The Game

Hory said:
Dove, supposing you "immerse yourself" in the FO game you're playing, would you feel alone, having all those NPCs with you? Wouldn't the human player be like a NPC to which you can talk in a reallistic way? You have that loneliness feeling because of the overall universe, not just because you can talk to a human player while with the NPCs you couldn't. The kind of loneliness you are talking about is present because you simply play it in SP. It's the same for any SP game. But that doesn't make you automatically feel alone in the game's world. Just compare GTA3 to System Shock 2 :). The point is you still would have felt alone from the game world point of view.

Funny that you go ahead and prove their point for them. Good one. I really like you, you seem to answer your own discussion points whether you realize it or not.

To put it simply: Do you see why Fallout is intended to be a single-player game, to take advantage of the desolate feeling?

Regarding Arcanum, of course that with the speed decrease, a higher damage would have been set for those weapons.

Whoo-hoo! Amateur game its worst.

I wonder how it would be if Interplay would buy an ad from TeleFragged, so all the Fallout fans would see an ad for FBOS when visiting NMA. :)

There are ads?
Is there ANY way another company can grab it up and turn it into a game? Is Interplay abandoning Fallout altogether or just the "3" project? To be honest, I JUST NOW heard about the FO3 screen shots and that FO3 (that i had no idea was being made) was cancelled. So yes, ive gone through a myriad of emotions within the last 10 minutes and it sucks!!

I havent played much of Fallout 1 or 2. I saw a friend playing it long ago and wanted to play it badly. I downloaded the Tactics demo when it came out and fell in love......only to be somewhat disappointed with the turn-based gameplay of the previous 2 titles. When I found it difficult to find anyone that carried Fallout Tactics and saw 1 and 2 together on a dusty shelf at wal-mart for 10 bucks I was begining to think that Fallout ran out of fuel and was no more.......

Were the ps2/xbox fallout games any good? Whats this I hear about a Fallout FPS? I cant find any Fallout sites that are actually updated and more recent then before Tactics was released. This forum has been the only place I have found discussion on any of the recent news concerning the game(s).

If anything DOES happen to the Fallout series......I hope it doesnt end up like U.F.O. did. I liked the game but I would hang myself if Fallout played like that game did!!!!
Um...WOW...a LOT of things to catch up on, might I say?

MrdrDthKll said:
Is there ANY way another company can grab it up and turn it into a game? Is Interplay abandoning Fallout altogether or just the "3" project? To be honest, I JUST NOW heard about the FO3 screen shots and that FO3 (that i had no idea was being made) was cancelled. So yes, ive gone through a myriad of emotions within the last 10 minutes and it sucks!!

To put it simply, IPLY wants the Fallout license to put it out on the consoles. Unfortunately, it has crap for design and it looks poor in all regards a console shooter is judged by.

When I found it difficult to find anyone that carried Fallout Tactics and saw 1 and 2 together on a dusty shelf at wal-mart for 10 bucks I was begining to think that Fallout ran out of fuel and was no more.......

Fallout has been a regular seller, perhaps the best regular seller, of Interplay's titles. It has grown more because of word of mouth over the years. That is why many news sites exploded when people got pissed off that not only BIS was essentially disbanded, but Fallout 3 was axed in favor of some shitty console spin-off.

Were the ps2/xbox fallout games any good?

They aren't out yet, and there's likely much better shooters in number. This one has all the signs of an also-ran of shooters, which there was a huge number of those for the PSX, all made by no-name companies. You know, ones like how Herve Caen has furiously tried to make Interplay become.

Whats this I hear about a Fallout FPS?

There isn't one worked on by anything I've heard and I would have heard of it quite fast. You may be thinking of some of the mods for UT, H-L, or Quake.

I cant find any Fallout sites that are actually updated and more recent then before Tactics was released.

That's because there hasn't been much to cover game content-wise aside from discussion of the piss-poor design of F:POS and how stupid Interplay has become now that the Caen Brothers are too busy raping and funnelling money from Interplay to Titus.

If anything DOES happen to the Fallout series......I hope it doesnt end up like U.F.O. did. I liked the game but I would hang myself if Fallout played like that game did!!!!

Nylon or hemp?

It already went the way of UFO with Fallout Tactics, even worse with the console games being planned. The story and setting were botched and didn't fit the Fallout setting at all. The developers of F:POS first claimed that it fit into the Fallout setting, then went and used the poor developer's tag-line of "We are working in an alternate timeline." There's not much said about the gameplay other than you talk or shoot up things. Sorry, but I've seen better shooters, and the speech options, from what I hear from a source, are puerile to an extreme. Gone is the dark humor of Fallout, instead it now has gratuitous everything just for the hell of it, which compiled with weak design, will surely result in this game becoming like that XXX bike game. At best, there might be a bit of sales from stupid, optomistic people who think that if they buy the game Fallout 3 would suddenly be worked upon.
Araanor said:
Zoomode, that chance is practically nil. Black Isle is no more. IPLY is just attempting some spin control because they're getting so much bad rep.

I suppose that technically they're correct though, Fallout 3 was never officially announced, and they haven't really closed down BIS, just fired most of the employees. Sure, it's an exercise in semantics, but stuff like that is very important to a public company.
yeah....things are looking grim i guess.

well, I liked tactics alot because it didnt feel like the mindless point and click and kill for hours that i did with diablo 1 and 2. I kinda like the "freeze time while you tell these dudes what to do for when you unfreeze time" but after a while it gets VERY annoying and complicated to keep the characters away from the aliens. I liked how i could setup ambushes, tactically position my guys, and hell, even run up to a guy and waste him with a shotgun without having to take turns. Tactics to me felt like a completely different game than the first two, but aside from being considered "tactical" i dont see much of a resemblance to UFO as far as gameplay goes.

but yes you are correct.... raping has and probably still is being done and i dont feel that there's much we as the fallout gamers can do about it besides a) NOT buy the console game and somehow try to anger them b) create countless stupid online petitions that interplay could care less about, OR c) make mods (yeh HL or Silent Storm i suppose) and cry about fallout when nobody is looking.

Speaking of sites pretty damn disappointed that when i go to (eye hayt gamespy) the fallout link brings me to YES, another outdated site with broken links, rather than a shabby section that would at least calm people like me down, and cause me to stop thinking of everything Fallout as the "rocky horror picture show" of games.

("cult" classics)

bash me if youd like on this reply
I'll say this once, If I see any Fbos ads on the ads we are using.. The ads go off, it's a principle..

Telefragged can show any ad they want, except Fbos ads!!!!
Azael said:
I suppose that technically they're correct though, Fallout 3 was never officially announced, and they haven't really closed down BIS, just fired most of the employees. Sure, it's an exercise in semantics, but stuff like that is very important to a public company.

It's much like Origin and how it is essentially defunct. OSI's hollow shell is merely EA's bitch in maintaining one MMORPG and making a newer shitty one with "Ultima X", forcing the pretention that it is a part of the series. Hey, when you try to think that EA has done all they could to spite the Ultima creators and creative teams (I always loved that term, thank you Dr. Cat) who worked on Ultima, they come up with something even more asinine.

MrdrDthKll said:
yeah....things are looking grim i guess.

well, I liked tactics alot because it didnt feel like the mindless point and click and kill for hours that i did with diablo 1 and 2. I kinda like the "freeze time while you tell these dudes what to do for when you unfreeze time" but after a while it gets VERY annoying and complicated to keep the characters away from the aliens. I liked how i could setup ambushes, tactically position my guys, and hell, even run up to a guy and waste him with a shotgun without having to take turns. Tactics to me felt like a completely different game than the first two, but aside from being considered "tactical" i dont see much of a resemblance to UFO as far as gameplay goes.

In actuality, some FOT developer from MicroForté had the cojones to try and tell us that Fallout Tactics was just Jagged Alliance 2, but in the Fallout universe. Boy did that blow up in their face after the game info and screens came out.

I in fact did like the concept of Fallout Tactics, but as soon as I saw that they had blown the setting, that was when I was...annoyed. Yes, very annoyed. I could break things, yeah. Don't...don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...would you? [/poor Woody Allen as Hulk impersonation]

but yes you are correct.... raping has and probably still is being done and i dont feel that there's much we as the fallout gamers can do about it besides
a) NOT buy the console game and somehow try to anger them

If they are going to lie to us, repeatedly, and then expect us to not try and hit them where they've already hurt themselves...well, quite frankly it's a mercy killing. After Titus the Fox bent Fargo over and violated him on the boardroom table, then there was no direction for them to go but down.

b) create countless stupid online petitions that interplay could care less about, OR

I could care less about them as well, as they really don't do anything. Interplay's marketing dept. are already stupid enough to do what they did (especially with the press kit), it really is...what can we do to hurt Interplay that they already haven't done to themselves? It really is so hard to try and keep up with their incompetence that I'm seriously considering giving up as it's a waste of effort.

c) make mods (yeh HL or Silent Storm i suppose) and cry about fallout when nobody is looking.

I'm actually all for mods and a lot of indy developer work, with people who make a game in their off time and then release it to make some extra income on the side. Some of the best concepts have come from them, like Spiderweb, the people who made Prelude to Darkness, and then there's EvoG's project (check it out @ DAC, Phoenix Project forum) that I guess we can't tease him on much anymore though the screens and more have been way overdue. :wink:

These people also represent the true origins of gaming, though taken from the CS lab. They are the ones who view games as something great for people to play, have some idea on how to impart it, and then do so. They are less concerned with money, though if a game really did take off, it isn't too unimaginable that they would grow into a development house of their own.

Speaking of sites pretty damn disappointed that when i go to (eye hayt gamespy) the fallout link brings me to YES, another outdated site with broken links, rather than a shabby section that would at least calm people like me down, and cause me to stop thinking of everything Fallout as the "rocky horror picture show" of games.

After and a good portion of the host of that went to hell, DAC went to RPGPlanet. After posting some news that eventually did turn out to be a mix of inside information or possibly F:POS, then one of the people at RPGPlanet got their panties in a wad and did the usual GameSpy garbage. DAC found a new place to be hosted and are doing quite well on their own domain. In the place of DAC, RPGPlanet has one of the sites that was hosted by DAC when it was there at GameSpy. That site is rarely updated, but they did improve it after it was moved into the place, mainly out of surprise, I think.

bash me if youd like on this reply

Uh...I don't recall you doing anything wrong here, really. You've asked some questions, not argued upon ignorance or posting flamebait. There's a startling difference that I feel many do not understand. I never understand the illogic that becomes from entering a discussion whilst posessing insufficient information to carry out a debate. As I feel that we are not even debating, then I don't see any reason to suspect why I would even begin to do so. I do have to say that it has been a refreshing change from some of the other discussions.
Well I got this off of which came from IGN. It looks pretty genuine considering it basically backs up everything the BIS guys have said.

"Another Black Isle Source Comes Forward
"To set the record straight once and for all"

December 19, 2003 - For those of you who may not have been following this developing story, Black Isle Studios, developers of the Fallout, Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment games was claimed to have been closed down and Fallout 3 cancelled, according to a posting made by a former employee on the Interplay forums. Recently, a source came forward supporting these claims, which was followed up quickly by a formal response from Interplay denying the closure and stating that the other Black Isle projects were still on target while Fallout 3 was under review. Still with me? It gets better.

Late last night, we received information from another source backing up the initial claims. "To set the record straight once and for all - Fallout 3 is cancelled, and Black Isle Studios has been effectively shut down, even if the name lives on. Fallout will probably continue to exist in console form, hence the 'Fallout lives' comment."

