Dewell said:Thats a damn good point you have there.
I have thought about it as well and while I surely don't have your expierence on this subject I'm still allowed to make my own opinion on things and it's not less worth because you have more expirience. You are right about many things and I you can tell you are no idiot.
Therein lies the problem. Opinion is one thing, talking about fact is another.
I can believe you or the other dev and I tend to be optimistic so I tend to believe it can work. Is this so wrong?
Yes, since especially in the software industry, optomism is a bad thing. Having been in a real development schedule in both gaming and app development, I know there is a deadline crunch. You CANNOT be optomistic, whether as a fan or a developer. As a fan, you must come to terms that superfluous features outside of the core design might be axed, along with the fact that the developer is botching the work. It wasn't always like that, but shysters like Titus/Interplay have caused that to become a necessity or you become a VERY disappointed little monkey.
As a developer, you find that you run into the risk of a dropped contract if you are too optomistic and do not plan to drop some things from your dev schedule. It is a harsh reality of development. Therefore, it is foolish to try and do surpassing, extraordinarily innovative work when your development schedule is doubtful if it would ever happen in the first place. It is therefore quite asinine as a developer to try to get wisened fans to swallow this in turn.
You might be right on this or maybe wrong. Since it got cancled for and unknown reason (only speculations exist) it could've worked out good (not perfect!) or not.
Technically, they did not have enough time for Fo3, and Interplay obviously didn't want to shell out the money for continued development of Jefferson so it may meet the licensing requirements. I think that covers it neatly on both conditions, even moreso that the state of the TB/RT design is still quite essentially nonexistent. To further expect me to believe, in the software industry, that an unproven team can get together and do innovative work under the condition of the parent company* and get the merchandise out before the parent company dies or terminates them...well, that's just asinine. Really.
* - I say parent company merely for an illustrative example, while in fact BIS was a division within the scope of Interplay's bounds.