The Guns and Ammo Thread

[PCE said:
el_Prez]and just so you know Makenshi my shotgun holds 5 rounds and it's semi-auto because pumping is for suckers

Good for you. Do you really think I'd be pumping if I could have a SPAS-15 (or something even better)? I mean, despite what anyone says, I consider pump-action shotguns are damn cool and enough for home defense, but I'd trade one right away for an auto like yours, IF I were in need of better fire power, like people living in Rio de Janeiro (where those freaking war-like weapons can be bought from drug dealers). Besides, weapon laws here are very restrict, it's a miracle 12 gauge pump-action shotguns are allowed. Even 9mm is forbidden, damn it. Guess I'm not a sucker anymore, huh?

By the way, if you guys wanna come to Brasil, relax and come, the only place you'd like to do not take risks is in Rio (but even there, it's not like Middle East, just avoid hot spots and you will be 70% safe); Bahia, for example, is as peaceful as your homes. Just don't go thinking the whole country is a big sexual tourism point and that there are no married, honest women. :wink:
Makenshi said:
Just don't go thinking the whole country is a big sexual tourism point and that there are no married, honest women. :wink:

There's no such thing as an honest, married woman. Unless she's older than 35 and fat and ugly.
The Overseer said:
Makenshi said:
Just don't go thinking the whole country is a big sexual tourism point and that there are no married, honest women. :wink:

There's no such thing as an honest, married woman. Unless she's older than 35 and fat and ugly.

Nice joke... you know what I meant. :roll:
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Is that the whole "you can have any caliber as long as the military doesn't use it" thing?
That seems like a pretty retarded measure.
Sander said:
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Is that the whole "you can have any caliber as long as the military doesn't use it" thing?
That seems like a pretty retarded measure.
yeah & belgium had it on rifle calibres for years... :roll:

(luckily no more)
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I think that that also means 9x18, 9x21, and even some other, more powerful, but less known calibers?

Yeah, here in Brasil civilian use of anything better than 9mm/.38/12 gauge is forbidden. And even these are restricted by boring, endless burocracy (Spellcheck says this one is wrong, but doesn't give suggestion...) and high prices/taxes. No need to mention that 'assault amno' (5.56/7.62/etc) is only seen in the TV.

Retarded measure for sure, all forbidden weapons are not produced by national industry: all come from Paraguai and other unknown routes. Sorry if there's any paraguayan here, but truth shall never be denied.

"Better cripled in body than corrupt in mind."
"better than 12 gauge"? What would exactly be better than 12 gauge when it comes to shotguns?
Wooz said:
An automatic 2 gauge shotgun?
doesn't even exist commercially.

and if you meant 20 gauge, 20 gauge is smaller than 12 gauge. (and .410 is smaller than 20 gauge)

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
what does that have to do with anything? most of the commerically available slugs and sabots are 12 gauge?
Sue said:
doesn't even exist commercially.

and if you meant 20 gauge, 20 gauge is smaller than 12 gauge. (and .410 is smaller than 20 gauge)

No, I meant 2 gauge.

Dude, you asked 'what would be better' not 'what better shotgun can I buy'.

By the way, I've read or heard that such cartridges exist. What would happen if you put those into a a SPAS-12?

I own several water pistols, calibre 0.00, which I regularly use in summer to shoot girlfriends and/or siblings. I got them for free when I went to watch Ice Age.
I have one of these babies. I go Duck Hunting with it sometimes. It's rather old (from 1989, if my memory serves me right), but it works just fine.
