The Guns and Ammo Thread

My next planned purchase is a semi-auto shotgun, probably a Super Black-Eagle or the new one from Beretta, I forget the name though it has something to do with Extreme which is a word I hate hearing marketed, though I intend to look closer at the two when it come close to buying time.
When I was in Salt Lake City I stumbled across a gun store that had a few Benelli M1014s in stock. From what I've read it's a pretty nice gun and has some nice little tactical features that might be nice for your hunting

I don't own a pistol because im poor and can't afford it but when i get some money i plan on getting a 1911.
If you're worried about price I got my P97 for $290 from these guys.
May want to download their catalog. Sure you'll have to pay to have the gun shipped to a dealer and then the dealer's transfer fee, but they've got some deals that are good enough you'd still save considerably.
Man, I just turned 18 and Idaho has the most lax gun laws in the country. I'm looking at a Ruger 10/22 for my first gun, but after I master that I'll probably move on to something a little more Mosin.
Malkavian said:
I own a battle ready katana that I am somewhat competent with (I won't pretend to be GOOD with live steel) and I keep it next to my bed. Not as good as a gun, but better than a bat for home defense.

That's a joke, right? Seriously, I'd stick with a trusty baseball bat over a "battle ready" katana.

Attack me with a bat. Than attack me with a katana. Guess which one I'd be more afraid of?

You can STAB with a sword, which, if you were in a tight hallway, for example, would be useful. You can only bludgeon with a bat, and people are less intimidated by it, especially if they have a knife themselves. If they have a gun you are done either way.
Maybe this is a good time to mention to never underestimate the effectiveness and intimidation factor of a bayonet :) Especially if the damn thing is at least a foot and a half long like for the M91
The Commissar said:
Ancient M91/30 Mosin Nagant
I own two of these. One I keep for general use, the other I essentially learned how to shoot with, and it always has held a special place in my heart.

Soviet made SVT-40
This one I use almost exclusively for Reenacting/Living History. I don't like it as much as some people do, but its an OK weapon.

Russian made AKM-47
Produced in 1969, its old and heavy, and I prefer its solid base much more then the newer folding stock nonsense. I have another more recent version, but I don't like it as much.

Russian made MP443
This one was issued to me, as a sort of consolation prize for getting the shit kicked out of me at a road check point. Its a 9mm, but I have never really cared for it.

US made M1911A1
If ever the term Bad Mother Fucker could be applied to anything I own, its this gun. Technically I have joint ownership of this, but that does not diminish how pleased I am to have it around.

US made Springfield1861
This I sort of picked up by accident. I don't use, I probably never really will.

Which one do you plan to kill me with?

The Vault Dweller
Kalessin said:
When I was in Salt Lake City I stumbled across a gun store that had a few Benelli M1014s in stock. From what I've read it's a pretty nice gun and has some nice little tactical features that might be nice for your hunting.
I would only really use the semi-auto for trap shooting with multiple launches. Unless you intend to take down a whole flock or gaggle yourself (which I rarely do, fowl hunting is best with friends... just don't bring a Cheney) there is no reason for a semi-auto shotgun, especially a "tactical" one. Tactical shotguns tend to be way too short and inaccurate for serious hunters after ducks and geese which can get pretty high and far pretty rather quickly.

Also, I hate Salt Lake City with a fiery fucking passion that could teach the sun a thing or two about warmth, with the exception of Gallenson's, which is very likely the best gun store in the state and the only reason I'll step near SLC. Probably even the place you're talking about, since they have near everything.
I have this huge fucking gun that fires huge fucking missiles. I mostly use it to kill people who walk in front of my house and for torturing little animals, but when it comes to self defense I rely on my trusty suitcase nuke I have on my nightstand.
Hell yeah. Although I have to say that even though Texas is synonymous with guns, our gun laws are actually stricter than several other states. Correct me if I'm wrong Malkavian, but doesn't Virginia have a policy concerning handguns that they can be freely carried in the open? Almost makes me want to move there

