The Colony


eaten by a grue.
The Discovery Channel is going to be airing a program about a handful of survivors trying to rebuild society after almost all humans are destroyed by a plague. It's called The Colony.
That's cool.

I remember watching some show on the Discovery Channel about evolution after/without humanity, and apparently there will be giant one-legged snails hopping across the desert and squids that swing around on tree branches. Fuck the Discovery Channel, man.
DC said:
"For 10 weeks, a group of 10 volunteers, whose backgrounds and expertise represent a cross-section of modern society"

So they're not gonna pick up ten random assholes? Yeah... I guess it wouldn't be fun to watch them die... the first day, when they realize that they won't be able to check their e-mails anymore...

I guess it will be worth watching.
Way cool. I found the beginning of the trailer the bald person needed to re-evaluate his statement.

He had indicated in the event of a major disaster that our lives as we knew them would be changed. He went on to describe several scenarios. "human conflict, nuclear bombs, natural disasters, chemical and biological warfare."

Is it me or were all but one of those examples defined by the first...?
Maphusio said:
He went on to describe several scenarios. "human conflict, nuclear bombs, natural disasters, chemical and biological warfare."

Is it me or were all but one of those examples defined by the first...?

AFAIK only marsupials engage in chemical warfare. So no.
Leon said:
That's cool.

I remember watching some show on the Discovery Channel about evolution after/without humanity, and apparently there will be giant one-legged snails hopping across the desert and squids that swing around on tree branches. Fuck the Discovery Channel, man.

I do.

and the enormous Giant Land Squid that knocks over Red Wood Trees.
McRae said:
So they're not gonna pick up ten random assholes? Yeah... I guess it wouldn't be fun to watch them die... the first day, when they realize that they won't be able to check their e-mails anymore...
That's my qualm with the show's premise as well. Pick ten random goofballs off the streets of LA and half of them won't be able to find California on a map, much less survive a week without Taco Bell.
So, did anyone watch this show? Is it good, or do we have to face another piece of crap?
I caught the first ten minutes of the first episode, and turned it off. The only good thing is that it looks pretty good.

The team has a doctor, a nurse, three engineers, and a handyman. I'm sure the rest have specialties too, but I didn't stick around to find out, because it's already stupid. Next, they have everything stacked in their favor. They gave them a "home base" that is a huge empty warehouse full of useful materials. It's completely un-scavenged. Need some charcoal to filter the water? There are bags and bags of charcoal stacked out in the yard of the warehouse. What luck!

I gave up all hope when they tried to simulate an attack by a gang of marauders. Pathetic.
Starseeker said:
Survivor Man for the win.

I second the motion. I'd prefer to see a drama about rebuilding the world, then a simulated reality show. Ah the days when the waves wern't ruled by reality shows.
I thought it was cool. Sure they have a huge head start and no "REAL" threat - but watching them create a electric generator out of pallats of wood was pretty cool. Also the characters are pretty amusing themselves.
UniversalWolf said:
The team has a doctor, a nurse, three engineers, and a handyman. I'm sure the rest have specialties too, but I didn't stick around to find out, because it's already stupid. Next, they have everything stacked in their favor. They gave them a "home base" that is a huge empty warehouse full of useful materials. It's completely un-scavenged. Need some charcoal to filter the water? There are bags and bags of charcoal stacked out in the yard of the warehouse. What luck!
Sounds almost like the standart situation of any post apoc scenario doesnt it ? Well thank you for the commenst as now I have already loost the interest in the series saved me some time ;)
The show is shit. At least half of the people in it are actors. And bad actors at that. Every second is staged and totally nonsensical. The made up tension between people, crates of goodies that magically appear, the same boring setting inside a giant warehouse all the time, etc. etc.. Pass this one and watch something good like Survivorman.
On a similar note, a tv show about dudes on mars (defying gravity) has just aired its first two episodes.
I thought Discovery's show The Alaska Experiment was good. It was a reality show, but not like a reality show that we are all accustomed to. Basically there are like 10 people trying to survive in the Alaskan wilderness during the fall and winter, they are given basic hiking supplies and I believe they were given a certain amount of food (didn't see all the episodes, seemed that most of the time they were eating berries and stuff they found in the forest and old hunting cabins, and complaining they were hungry), and they had to hike to certain destinations every few days. Just regular people from all walks of life signed up for the show, there was no prize, no nothing, just bragging rights to say you survived.
well if those people all just want to "survive" why did they not joined the foreign legion. 5 years dutry in there. Now THATS some respect worth (well regarding the training)
Crni Vuk said:
well if those people all just want to "survive" why did they not joined the foreign legion. 5 years dutry in there. Now THATS some respect worth (well regarding the training)

Because its not on TV. :wink: