First time out of the vault

your run of the mill semi-auto AR15 clone (in this case Sabre Defense XR15) costs from 1700 to 3000 euros.
your standard issue semi-auto AK straight from Izhmash costs 500 to 750 euros.
i'd argue that you are dumb for not seeing what a nice package you're getting for that price.
Sorry, I'll save for an AR15. That's all there is to it. The AR is what I know so I'll stick with it.
So I'm dumb because I choose to spend more on a higher quality system? Wow, good one.
who was it again that were the first to demand the M14 be shipped to Iraq to replace some of the M4s because it lacked accurate range and power? oh, right, the american special forces.
who was it again that commissioned the SCAR? oh, right, SOCOM since the AR15 platform does not suit their needs.
Yeah, the SCAR is pretty much the same idea as a gas-piston AR only in a totally different platform (that oddly enough looks like an M4). I assume when the contract for Colt runs out in 2008 they will either continue it's service or issue something that looks like an M4/M16. I think the SCAR looks pretty nifty but actually looks less comfortable to me than an M4/M16 platform.
Sorry, but the M14s wouldn't really *replace* the M4s. M14 is used widely not just by SF. The M14s there were mostly used as DMRs (Designated Marksman Rifles), not the same role as the M4/M4A1.
M4s and M16s don't lack range for what they are. At 500m the 5.56-.223 still has the energy of a .45 ACP right out of the muzzle. Pretty accurate too. I read on a military board by a Navy SEAL that the Mk12 Mod 0 rifles are impressive with the proper ammo, he said at first they couldn't zero them with standard 62gr M855 but then switched to the heavier 77gr and they shoot quarter sized groups at 100m, easily engage out to 700m given the nut behind the trigger can do so. Same goes for the Army's SDMR (20" accurized M16) or any similiar rifle.
You don't need a lot of barrel for the 5.56-.223 to be accurate out of an AR. The only purpose I could see for having a barrel longer than 20" would be for varmint hunting and competition.
probably, but i'm guessing those are only used for close protection (bodyguard duty) and room clearing.
True, but they can still reach out if they need to.
so lets sum it up: everything not american and expensive isn't worth your attention. wow, i'm impressed with how well you argument your point of view.
No. It's just that American used firearms generally kick lots of ass.
you do realise that the Garand, while mechanically well designed and solid, had huge glaring flaws? the whole magazine/clip thing was a nightmare that led to huge wastes of ammo... the gun was also on the expensive side.
Haha, that whole magazine thingy made it superior to the German's bolt-actions which filled the same role as the Garand. You know, "greatest battle implement ever devised" or whatever. The only bad thing about the Garand was the loud "ping" noise it makes when it runs out.