welsh said:
SuAside said:
actually, the casualties of firearms (legal AND criminal) are far inferior to tobacco or alcohol.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything.
completely true, but i like to drop it as much a possible since people too often tend to forget.
welsh said:
The nice thing about some pistol ammunition is that it might not penetrate walls as well as others. But I would think a bullet designed to go through body armor has remarkable penetration against cheap building construction. A good shooter might not miss, but then if these guys were that disciplined, then we wouldn't have so many bodies to clean up.
it has been designed no to ricochet and not to penetrate walls, only armor. it's quite technical how to achieve that, but appearantly it works like a charm om european walls.
of course, we tend to build a lot more solidly, while americans are known for prefab stuff. you'd need to look up the research in ze US of A to be sure, since i dont have that data.
welsh said:
From what I understand, drug dearlers used to favor the .38 but now favor large magazine capacity handguns. Something with punch but with a large clip.
.38 (aka 9x17mm) is just a short 9x19mm (NATO) bullet, so i'd rather pick a 9mm NATO than a .38. but sure, you can fit more 9mm into a gun than .45 etc.
ofcourse, when talking of .38 (spl) you're usually talking about revolvers, not pistols with magazines. .380 ACP however is found in small guns with a medium large magazine.
welsh said:
You'd think these guns come out of thin air?
no, i assume most are stolen. or pawned & dropped into the illegal circuit.
welsh said:
It's not like these dealers have their own weapons factories.
actually, they do. or at least in europe.
there are several gun rings that take disaffected or disabled guns & rework them into real ones. also, they often take alarm pistols and rework them into something that handles real ammo. (which is ofc dangerous to use)
welsh said:
Of course they come from legitimate manufacturers- who else makes guns? Are you telling me when the Tec-9 was advertised for being "finger print proof" that wasn't aimed at a certain urban market of civilian purchasers?
of course there are always abuses.
welsh said:
Sure some of the guns get stolen. From who? And why aren't those guns safely locked away?
well, when i see how most americans store their guns... especially the more vocal gunnuts... no real wonder.
the more prelevant way of thinking seems to be: the better you lock them away, the harder they are to get to when you need them. so most have at least 2 or 3 guns outside the safe.
welsh said:
Oh no! A gun dealer isn't negligent for knowing selling a large supply of guns to a buyer who is obvious going to sell the guns to drug dealers!
No, that gun dealer should be criminally liable and sent to jail.
but that's a minority.
welsh said:
Why? Because the gun industry doesn't give a shit who gets shot or why the guns get used, as long as restrictions are off the manufacturers and its retailers. God forbid they take responsibility for their products! Target the buyers, not the sellers (Because there will always be new buyers and thus demand is uninterrupted).
so you're going to close down apothecaries to stop illegal morfine sales?
it's obvious you need to stop abuses, but you can't punish all for a minority of abusers. if we did that, cars would be outlawed due to drunken drivers.
welsh said:
Honestly, I am not against guns, but I am for gun control. Why? Because it works. License and register the guns. If you're a citizen, non-criminal owner there's no real problem. If you're not, well then you deserve more punishment.
i'm not against registration. never said i was. fuck, i pay 65 euros per gun every 5 years now to be registrated & licensed.
tell that to any guntoting american & he'll shit a brick.
welsh said:
Does gun control work? Yes. Check out the stats here-
depends on what you mean with guncontrol...
UK prohibits handguns, crime has risen spectacularly lately.
Australia put on heavier gunlaws after that retard gone wild incident, crime has risen.
Swiss has extremely lacks gunlaws and 1/2nd of the adult population has a gun, yet one of the lowest crimerates on earth. hell, the Swiss send their army reservists home with an assault rifle and ammo...
Finland allows for silencers etc, yet pretty low crimerates.
there is gun control & there is gun control, Welsh. define your gun control well, or we're likely not talking about the same thing...