Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Typically before you buy it you'd want to field strip it right there in the store and check for excessive wear on the the internals, and then thoroughly functions check and dry fire it until you're satisfied that you aren't buying someone else's problem gun; but you can't be completely sure of that until you take it to the range. You also want to make sure there aren't any cracks or splits in the frame/chamber/slide and you won't need to worry about it blowing up on you.
Since you've already bought it; field strip it, clean it, and put a drop of gun oil (I prefer Slip2000EWL, shit stays on forever and doesn't get cooked off) where metal contacts metal.
$450 seems expensive for a used FNP, but that could very well be the normal price in commiefornia for all I know. Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the club.
Since you've already bought it; field strip it, clean it, and put a drop of gun oil (I prefer Slip2000EWL, shit stays on forever and doesn't get cooked off) where metal contacts metal.
$450 seems expensive for a used FNP, but that could very well be the normal price in commiefornia for all I know. Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the club.