mistaken, multiple murder charges, including the cold bloded execution of a wounded police officer, is bad news for them in Europe or in any other part of the world. I don't know if there is death penalty in France, but at the very least they'll never live another day in freedom.
Last I heard they made even true life sentence illegal. "waah they can repent!" I do know that capital punishment is outlawed most everywhere.
"No, I'm saying they need to be treated as people" [..] "maybe even the collective shaming of the entire European muslim community."

You're advocating treating an entire group of people as a lower class of people.

Nas92 said:
Because, my earlier point still stands - they take tolerance for weakness, or "western decadence" as they might call it, which will result in even more violent crimes. And I'm not saying it's anything have to do with them, it's human nature in general. Give your pinky finger, they take your arm.
Do you live in some fantasy world where greater oppression somehow leads to less resentment and violence? The issue isn't that Europe is too nice to Muslims. In fact, Europe has a widespread problem with hostility toward, hatred of and treating-as-second-class-citizens of Muslims.

The fact that you can spout this nonsense while sporting an avatar from The Wire -- a show about the violence and crime created by institutional oppression of groups of people -- is the greatest irony known to man.

Actually, the fact that you're willing to abandon all those virtues that these extremists are attacking just to punish them may be even more ironic.
Wikipedia said:
Abolition of the death penalty is a condition for EU membership.
And France was one of the founders of the EU.

BTW Crni Vuk, the coal mines Poles migrated to work in. They wouldn't happen to be Silesian, would they? Just asking.
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There are people that grow up in a culture and there are people that simply exist next to it. How old is Chinatown by now? Have they been successfully assimilated?
Oh good grief, this isn't about preserving your culture vs. assimilation, it's about murdering people because your feelings were hurt. If we can't have free speech to blaspheme religion and power, what's it's purpose? If your religion is incongruent with our rights to free speech, grow a pair.
There are people that grow up in a culture and there are people that simply exist next to it. How old is Chinatown by now? Have they been successfully assimilated?
Oh good grief, this isn't about preserving your culture vs. assimilation, it's about murdering people because your feelings were hurt. If we can't have free speech to blaspheme religion and power, what's it's purpose? If your religion is incongruent with our rights to free speech, grow a pair.
No one's defending the extremists, dude.
the murder of Bosnian Muslims by largely Christian Bosnian Serbs

I'm not even going to start on "largely Christian Bosnian Serbs" because it's a myth. They've been overrun by turks centuries ago.
It was more like largely Serbian turks killing Bosnian turks, not because religion, but only for profit.

Nas92 said:
The IRA is a bad example, because the Irish were actually persecuted in their own country for being Catholic. The problem with the terrorist that killed these journalists is that they're the ones doing the invading, they fight against the rights of people that call that country their homeland.
I'm fairly sure the dead people are not any less dead because their murderers happened to be local. Also calling Muslims "invaders" is generally nonsense. Also they're probably justifying it as terrorist attacks to defend their own religion from oppression, too.

There's a big fucking difference between defending your country and moving halfway across the planet to spill blood for the blood god.
I'm not even going to start on "largely Christian Bosnian Serbs" because it's a myth. They've been overrun by turks centuries ago.
It was more like largely Serbian turks killing Bosnian turks, not because religion, but only for profit.
Religions don't just disappear when a country is occupied by a different religious group. And whether or not it was "really" for profit -- there was certainly a religious characteristic to those murders: they specifically targeted Muslims.

1fps=warlock said:
There's a big fucking difference between defending your country and moving halfway across the planet to spill blood for the blood god.
The IRA sees it as defense of their country. Islamic terrorists see it as defense of their religion (and in many cases their country, as is the case in Palestine, or in Iraq, or in Nigeria). The fact that we're willing to seek nuance and understanding in cases like the IRA but see Muslim terrorism as one amorphous blob is indicative of the Islamophobic attitude we see everywhere these days. There's no willingness to treat Muslims as people, as human beings, as citizens, as people with complex motivations and cultures, just like everyone else.
"No, I'm saying they need to be treated as people" [..] "maybe even the collective shaming of the entire European muslim community."

You're advocating treating an entire group of people as a lower class of people.
Germans are still shamed for the Holocaust. Brits are still shamed for colonisation. That's what I mean by shaming: calling people out why they suck, telling them it's not individual fault, it's a problem with their culture. The more you say "you can't blame all muslims, this was done by extremists" the more this stuff continues to happen. Of course the line between rampant hatred and a healthy and strong critique can be very easily crossed, but if you don't try the critique route, sooner or later the people themselves will cross that line.

Do you live in some fantasy world where greater oppression somehow leads to less resentment and violence? The issue isn't that Europe is too nice to Muslims. In fact, Europe has a widespread problem with hostility toward, hatred of and treating-as-second-class-citizens of Muslims.
I live in world where not doing anything about crime leads to criminal elements becoming emboldened.

