The Courier: Amnesia or what?

Everyone has bloody mess, all day, every day...
And insane stats.
Except for unnamed characters...
They all get low stats and reverse bloody mess... THEY always die in the most bloody way possible... Two unnamed characters fight? One will die horribly.
Two named characters fight? One will die horribly.
A named character fights 500 unnamed characters? 500 will explode into 100000 tiny bits.

That is how Japan works right?
Fallout India would end up being really racist like Slumdog Millionaire

Fallout Japan would be impossible to win because of Godzilla stomping around
What was racist about Slumdog Millionaire?
Should have used "Maybe" in the Fist of the North Star vid. Just sayin'.
Hmm.. An Asian character who goes around truly unarmed... That's an idea. Might want to improve fist damage via the Geck or something, taking a good minute to beat up people would be woefully un-Kenshiro like. Would take Wild Wasteland just to convince myself this isin't anything serious, just for the hell of it.

Oh, and we need Fallout Australia. That place is deadly enough as it is, I can't imagine how hellish it would be with the radiations making everything bigger and more agressive.
Ilosar said:
Oh, and we need Fallout Australia. That place is deadly enough as it is, I can't imagine how hellish it would be with the radiations making everything bigger and more agressive.

Mutated kangaroos, crocodiles, and box jellyfish? Yes, please!

But then...


Ilosar said:
Hmm.. An Asian character who goes around truly unarmed... That's an idea. Might want to improve fist damage via the Geck or something, taking a good minute to beat up people would be woefully un-Kenshiro like. Would take Wild Wasteland just to convince myself this isin't anything serious, just for the hell of it.

Oh, and we need Fallout Australia. That place is deadly enough as it is, I can't imagine how hellish it would be with the radiations making everything bigger and more agressive.
The Two-step goodbye is the perfect unarmed weapon to make all the FIst of the North Star Jokes you would ever want.
mobucks said:
What was racist about Slumdog Millionaire?

Except for Jamal and Latika every person in the movie who was Indian was portrayed as dirty and horrible.

That and now that that movie came out lots of white people think that all of India is a slum place, which while it does have slums it is getting a lot better every year.
Of course it's racist because they show non-whites with bad traits and show that a country has a a lot of slums....
Walpknut said:
Of course it's racist because they show non-whites with bad traits and show that a country has a a lot of slums....

Not all of India has slums. They didn't show one bit of the prosperous part
Isn't that sort of like complaining about a movie that focuses on the downtrodden poor of South Central L.A. because they didn't set any scenes in Beverly Hills?
Yamu said:
Isn't that sort of like complaining about a movie that focuses on the downtrodden poor of South Central L.A. because they didn't set any scenes in Beverly Hills?

Usually those movies will include at least a bit of the prosperous side.

Although TBH I'm more mad at people thinking my homeland is 100% slum all over the place and acting like Bharat is a third world country after seeing that movie. Its a good movie (one of my favorites actually) but has annoying fans.
The Two-step goodbye is the perfect unarmed weapon to make all the FIst of the North Star Jokes you would ever want.

True, they would be already dead... But I must find a way to obtain the effect without having to use puny weapons. And the effect would be Archimedes's laser for extra lulz. BRB GECK.

Oh, and Slumdog had prosperous bits IIRC. Mostly the Evil Rich Guy's villa, of course, but it had them. I don't find it any worse than any other Western movie taking place in poor districts. Now, fans will be fans, but it's not really the movie's fault people taking everything at face value. As I see it anyway.
This thread has clearly devolved from it's initial discussion but for those who are interested I have proof that the Courier has memories from before being shot in the head. During your first interaction with Bruce Isaac you have the option of saying (not exact words) "Oh yeah, now I remember you. You used to sing at the Shark's Club for Mr. Bishop back in New Reno." This seems to support the fact the Courier hails from the general area of FO1/2. (Shady Sands, New Reno, Redding, Vault City, Boneyard, ect.)
a_Psychonaut said:
This thread has clearly devolved from it's initial discussion but for those who are interested I have proof that the Courier has memories from before being shot in the head. During your first interaction with Bruce Isaac you have the option of saying (not exact words) "Oh yeah, now I remember you. You used to sing at the Shark's Club for Mr. Bishop back in New Reno." This seems to support the fact the Courier hails from the general area of FO1/2. (Shady Sands, New Reno, Redding, Vault City, Boneyard, ect.)

I always just assumed that the Courier's backstory placed him/her in Californian territory because that's what most players know of Fallout history.

In other words, the Courier's canon breadth of knowledge hews closely to what a player who played Fallouts 1 and 2 knows about the world.

This is also why, when the Courier goes around interviewing NPCs throughout the Mojave, s/he asks slightly different questions pertaining to the factions:

1) What do you think of the NCR?
2) Who are Caesar's Legion?

The Courier never really asks who the NCR are.
Your right, I would have made the same assumption if I had played FO 1/2 prior to NV. Since then I've play a ton of FOnline:2238 (FO 2 modded to include FO1 locals and to be an MMO) so I've since walked the California wastes.

Also, astute observation in regards to the factions. I'm interested in what a Ulysses has to say to a Legion Courier.
a_Psychonaut said:
Your right, I would have made the same assumption if I had played FO 1/2 prior to NV. Since then I've play a ton of FOnline:2238 (FO 2 modded to include FO1 locals and to be an MMO) so I've since walked the California wastes.

Also, astute observation in regards to the factions. I'm interested in what a Ulysses has to say to a Legion Courier.

Having never played a Legion Courier, nor having changed my faction in the console to test that, I can't answer that for sure, but I CAN say that, despite formerly being Legion, Ulysses has more or less tested the waters of the Legion, NCR, House and BoS and found them all wanting. Either way, he'll have his criticism of them.

Honest Hearts is how Ulysses, acting as Caesar's mouthpiece, got the White Legs to carry out the Legion's bidding, but they ended up worshiping him and not Caesar because they didn't care about history or philosophy, but only yearned for leadership.

Dead Money is Ulysses' disapproval of BoS' monomaniacal drive for technology at the cost of their own long-term health.

Old World Blues is Ulysses' mixed feelings about the pre-War American scientists' myopic worldview as contrasted with their intense love and yearning for the philosophy of the American Dream.

And Lonesome Road is his disapproval of both the NCR for being too unable to handle crises and the Legion for being a fascist cult that will "eat itself from within once it reaches the coast," coupled with an intense loathing for the Courier for blowing up a nascent community he believed had potential.

His flaw is that he continually wants to flip the reset switch every time he recognizes a flaw, and the only reason he cares about the town you blew up was because he hadn't the time to see it lose its 'innocence,' so to speak. As such, you always win the argument no matter who you support so long as you say that they have the potential for greatness despite their current flaws.[/spoiler:edc6063b0a]
a_Psychonaut said:
I'm interested in what a Ulysses has to say to a Legion Courier.

He says he still holds true to much of the Legion way of thinking, and he still bears a grudge against the Courier regardless. When he tells you that Caesar ordered him not to kill the Courier, he says more familiar things like "Legion does not kill Legion" (he'll say the opposite if the Courier and Ulysses come to blows at the end, however) and that he did not know the Courier was Legion until after he found out about the Chip, at which point he makes claims the Courier is a traitor to the Legion because the Courier was bringing the Chip to House instead of Caesar.

Mind you, the Courier probably didn't even know who Caesar is before he takes the job.

(Ulysses is not exactly the most logical or sane character)