The Game

That's opinion not a fact. Totally irrelevant to the topic... but thanks for poiting it out.. doesn't matter anyway...

other opinions like the ones the forum pros have get smaked down with a hell of a lot bad attitude..

No it’s a fact, new companies normally do well because their in touch with the fans. That’s why there aren’t many good old companies out there. EA, Interplay and Blizzard are the last few ones still remaining.
Legshot said:
LOL The fact that Fo1+2 are prerendred even helped me in my argumantion. But I didn't know that, that's true.

Uh...on the contrary it proved that people were using that method, which you were stuck up on for some time.

Feel better now, after assigning me that spammer rank? You know I aint one and you know what the words "power abuse" mean, huh?

Actually, it kind of went with the title and the avatar. I thought it was quite apropose.

Just because a developer says it could be done doesn't mean it could be done. It doesn't quite take a full physics degree to know what happens with two means of calculating and handling time representation. It apparently does take some experience with game design to understand how two combat modes in different time basis do not fit because of the inherent properties of both.

yeah blah blah.. you can always find something against it and why we just shouldn't believe anyone on the topic because you know it all... but you know what? I rather believe someone who's DOING it and SEEING who it turns out than someone who just thinks he knows it...

That is very funny. Too funnyy in fact that I jusrt accidentally banned your clueless ass. Sorry.

btw. that's not whining it's summing things up.. in fact, I couldn't care less because at the end of the day, do I really matter about your opinion or you about mine? no sir... :D

As those in Oz say, no worries. Problem taken care of.
Legshot said:
okay people so let's finish this off

I have no clue!

This much is clear.

Let's stick to TB because TB/RT cannot work even when an expierenced developer tells us so.

This has been tried by developers with much more experience than the ones we're talking about here, and they failed. There's a reason they failed - because TB and RT have a hell of a lot of differences.

I've even pointed out several problems with this due to the differences, including situations where you have to rig the AI not to respond as much to the player in real time where you can make them all respond to a combat situation in turn based.

You also have the trouble of balancing rules. Because turn based is sequential, you can do rules that rely on this such as the AoO in 3E D&D and all the feats and skills that are in place just to enhance and avoid this one rule. In real time, however, because everything is simultaneous and each animation for the attack is going on in real time as well, these things have to be limited.

The knockback effect from Fallout was dropped in Fallout Tactics because of the addition of real time combat. Why? Because you have to take the time for the guy to fly from where he was hit to where he stops sliding, and then gets up in real time. In turn based, you could knock an enemy across the map with a good hammer hit, but you don't have the luxury of the sequential timing that allows this in real time.

Hell, I could go on and on with the problems that having both introduces.

Let's stick to 2D because 3D can never have the same atmosphere as 2D even when we have screenshots which look pretty promising.

Yet they still don't demonstrate the atmosphere we've been talking about for the last five years.

LOL The fact that Fo1+2 are prerendred even helped me in my argumantion. But I didn't know that, that's true.

No, it only proved that you were a complete idiot. I can whip out a 3D model in a few minutes that you can't render in real time. It's really not that hard. That's why when you make models for 3D games, you have to make them with triangle polygons and you have to limit the amount of them. If you could read, you would have seen that I've already explained this once.

yeah blah blah.. you can always find something against it and why we just shouldn't believe anyone on the topic because you know it all... but you know what? I rather believe someone who's DOING it and SEEING who it turns out than someone who just thinks he knows it...

Especially when they can't back it up and are trying to sell you something?

There's also the matter of developers often saying something isn't possible, because they're trying to sell you something. The big example is that developers often say that you can't have visual clothing and items in 2D on a sprite, but then you have independent developers like the guys who made Siege of Avalon which has more layers of clothing, all visible on the sprite, than most 3D games.

If I may interject, I believe he was referring to how the Valve devs, at that point, were actually still fans themselves. They knew what people wanted, because they were some of the people who wanted it.
That's opinion not a fact. Totally irrelevant to the topic... but thanks for poiting it out.. doesn't matter anyway...