The fact that you can spout this nonsense while sporting an avatar from The Wire -- a show about the violence and crime created by institutional oppression of groups of people -- is the greatest irony known to man.
I guess The Wire is open to interpretation, but I've always interpreted as "when the police and the politicians only care about numbers and votes, crime gets out of hand" Throughout the show there were references to times when police officers didn't go for stats and didn't look out for XY political agenda, but actually cared about the people they were supposed to serve and protect, and it was portrayed as a paradise. Same with education, the older guys in the street were a lot smarter and more articulate than the new generation, since the new gen was taught the answers to state wide tests, instead of real shit. And if you look behind it all, it's all thanks to the application of tolerant, very nice sounding theories about equality, multi-culturalism and whatnot. As Rawls said "He who owes his good fortune to the numbers, abides in them."
Millions of Muslims in Europe have fuck-all to do with this shit, condemn it at every step, and shaming them is not only not going to do anything -- it already occurs. See all the Islamophobic nonsense we see everywhere. You can't be a Muslim in most of Europe and think the local population actually wants you there. You can't be a Muslim in most of Europe without knowing that a large part of the population thinks you're a terrorist. Hell, you can't get on a plane as a Muslim without being reminded of this fact. In what fantasy land have Muslims not been critiqued for the violent excesses of extremists for the past decades? Mosques and Muslim leaders constantly talk about the need to self-police, the need to stop radicalizing.

And, once again, you are de facto advocating treating around 44 million people as second-class citizens.

Also wow did you ever miss half of the text of The Wire. The Baltimore ghetto is not there because of tolerant policies, dude. Look up the history of black oppression in the United States. Hell, go look up the racist implementation and roots of the Drug War. That entire show is about institutional corruption and oppression.
To all this, has there been actual confirmation it was muslim fundamentalists yet? Or we are already assuming it? I'm actually asking because all I know so far is that they haven't been caught and the rumor that someone *herd* them say "allah is great", but no real testimony about it yet.
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Millions of Muslims in Europe have fuck-all to do with this shit, condemn it at every step, and shaming them is not only not going to do anything -- it already occurs. See all the Islamophobic nonsense we see everywhere. You can't be a Muslim in most of Europe and think the local population actually wants you there. You can't be a Muslim in most of Europe without knowing that a large part of the population thinks you're a terrorist. Hell, you can't get on a plane as a Muslim without being reminded of this fact. In what fantasy land have Muslims not been critiqued for the violent excesses of extremists for the past decades? Mosques and Muslim leaders constantly talk about the need to self-police, the need to stop radicalizing.

And, once again, you are de facto advocating treating around 44 million people as second-class citizens.

Also wow did you ever miss half of the text of The Wire. The Baltimore ghetto is not there because of tolerant policies, dude. Look up the history of black oppression in the United States. Hell, go look up the racist implementation and roots of the Drug War. That entire show is about institutional corruption and oppression.

"Dutch attack on Fallout satirical fansite."
To all this, has there been actual confirmation it was muslim fundamentalists yet? Or we are already assuming it? I'm actually asking because all I know so far is that they haven't been caught and the rumor that someone *herd* them say "allah is great", but no real testimony about it yet.
No... it was the christian fundementalists who saw that caricature of Jesus on the cross in their newspapers and got offended...
One consequence of all of this is that Charlie Hebdo is now being eulogized as a great institution, an important part of French satire and all that. But that ignores the fact that the magazine was ridiculously racist, and far from the equal opportunity offender it is now being portrayed as. This article explains (and shows) the point in depth, but it's not all that hard: all of their cartoons rely on crude, racist caricatures and routinely reinforce the islamophobic attitudes already present in French (and European) society. Depicting Boko Horam's sex slaves as welfare queens is probably the worst one, but there's a whole lot of virulently racist stuff in there.

Obviously they did not deserve to be violently attacked, let alone murdered. Obviously they had the legal right to publish those cartoons. Obviously that right should be protected, and we should do everything we can to protect that right. But equally obviously, we have the right to critique their comics and we should not start defending a racist institution simply because it's been attacked. We can condemn the attacks, call for the prosecution and punishment of the perpetrators, and at the same time condemn those cartoons. And we should be doing both.

To quote the same article:

Nobody should have been killed over those cartoons.
Fuck those cartoons.

To all this, has there been actual confirmation it was muslim fundamentalists yet? Or we are already assuming it? I'm actually asking because all I know so far is that they haven't been caught and the rumor that someone *herd* them say "allah is great", but no real testimony about it yet.
Authorities identified three apparent Muslims, yes.