The Game

I remember everyone complaining and whining about the fact that they were gonna make fo3 in 3D when the first inverview rumors about fo3 appeared.....
"They can never get the FO athmosphere in a 3d engine" and "FO in 3D? will never work!"

right...... dont need to see much more than this to see that they were wrong.....

Interplay, interplay..... and I thought Lucasarts had stupid marketing strategies.....

we can only hope...........
ElPolloDiablo said:
"They can never get the FO athmosphere in a 3d engine" and "FO in 3D? will never work!"

right...... dont need to see much more than this to see that they were wrong.....

I haven't seen anything close to the detail in those screenshots as was seen in areas of Fallout like the Cathedral. In fact, those buildings don't look Art Deco Moderne at all. They have the vertical breaks, which is nice. However, where is the scuplted moldings like the faces on the sides of the buildings? Where's the streamlined rounded corners? Eh?

Here's what I'm talking about, taken from one of the Fallout design docs:


Those things are PRECISELY the atmosphere elements we were talking about, those that are hard to do in 3D.. So, where are they?
Saint_Proverbius said:
I haven't seen anything close to the detail in those screenshots as was seen in areas of Fallout like the Cathedral. In fact, those buildings don't look Art Deco Moderne at all. They have the vertical breaks, which is nice. However, where is the scuplted moldings like the faces on the sides of the buildings? Where's the streamlined rounded corners? Eh?

Here's what I'm talking about, taken from one of the Fallout design docs:


Those things are PRECISELY the atmosphere elements we were talking about, those that are hard to do in 3D.. So, where are they?

If you've read the devs comments on the pics you'd know that the textures on the buildings where place holders.
People are seeing doom3, halflife2 and still don't want to believe that 3d can look absoutely gorgeus? I call that stupidity.

Those screenshots are far from perfect but they are far from finished as well. But what they are promising should every 2d is better than 3d guy stfu.

Ps.: that pic you posted is no prob with, let's say, the doom3 engine. But I can't remember anything in fallout1+2 look like that anyway :P
Am I the only one in here that sat and played Fallout 1 & Fallout 2 (umpteenth million times each) and all I longed for was for it to be in 1st person and rid of the cumbersome and 'yank me out of the mood' TB play. Give me RT anytime. If you have twenty members of the Master's army or the Enclave on your ass... YOU ARE GOING TO DIE! Deal with it. I love nothing better than steeping into the arena or scenario, knowing I am facing overwhelming odds. LEARN BETTER TACTICS if you can't deal with RT. I wanted to see these worlds through the players' eyes, not some omnicient overhead view.
Legshot said:
I sure know what I'm talking about.
I was talking about your statements about Fallout and the TB vs RT, sure it CAN work.. But have you stopped to think about the amount of work involved in making it all work ?

And so far, no one has been able to make it work!! no one!
If you've read the devs comments on the pics you'd know that the textures on the buildings where place holders.

Saint read the threads before you talk about this things ok? It`s a demo, the ruined parts, the final geometry, posters and the rest isn`t there yet.

I`ll be away a few days.
Odin said:
And so far, no one has been able to make it work!! no one!
Heard of X-Com: Apocalypse? Worked fine there I seem to remember. I do however agree that it is hard to implement both, so I'll not oppose you on that. Just saying that it is possible.

And there are many fans of the game that find the TB to be tedious. Seem to remember polls about this on the BIS boards ended about 50/50 for RT versus TB, and the people that visit and vote on boards are usually only the most devoted of fans. The casual gamer, that pays as much for the game as the hardcore, don't usually go to boards I believe.
ok the rats are a little over discussed, but my final thought after reading thread after thread on it... maybe you don't need to change the AI, instead from the sheer AC of the power armor... cant you just ignore the rats? so even if they try to fight you, just keep walkin away and they won't really be botherin you much, you might kill them as you walk as someone said before which is fine, don't know if you should get experience from it or anything, but it would be nice to just be able to ignore them. i don't think you should flinch from their attacks either... eh im done w/ my rant.
...BIS boards... the people that visit and vote on boards are usually only the most devoted of fans...

Obviously, you did not ever visit the BIS boards, or if you had then you are in dire need of a clue.

The BIS forums were, not unlike the current IPLY boards, a core of stupidty.

Go look around the IPLY boards... See the suggestions "devoted fans" are submitting, and come back here.
Dan said:
The BIS forums were, not unlike the current IPLY boards, a core of stupidty.
Yup. And so are the NMA forums, the DAC forums, the Codex forums, the Something Awful forums, and pretty much every other forum on the internet.

You Fallout3 development guys should have taken game out the door with you and kept working on it despite interplay firing you all. should have been screw you we will finish :-P
Dan said:
Obviously, you did not ever visit the BIS boards, or if you had then you are in dire need of a clue.

