I'm sorry.
It's just that,
We're sensitive people.
That's why when we get hit with a terrorist strike we invade a country and bomb the crap out of it.
and do the same to a country that had no part in the first attack
Just because it's there.
But that doesn't make us bad people, does it?
What, with a guy like George Bush as President?
But I better stop now because with this new Homeland Security, well I might just get-
(PS- Kharn these emoticons are fun!)
And yes, I would agree, any country that treats its criminals with a death penalty is something less than civilized. My point was that the Euros have this habit of feeling "holier than thou" and shouldn't. Don't get me wrong. I love Europe. I love the people, the women, the ability to sit outside and have wine and cheese, the topless beaches, the architecture, the history, the alps, etc.
My point was also that absence of a death penalty is not a sufficient condition, although it might be a necessary condition.
Wasn't it Foucault who said that you can measure the humanity of a society by the way it treats its least members?
I will accept that a person who commits an act of murder forfeits his right to be respected as a human being because his act mean that he has broken the rule that we should treat each other with humanity and basic dignity. A person who fails to recognize the basic humanity of another person, or recklessly robs another of that is no better than an animal, and as such perhaps deserves to be put down.
But for a society to put that person down means that the society itself has acted, that has made the basic decision to judge a living person on unredeemable and without human worth. Society itself abandons its obligation to treat all its citizens with basic humanity.
Regardless of the reasons or justifications for its actions, a society like a man, is judged not by their motivations but by their actions. Whether we believe that the economic costs of maintaining a murder in prison are not worth keeping, or if society has the right to feel revenge, that's not good enough.
I will accept that the reasons why some people kill is purely an individual decision, but in some cases (perhaps many cases) the reason why some people commit murder and others do not has to do with socio-economic structural conditions. Just like how the role of guns has a different role in different societies (oh no, no lets not turn this in a gun thread Gwydion) so to should we expect that people become murders, in some cases, to the circumstances in which they find themselves. While this doesn't excuse the person of guilt or fault, neither should that allow the society to escape without an sharing in the murderous event.