Actually, it is a fact. Most of the people at Valve when they made Half-Life were nothing more than Quake fans with deep pockets because fatass Gabe Newell used to work for MicroSoft.

The guys who made Counter Strike were just nothing more than fans who made a mod for Half-Life, now look at it.
Saint_Proverbius said:
I know it all and you know nothing

It's no point in arguing with you idiot, cause you're beating me with your endless experience in beeing a name calling asshole anyway ;)
No, the insults are just the amusing gravy he pours over your clueless ass, served well done in a heavy whine sauce of your own making.
Roshambo said:
No, the insults are just the amusing gravy he pours over your clueless ass, served well done in a heavy whine sauce of your own making.
You're pretty good with words. But your attitude is the other way round.

You didn't like me from the start because I had a different opinion than yours. Oh yeah you keep telling me that's it's because I have no clue but that's an excuse.
I've been a gamer for over 10 years and I've been a programmer for over 5 years now so you could think I'm not the average I believe in everything someone else tells me moron.

You have given me nearly no arguments and only dissing. You think that's fair? Of course you don't have to be fair as you're the admin ... but still it should at least make you think.

But I guess it's useless anyway. I mean where's the point in banning someone just because you don't like his opinion? I know there's no free speech on someone elses forum but you're taking this a little bit too far, don't you think?

Ahh well anyways... maybe you stop acting this way and start arguing (oh and stop the banning, please?)
Saint_Proverbius said:
No, it only proved that you were a complete idiot. I can whip out a 3D model in a few minutes that you can't render in real time. It's really not that hard. That's why when you make models for 3D games, you have to make them with triangle polygons and you have to limit the amount of them. If you could read, you would have seen that I've already explained this once.
Just because you can make heavily detailed models which no hardware can render in real time does not mean you can't make good looking 3d models that look equal to the ones used in fo1+2 which render in real time on todays hardware. THAT'S MY POINT.
dewellor said:
You didn't like me from the start because I had a different opinion than yours.

Not really. You see, I can tolerate people who have a differing opinion. When they try to expect me to swallow some incredible bullshit like you have, then it's all over.

[snip a whole load of bullshit]

Sorry, kid, but I can't believe your lie. Someone that clueless can't have been in any serious programming. What is it, kid? HTML? JavaScript? Some other little scripting language? Even a beginning programmer that knows how to synch and regulate clocking methods would have been quite familiar with how TB and RT would end up clashing.

Yet instead of really replying to anything, you went into whining about the insults. They are what is known as a Red Herring. You took the sniveling way out and whined about the insults as an escape from your cluelessness of the topic(s).

EDIT: You also need to take some geometry classes if you really can't understand Prov's point.

Ahh well anyways... maybe you stop acting this way and start arguing (oh and stop the banning, please?)

I have been arguing, you've just been using the insults as an excuse to whine and not bother to address any points, or you end up doing so half ass.
Roshambo said:
Not really. You see, I can tolerate people who have a differing opinion. When they try to expect me to swallow some incredible bullshit like you have, then it's all over.
What bullshit? And I didn't expect you to swallow anything. I was only stating my opinion and a normal, formal way. Look back in the thread ... i posted my opinion and you jumped on my like a cop on a criminal.

Sorry, kid, but I can't believe your lie. Someone that clueless can't have been in any serious programming. What is it, kid? HTML? JavaScript? Some other little scripting language?
No it's heavily C/C++, PHP and Java in the last time. If you don't believe me, ask me something.

Even a beginning programmer that knows how to synch and regulate clocking methods would have been quite familiar with how TB and RT would end up clashing.
I never doubted they would clash. Even the devs said it's hard to get them along together. ALL i say is that it's NOT undoable. Of course it's not the same as with fo1+2 because that's pretty impossible, but we should have given the devs a chance to proove it's working out. That's all.

Yet instead of really replying to anything, you went into whining about the insults. They are what is known as a Red Herring. You took the sniveling way out and whined about the insults as an escape from your cluelessness of the topic(s).
I wasn't whining. I was only trying to keep it formal.