The BIS forums were, not unlike the current IPLY boards, a core of stupidty.

Go look around the IPLY boards... See the suggestions "devoted fans" are submitting, and come back here.
I never said that the devoted fans are smart people. They are more like religious fanatics, and tend to block out logic. Not all of them mind you, but quite a few. And they sure are not making things better with their ranting, bashing and God knows what else on the BIS/IPLY boards. Not that it matters any longer, but it did once.

And go look around at the BIS boards? Last time I checked most of the people that post here also post there, and that seems to be the case now as well. Anyway, you mean those that do not post here then? And what ideas exactly are so stupid? Having RT with pause in Fallout?
Dan said:
...BIS boards... the people that visit and vote on boards are usually only the most devoted of fans...

Obviously, you did not ever visit the BIS boards, or if you had then you are in dire need of a clue.

The BIS forums were, not unlike the current IPLY boards, a core of stupidty.

Go look around the IPLY boards... See the suggestions "devoted fans" are submitting, and come back here.

It wasn't that bad. Not much different than here from what I've seen. The majority of people there hated the implications of adding real-time, multi-player, and all that crap to the game.
Re: why??

murdrax said:
You Fallout3 development guys should have taken game out the door with you and kept working on it despite interplay firing you all. should have been screw you we will finish :-P

Then they would have gotten a ass raping from Interplay. Interplay make sure you sign a IP contract first so that they own everything you make, that way you cant do something like that if you leave.
Saint_Proverbius said:
I haven't seen anything close to the detail in those screenshots as was seen in areas of Fallout like the Cathedral. In fact, those buildings don't look Art Deco Moderne at all. They have the vertical breaks, which is nice. However, where is the scuplted moldings like the faces on the sides of the buildings? Where's the streamlined rounded corners? Eh?

Here's what I'm talking about, taken from one of the Fallout design docs:

-image removed-

Those things are PRECISELY the atmosphere elements we were talking about, those that are hard to do in 3D.. So, where are they?
This takes me back. I remember having this discussion with you and a few others about art deco in 3d years ago on the old BIS forums. That was after F3 was cancelled too.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Have you seen the old 3d game Syndicate Wars? This is an old game now, but even back then it was incorporating interesting building styling and features into the 3d. And that was without acceleration too...
Briosafreak said:
If you've read the devs comments on the pics you'd know that the textures on the buildings where place holders.

Saint read the threads before you talk about this things ok? It`s a demo, the ruined parts, the final geometry, posters and the rest isn`t there yet.

I`ll be away a few days.

Saint just asked Tim if real-time was in ANYWAY involved in the project of Fallout, and he said NO. Stop looking back in threads for info and look at teh actual FACTS.

Legshot said:
Ps.: that pic you posted is no prob with, let's say, the doom3 engine. But I can't remember anything in fallout1+2 look like that anyway

Are they using the Doom 3 engine? No, Could they even afford to license it? Not a chance. Could they afford to make a game that only runs on high, high end machines like the Doom 3 engine? Highly doubtful.

That said, if you can't remember anything that looked like that in Fallout and Fallout 2, then you obviously need to go back and play those games for more than an hour or so. There's several locations in both games where this style is all over the place - including the two final zones in both games. That's a close up of something very close to one of those end locations.

Briosafreak said:
If you've read the devs comments on the pics you'd know that the textures on the buildings where place holders.

Saint read the threads before you talk about this things ok? It`s a demo, the ruined parts, the final geometry, posters and the rest isn`t there yet.

I`ll be away a few days.

A better idea would be for you to read the post I replied to, even the nice part I took the time to quote. He said the images posted showed the Fallout atmosphere. I rebutted that with a nice example of an image from the Fallout 1 docs.
He said the images posted showed the Fallout atmosphere. I rebutted that with a nice example of an image from the Fallout 1 docs.

Ok, are you guys fighting over personal opinion, based on only 2 unfinshed (not exactly almost done either) screenshots? Who knows if the rest of the game would be better or worse when finished. For the record, the photo saint posted was a finished product, as well as concept art. I don't think that is fair nessasarily, but I see what his point is.

Saint just asked Tim if real-time was in ANYWAY involved in the project of Fallout, and he said NO. Stop looking back in threads for info and look at teh actual FACTS.

As much as I would have loved to have 100% TB, FO isn't Tims game to make the calls on anymore. Its nice to have his opinion on certain things, but Tim Cain isn't a RPG god, not saying he isn't good, but he makes mistakes. Just look at his last few outings. If FO3 ended up being on par with those, you guys would have ripped it a new one. Just sooooo sick of Tim Cain being talked of as he can do no wrong.