This ghoul has seen it all

Of course, you can't make an itneresting story with normal people, of coruse not, you need to make convoluted stories and nonsensical retcons about AIs on the courrier's body and giant robots.
Bulero said:Is that supposed to be patronizing? You're cooing like a damn infant, grow up.Walpknut said:But dude, we need more ASUM and shit, we need a gang of SUPER Fiends, that want to blow up everything, and the COurrier should be a special little snowflake, INSTANT GRATIFICATION!
ODYSSEUS had dual personalities, and a cult of robots tried to enslave it. The AI was not a weapons platform, but it was capable of wielding them. Mankind had simultaneously created and enslaved God.
Given the prominence of Poseidon Energy's HELIOS 1 - the analogue of B.O.M.B. 001, with Presper as Elijah - and the Big Empty, ODYSSEUS is likely in the mix, and not just as a tip-of-the-hat name.
Sounds like Pokeman's more your style, unless you want to elaborate. Lonesome Road is the story's climax, so try harder.Ulysses being a rival courier with a grudge
No. I never said Courier 6 and Uly need AI dementia, to be interesting.Do they have to have robot AI in their brains to be interesting?
They're rivals, and he wants to kill you? Really? The question is why. So, no. Without a reason for his second coming, rivalry doesn't make a lot more sense. (There's rivalry in the split mind of ODYSSEUS, too. Just saying...)Having him just an ordinary rival that wants to kill you makes a lot more sense
Yes, because the Courier and Rasta Jesus are normal...Walpknut said:Of course, you can't make an itneresting story with normal people, of coruse not
I didn't submit a story. There's a long road of development, from idea to story.convoluted stories
Just wait, asshat. Odysseus ended the Trojan War with a deception, and he eluded Poseidon's wrath for 7 years.because you can only have a single antagonist secretely controlling everyone, people having motivations other than serving the whims of the Big Bad(s) is heresy
Courier said:Personally I think it's a case of mistaken identity, which would really add to the frontier feel. I don't see what the problem with having the Courier and Ulysses just being normal people is, why does everything have to be 'Awsum' or 'Epic' these days?
Walpknut said:Emm no, Fallout is not about Epic and awsum, at least not in the typical flahsy actiony way, what games have you been playing? Fallout 3 doesn't count.
Walpknut said:It turns out, it was your evil twin all along DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!
Wintermind said:Who is actually your father!
vakapyro06 said:AWWWW YEEEAAAHHHH