Fallout 3, claimed to be nearly complete by our first source, would have been the long-awaited followup to the post-nuclear RPG which hasn't seen a new release in the franchise since 1998. During this time, Interplay released Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel for the PC, a strategy game in the vein of UFO: Aftermath and X-Com, and was working on the action-oriented Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for the PlayStation 2, much to the disappointment of the community of Fallout fans who'd been hoping for a true RPG sequel.

Our newest source says that Interplay seems to be relying on semantic loopholes. "Technically, I suppose they are correct: Black Isle Studios isn't shut down (still got two people left!) and Fallout 3 could not be cancelled since it was never announced." According to the previous source, the two remaining employees had been working on an unannounced console title before coming to work for Black Isle.

Although Interplay claims the future of Fallout 3 is "under review," our new source contests that laying off all but two employees dedicated to the Fallout 3 project, which comprised the majority of the Black Isle team, indicates that "They've gone pretty far beyond simply 'reviewing' its status." At best, it would appear that the game is on indefinite hiatus.

This individual also offers up some speculation on why the company would apparently be refusing to admit to the closure of Black Isle and the elimination of the Fallout 3 project: Interplay is a publicly-traded company and must therefore put a positive spin on events.

We'll have more on this story as it develops."

Hehe, By Illusionists for Money. Geez, if Interplay went into the Magic business they would make a SHIT load more money than they are doing now in the games industry.

And btw Roshambo, has anyone commented how similar to Maddox you are? (Don't take that in a bad way though, Zero tolerance on incompetence and Ignorant Arguing ride well with me).

I find it hard to believe that after all this time, after everything said here people are still raging on about the RTS/TBS thing and all the other crap that made me stop posting on the BIS and IPLY boards. I would have thought people would be trying to encourage fallouts return rather than slaggin off the BIS guys and IPLY.

Don't get me wrong, I despise Interplay SOOO much right now. Fallout3 was one of the few games I actually dreamed about, years ago and now Interplay have canned it when it was over half finished because they want to focus on POS like BOS on Xblobs.

Me. Hate. Interplay.

But.... I would have thought the best way for us to get Interplay to make the damned game would be to ask/beg/plead/demand etc... in a mature fashion that they would understand and respond to rather than nailing the shit out of them. I can imagine if I was one of those Assholes sitting up in my Ivory tower drinking Cappa Mocha Latte's with Cock flavoured powdered sugar and was reading these forums where the general consensus is:-

Interplay have reamed us all good. They deserve to die a thousand horrible ways including having BOS Cd's inserted into them

I would be thinking that these gamers (us) didn't deserve the game. After all. Pissant 13 year olds dent make threads about how shitty console games are. They just go out to EB and either return the POS or fork out another £45/$65 or whatever for the next Piece of crap.

Trust me, Im not slating you guys for feeling like this, I feel the same but IMO the ONLY way we might ever get Fallout 3 Recommisioned is if we try and win Interplay over to the idea.

The petition would have been a cool idea if it hadn't been signed by the same guy the first 800 times. Geez, what are the odds of the first 800 people signing the thing all being from Poland.

But alas, Im Digressing and getting lost in my own post.

Basically I think we should be focusing on ways we can get Fallout 3 and not nit pick on all the crap like how the f*** rats respond to a guy in power armour. I'm sure you could write a 10,000 essay on the subject but it just removes us from getting closer to the issue that I and many others want to be resolved in a way that lets us get Fallout3.

I don't care about the rest of the crap. Really, I don't. I trust the BIS guys to do a good job on it. I am willing to trust them to make a decent game. Both the previous games and the 3 screenshots have made me believe it would be an awesome game.

Lets focus on making it happen. Be it boycotting Interplay, holding demonstrations or kicking up such a fuss they have no choice but to re-instate the BIS guys and finish the damn thing.

Sugar Mushrooms and post-nuclear lamb salad are the things that make Fallout, not corporate Shit like console rip offs...

Thank you for putting up with my Bull.


