Still Mildly Glowing

The Mojave BoS is failing as it currently is. And Veronica can't be the only one who'd like to see them wise up and ditch their "Let's hoard all the Pre-War tech for ourselves!" mentality. She did everybody a favor by questioning their Codex. The assholes who wrote it are not infallible authorities. That considered, how long do you think it'll be before a Veronica 2.0 comes along and possibly stages a coup (assuming Veronica leaves and tries joining the Followers)? How long before even the Elder and Head Paladin see the error of their hoarding ways? How long before they throw the Codex out the window, even if it takes a coup to do it?
And that whole Chain That Binds? What an inefficient way to run a cadre of knights in power armor! If Hardin and an initiate were in the same room and the former wanted a coffee, he can't just directly ask that initiate to get him a coffee. The order has to go through the Paladins and others, flowing down the ranks to the lizard above that initiate. Remember part 2 of The Chain That Binds: Orders have to observe the flow and never skip ranks. That's a pretty lousy way of running an organization. That's probably part of what fucked them at HELIOS, and it'll fuck the BoS in the end if they keep doing business as usual.
And that whole Chain That Binds? What an inefficient way to run a cadre of knights in power armor! If Hardin and an initiate were in the same room and the former wanted a coffee, he can't just directly ask that initiate to get him a coffee. The order has to go through the Paladins and others, flowing down the ranks to the lizard above that initiate. Remember part 2 of The Chain That Binds: Orders have to observe the flow and never skip ranks. That's a pretty lousy way of running an organization. That's probably part of what fucked them at HELIOS, and it'll fuck the BoS in the end if they keep doing business as usual.