I have been arguing, you've just been using the insults as an excuse to whine and not bother to address any points, or you end up doing so half ass.
Yeah you have been arguing a little, that's what I wrote. But there was more cursing than good arguments and that's not a good form of debating. You said it yourself, we're here to debate but debating based on cursing can'T work out man.
Vaulty25 said:
What bullshit? And I didn't expect you to swallow anything. I was only stating my opinion and a normal, formal way. Look back in the thread ... i posted my opinion and you jumped on my like a cop on a criminal.

It was mainly because you've done nothing but post clueless crap and try to waffle out of it every time. Then you'll persistently, like a few others, wholly focus on the insults and use that excuse to avoid answering or spend more time whining about it than making sure you're not looking like a complete imbecile.

I believe insults are a good litmus test of a debate. If you can't keep your cool in a heated debate and need to resort to using them as an excuse to not reply, then it really speaks volumes of your "point". When you keep going back to the excuses, then your worth in a discussion is pointless, after that it puts your presence on the forum in question as well.
Sometimes it's just better to tell an idiot that he's being an idiot, because reason never works on them anyway.

Ain't that right, Legshot, you idiot!
it's no surprise that here, where the source of his 'intraweb faymooseness' is, where his star was born, that rash is a flaming feces flinger as well. seeing as how i'll most likely not be able to reduce you to a wimpering pile of fanboi as i have on others boards, before you'll fascistly ban me, i'll try to keep it more civil here. granted, you yourself choose to use this forum as a whetting stone to keen up your childish insults then ban anyone who chooses to stand up for themselves, so i will be tempted to once again drive your expletive filled tagents into the ground. please forgive me in advance for making you cry and embarrassing you...

ha, good fun!

lick the brahmin nuts, rash.
Ah, Mr Asshat goes to troll on this forum as well.

No chance.

Also, might I add that again you are par for your stupidity. The topic of that discussion was not these forums, but instead others.

Thanks for proving you can't read or are just being stupid for the sake of it.

Remember, oldtimers, the nickname is "No Morons Allowed". If they don't care to back up their arguments and post waffling, they are fair game.

I think that the new worst part of FO3 being cancelled is all these idiots come out of the woodwork.

I swear to god, its like a hydra; cut off one head and two grow in its place!
Roshambo said:
It was mainly because you've done nothing but post clueless crap and try to waffle out of it every time. Then you'll persistently, like a few others, wholly focus on the insults and use that excuse to avoid answering or spend more time whining about it than making sure you're not looking like a complete imbecile.
I have some vaild points which are not crap.

1) I believe that you can do TB/RT hybrid without sacrificing the original fo1+2 style too much
2) I believe that a 3d enginge, while limited compared to high resolution prerendred (or handdrawn) 2D, can look as good or even better than fo1+2 with todays hardware and software techniques.

I was NOT focusing on your insults and droping the debate. I was always arguing AND trying to make you stop insulting me because I restrained from insulting you and tried to get the same respect from you.

I believe insults are a good litmus test of a debate. If you can't keep your cool in a heated debate and need to resort to using them as an excuse to not reply, then it really speaks volumes of your "point". When you keep going back to the excuses, then your worth in a discussion is pointless, after that it puts your presence on the forum in question as well.
And that's what I didn't do. I didn't use your insults as excuses for not debating and I kept a cool head and was focusing on the debate. I only noted your insults on the side. And I don't think that a debate should be kept hot with insulting rather than with good arguments.
Peacekeeper said:
I have some vaild points which are not crap.

1) I believe that you can do TB/RT hybrid without sacrificing the original fo1+2 style too much

That is an OPINION, as in NO BASIS IN EXPERIENCE. Your beliefs mean jack shit when talking about the flaws inherent to putting them together.

Although, I am rather flattered that you think *I* could do the impossible, I have to say you're an idiot for believing that as well. While I am good with MUD combat routines and also with TB a fair bit more intimately, I do not have the time to devote to minimalizing every flaw inherent to a hybrid combat system. Neither did BIS, which was also another core point of the discussion.