FFS, I guessed I missed your previous post Ro' and doubled up on the shit about just aiming to get F3 out.

I agree that a community project would be very cool and I would personally be prepared to fork out to contribute towards it, as Im sure a lot of you are. The problems is the F3 rights, which IPLY own so any attempt at copying means closed websites, lawsuits and a general bug up their asses.

However what if we got 10,000 people to each contribute $10 (I know that would never happen, just bear with me) taking into account people would give less, others more (for example sakes). I haven't checked my nearest Electronics Boutique recently :P but I'm guessing $100,000 would go a good way to paying for the Fallout rights (unless I'm being a niave fool (its not the first time heh..)) and if it was then one of the BIS big wigs could purchase the rights on behalf of the community then turn it into a community project made By Gamers for Gamers.

Oh shit, wait, thats copywrited. I'm guessing this is what IPLY sounded like 10 years ago when Games meant more to them than $$$. But its a way forward. Thats all I want. I know its optimistic, to say the least but I would rather fight for it than roll over and let IPLY do me in the >x< .

IMO nothing would work without the franchise, you could do some Mod project called Ballout or Nallout or whatever, but it wouldnt be the same...

Close, but no cigar...

DogMeaT - luvs Jerky said:
I find it hard to believe that after all this time, after everything said here people are still raging on about the RTS/TBS thing and all the other crap that made me stop posting on the BIS and IPLY boards.

Blame it on the half-baked chucklehead who brought it up to try and smear into my face, but unfortunately for him and BIS/Fallout 3 all, I was proven ultimately right. I hate it when I'm right, but I'm often right.

I would have thought people would be trying to encourage fallouts return rather than slaggin off the BIS guys and IPLY.

Actually, I haven't personally slagged anyone who was worth their paycheck at BIS and that wasn't a public disgrace. Sure, I've had arguments with Bishop and others, but it never was personal. Danien McFish there clearly falls within the public disgrace label, especially so when his piss-poor memory or crappy understanding of the concepts involved confused him into posting the bullshit he did in this thread. I've seen better developers than him get fired by incompetent companies, so I can't be too sympathetic.

But.... I would have thought the best way for us to get Interplay to make the damned game would be to ask/beg/plead/demand etc... in a mature fashion that they would understand and respond to rather than nailing the shit out of them.

You're not too familiar with how Interplay is run under Herve, I think. All of what you mentioned means precisely nothing to them.

It would be nice to believe they would listen to reason, but they have been on a serious bend of doing console games, and not all of them are good. In fact, in the console market, many have been quite mediocre. Interplay's integrity in dealing with their customers and also with how they lie to their customers, I think it shows that they really don't care if we like or hate them, just as long as they get sales. Yet many people did talk kindly and rationally, which those posts were often deleted and the people banned from the IPLY forums from when valid points were raised. That showed that these people at Titus really are not interested in how fan bases are developed with the following of Ultima and such, but instead are simply raping Interplay for a quick buck (and also failing miserably).

If the game becomes unpopular enough to become a threat to Herve's pocketbook, then we have him by the proverbial nut sack, right? Bad press did Fallout Tactics in, along with its own poor design that spread word of mouth around to make the game known to be avoided.
Perhaps the best idea would be to go for the consoler's then. If interplay believe that the PC-based FO community might actually do some damage to their console based game-based and cost them $$$ then it might be in their best interest to bring FO3 out.

I have a couple of ideas to this effect.

1) Write to every game magazine you can find, both console based and PC based telling them about what Interplay have done. I know that a large number of mags wont bother at all with the letters and just put them down to angsty gamers upset at IPLY but if enough get sent they may write an article about Interplay. Bad press for IPLY is good press for us. Either it means IPLY goes bust and the FO3 rights go on sale or that they are pressurized to continue the FO3 Franchise.

2) Start up a new website petitioning for FO3. Not some petition that no one would take seriously but a proper, professional website that can be spread on IPLY forums, these forums and the multitude of gamers websites. Imagine a website purely aimed at getting Fallout3 Re-instated that could potentially get tens of thousands of hits a day. Again bad press for IPLY.