If you want good gun laws, try Alaska, Vermont, or NH. All have full, no permit, open carry and NH is the only one that requires a concealed license at $10 for 4 years, shall-issue. Also check out

As for the guns I have, a .40 Glock (model 22), a .44 mag Ruger Super Blackhawk, and a S&W K-Frame .22 revolver. My next buy is a rifle or carbine, still looking though.
with the exception of Gallenson's, which is very likely the best gun store in the state and the only reason I'll step near SLC. Probably even the place you're talking about, since they have near everything.
May have been the place. All I remember was it was down the street from a big 50s looking hotel we stayed at. I think there was also a Kinko's and Starbucks nearby. You see, I was there for a debate tournament and several people were like "I need to run some copies of evidence", some other people were like "I want some Starbucks", and of course I was like "kickass, there's a gun store".

If you want good gun laws, try Alaska, Vermont, or NH
It's all good. I'll be commissioned in a few years anyway, so just about anywhere I'd go the gun laws would be favorable for me.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I have this huge fucking gun that fires huge fucking missiles. I mostly use it to kill people who walk in front of my house and for torturing little animals, but when it comes to self defense I rely on my trusty suitcase nuke I have on my nightstand.
So you are a terrorist. :!:
Shouldn't you be using the suitcase nukes for the little animals and to reduce the number of hippy neighbors you have, as you told us that you have dozens of nukes. :wink: And you wouldn't want to be in the blast zone, when they go off, would you. Unless you want to revaluate your life purpose for the slight chance to became an Idisar, a centralized nuclear reaction summoned creature of nightmares. :twisted:
I have a Sharps like in Quigley Down Under and a Mauser rifle that's so old I bought it through the MAIL. I have others, but those are my favorites.
I don't have a gun and to tell you the truth they really creep me out. There are so many unbalanced people in society (including female cops!), so I don't like the idea of anyone having them unless they need them for their work.

They make it very hard to get guns in Australia unless you're a criminal. ;)
I guess i'll post my gun ownership update. I now have

Browning Auto-5 12 gauge shotgun
Springfield Lightweight champion 1911
Phoenix arms HP22 pistol
Ruger 77-22 bolt action rifle

You've seen my shotgun on the previous page and heres what the rest look like although my 22 rifle is scoped.



Can't believe no one owns an 8 shells' shotgun like mine, it's a classic and punch the ideal ass-kicking fire power any civilian needs to defend it's home.


Davaris said:
There are so many unbalanced people in society, including female cops!

What's so wrong with female cops? I can imagine, but tell me you impression on the subject.
nice 1911 Prez, but I'd prefer a Kimber in that pricerange.

what do you use the Auto-5 for? (other than posing :P)

i'm currently trying to acquire a Saiga 12K (from Izhmash, ze heum of ze Kalash, this should make The Commissar happy!), but that'll take a while... as each seperate gun needs a new license overhere, I get to wait between 6 and 10 months to have this shit approved.
Yeah Kimbers are pretty sweet but theyre not the same price range I got my springfield for. I shoot skeet with my auto 5 and just so you know Makenshi my shotgun holds 5 rounds and it's semi-auto because pumping is for suckers
[PCE said:
el_Prez]Yeah Kimbers are pretty sweet but theyre not the same price range I got my springfield for.
once imported, their price difference is negligible overhere. ofc, guns cost like 2 to 3 times more overhere than in the States.

[PCE said:
el_Prez]I shoot skeet with my auto 5 and just so you know Makenshi my shotgun holds 5 rounds and it's semi-auto because pumping is for suckers
the Saiga comes with 2, 5, 8 or 10 shell mags. the biggest custom mag i've seen was 16x 12 gauge 3" shells. that's a bit sick (not to mention those have about the highest rate of fire on the semi-auto market).

i think i'm going with the 8 shell mags. (if i can get my bloody license approved)