The FBI got mail about visits of “beings from other dimensions”

I guess when the logistics of intergalactic travel makes it unlikely that we will be visited by Aliens the only answer is Alternate dimensions.
Can someone get banned from linking the fucking Daily Mail? Not so far.

Hey I've got a great news item. I know I've been a little late to becoming an enlightened insider here, so I was reading the ol' Big Nugget from Moldova and it said Clinton actually entirely planned the murder of the ambassador to Libya, with Huma entirely in the know:

Put on your tinfoil-lined Trump hats (or if you're on the left I guess it's a Packers hat), get on Facebook. Post the best entirely legitimate news you've found folks. You've been watching history unfold... or unhistory unfold--however you see it.
Can someone get banned from linking the fucking Daily Mail? Not so far.

Hey I've got a great news item. I know I've been a little late to becoming an enlightened insider here, so I was reading the ol' Big Nugget from Moldova and it said Clinton actually entirely planned the murder of the ambassador to Libya, with Huma entirely in the know:

Put on your tinfoil-lined Trump hats (or if you're on the left I guess it's a Packers hat), get on Facebook. Post the best entirely legitimate news you've found folks. You've been watching history unfold... or unhistory unfold--however you see it.
Wow, the incoherent butthurt is leaking into other threads now.
Check the title sweetheart this isn't the Trump thread.
At least try to keep your rambling on topic.:ok:
pal i already splained to you there's no sudden butthurt. i knew he was going to be elected like other celebrity political mascots have been in the past.

my butthurt, which is longstanding, is that eugenics that could have prevented his election or gwb's, rob ford, or whohaveyou, never happened. you could say that i am not just pro-abortion, i see it in itself its own means to an end. i don't even see the religious right's mangled foetus posters as offensive, i think they should be a united humanity's flag.

At least try to keep your rambling on topic.:ok:
i am always on topic.
Is there a dimension with a hot female version of me? I wouldn't mind fucking myself tbh.