3) Setup a chain letter and try to get as many people as possible to boycott Interplay, not buying FO:POS 1 or 2 or any future Interplay game. Less $$$ for Interplay hits them where it hurts the most.

4) Setup a charitable website aimed at collecting money for the BIS so they can continue on the game. I'm sure a lot of people here would be happy to donate $30 if it meant bringin Fallout 3 a little bit closer to the masses.

But alas I guess I'm putting more faith in the internet and IPLY than both really deserve. I know what the chances are of most of this stuff happening and making a positive effect.

If I personally do all this stuff there is a good chance it will just fail and fall flat on its face, but if more people get on board there is a good chance it will have some effect, at least to increase the chances of us getting Fallout 3.

Any other ideas are appreciated. I guess Im clutching at straws but I would like to at least put the effort in so if Fallout never materializes at least I can say I tried. I would hate for Fallout3 to go without a fight...
I don't mean any offense, but sending those kind of e-mails is Fucking stupid.

I can relate to the anger you feel for IPLY and Caen but they only serve to piss him off.

Here is why I think so:

My birthday is In February so when I was a great deal younger and didnt get something I wanted at X-Mas I just wait and ask for it for my Birthday.

Now quite often I would plead, beg, grovel and be on my best behaviour. Quite often I would get what I wanted because it meant my parents would see my behaving and see my happy with getting my present.

At this point your wondering WTF relevence does this have,

Well, imagine if mr Caen is considering reviving Fallout 3. He thinks it may be a financial problem for a company already in problem. Hes unsure, after all, he wants the company to be successful and make $$$.

Now, im sure when he goes to read his e-mail and sees

Hi, I think you suck balls. You should smash up FO:BOS Xbox cd's and eat the shards so it shreads up your Ring-piece. Then you can lick my sphinctor until it bleeds grape jelly.

Oh and btw, please make Fallout 3, you dick

Hes gonna go "fuck you pissants". And ban your e-mail address and move on.

I don't see what possible use that could have for Fallout 3. I think the only plus is you might feel a tiny little bit of happyness as you send it and imagine him reading it when in fact hes gonna look at the first 5 words and go DELETE. On the other hand getting Fallout 3 back on track would provide myself, the people reading this forum and the thousands of other Fallout fans hours of happyness.

You choose.

2 Mins of feeling like Herve Caen is your bitch because you send him abusive e-mail.


We get the damned game.
DogMeaT - luvs Jerky said:
You choose.

2 Mins of feeling like Herve Caen is your bitch because you send him abusive e-mail.


We get the damned game.

Time to up the dosage of your medication, Flippy. The delusions are coming back.
DogMeaT - luvs Jerky said:
You choose.
2 Mins of feeling like Herve Caen is your bitch because you send him abusive e-mail.
We get the damned game.

Well we aren't going to get the game anyway, so the opportunity for a little bit of catharsis is all he has to offer us at this point.
i dunno...
i just can't believe that a big fuckig game like fo3 could go to waste in such a way. it's coming out for sure. someone's gonna be smart about it do something about it. i dont understand the fucks at interplay... don't they understand that we would buy the game making them a lot of money? everything so strange about this game from the begining... maybe its tactics, tricks to get us more into playing the game, so that when they release it more people buy it.... i dont know.

i just have a feeling that fo3 is not over. 1 and 2 have been to good and too important. i didn't give up my hopes...
didn't something similar happen to thief 3 development??? and now its getting done...

we will get fo3 for sure. if interplay is only into money (whichi is so fucking dissapointing) maybe they will eventualy understand that fo3 can also make them money..... without them losing their souls... i dunno
Здесь ктонибудь говорит по русски... My English is bad...
У вас здесь хорошо... You speak russian? :roll:
How do you say "You fucking worthless, retarded gravedigging piece of shit" in Russian?