2) I believe that a 3d enginge, while limited compared to high resolution prerendred (or handdrawn) 2D, can look as good or even better than fo1+2 with todays hardware and software techniques.

That is beside the point of actual feasability for BIS to have been able to do that as well. Which was the entire core of the topic, moron.

You certainly do like taking great effort into displaying your stupidity. Already almost 10 user names you've made to post the same drivel.

I was NOT focusing on your insults and droping the debate. I was always arguing AND trying to make you stop insulting me because I restrained from insulting you and tried to get the same respect from you.

And that's what I didn't do. I didn't use your insults as excuses for not debating and I kept a cool head and was focusing on the debate. I only noted your insults on the side. And I don't think that a debate should be kept hot with insulting rather than with good arguments.

Please notice I didn't quite say "me" when I was referring to the manner in which you'd use the insults as a scapegoat.

You thought I'd miss that, didn't you?

You know you are only making it worse for yourself now...making several users only to prove a point or the lack of it...

How stupid can you get kid ?
Roshambo said:
That is an OPINION, as in NO BASIS IN EXPERIENCE. Your beliefs mean jack shit when talking about the flaws inherent to putting them together.

Although, I am rather flattered that you think *I* could do the impossible, I have to say you're an idiot for believing that as well. While I am good with MUD combat routines and also with TB a fair bit more intimately, I do not have the time to devote to minimalizing every flaw inherent to a hybrid combat system. Neither did BIS, which was also another core point of the discussion.

You only have an your opinion too. And you banned me because you didn't like mine.
That's it, that's what it comes down to.

I never got banned from a forum before and I never thought it could happen because I state my opinion.

I don't want to be part of this "community" now anymore. Good riddance you might say, well enjoy your victory (even when it should have a sour taste).
Punisher said:
You only have an your opinion too. And you banned me because you didn't like mine.
That's it, that's what it comes down to.

No, it isn't. I have experience, I know how this shit works. You've done nothing but suck on BIS' post-mortem knob (or rather, danien's) for whatever reason, except you do appear to be a mindless sycophant. I know how difficult this shit is to do, how time consuming, and how those with years of team experience in designing and programming games have essentially failed because it takes too long in the dev schedule, intrusive to so many other points of design, etc. to be worth it and it still results in problems even if the most optomistic dev time and other designs points were allowed into consideration.

And ultimately, I was proven right. They neither had the time nor the money to build such an engine, regardless if it did reach some point, it never was released nor I believe that it had a fully working TB/RT hybrid system.

I never got banned from a forum before and I never thought it could happen because I state my opinion.

Probably because nobody was honest enough to tell you that an idiot is commonly defined as someone who argues about that which they are not familiar at all with, and that you're an idiot.

I don't want to be part of this "community" now anymore. Good riddance you might say, well enjoy your victory (even when it should have a sour taste).

That's right. No Morons Allowed.

AOL Voice: Goodbye.
No, it isn't. I have experience, I know how this shit works. You've done nothing but suck on BIS' post-mortem knob (or rather, danien's) for whatever reason, except you do appear to be a mindless sycophant. I know how difficult this shit is to do, how time consuming, and how those with years of team experience in designing and programming games have essentially failed because it takes too long in the dev schedule, intrusive to so many other points of design, etc. to be worth it and it still results in problems even if the most optomistic dev time and other designs points were allowed into consideration.
Thats a damn good point you have there.

I have thought about it as well and while I surely don't have your expierence on this subject I'm still allowed to make my own opinion on things and it's not less worth because you have more expirience. You are right about many things and I you can tell you are no idiot. I can believe you or the other dev and I tend to be optimistic so I tend to believe it can work. Is this so wrong?

And ultimately, I was proven right. They neither had the time nor the money to build such an engine, regardless if it did reach some point, it never was released nor I believe that it had a fully working TB/RT hybrid system.

You might be right on this or maybe wrong. Since it got cancled for and unknown reason (only speculations exist) it could've worked out good (not perfect!) or not.

Anyways, I regret that we clashed together this way...