The Ideal Woman

Then stop fantasizing about bestiality and fucking get to it, wench!
Same. Sundress, pullover, vans, and done.

Too much time in the sun to be pale and history only in certain periods and for short bursts. I grew up watching prerecorded vhs tapes of TNG with the early 2000's ads in them. Generations is the best Start Trek movie.
Are you talking about yourself there? And First Contact was the only good TNG movie, Generations was terrible. From the unnecessary destruction of the Enterprise to the numerous plot holes or to Kirk's unnecessary death. But I respect your opinion, it takes guts to say you like Generations more than Wrath of Khan or The Voyage Home.
Kirk's necessary death.
I would have preferred it if they had just given him an episode of TNG like Spock and Scotty but Kirk is an inspiration to makes he needn't die.
He's saying why did the Borg not use time travel wherever they were and then warp to earth instead of park their ass on the enterprises face and do it for them to see and give chase.
It's been awhile since I've seen the movie, but didn't the Enterprise arrive and Earth was already assimilated? They went back and waited for the Borg, right? And even if I'm wrong, the Enterprise could easily destroy the Borg Sphere, so nesting in the Enterprise was the right decision.
The ideal woman will poop after I've pooped so we can flush our poop together and let it be one.
- Dark-skinned, be it black or amerindian ancestry. Both are good too. Mixed race is best race.

- Beautiful curly hair, black like the night. Idk why, its what I think its the most beautiful. Never found the appeal in blond or red-heads. I mean, straight hair is all fine and dandy (especially if its beautiful hair like that of amerindian women), but curlies, man. Can't explain.

- A nice figure. A good ass is vital. Nice breasts are good as well, but I had girlfriends with almost none before.

- A nice, humored personality and intelligent enough to get my... well, non-conventional personality. I have no interest in women who are too mundane, dour and/or boring, with boring-ass mundane small-thinking. Many individuals, many of them being women, are intellectually stunted and incapable of exploring the world intellectually and seeing things beyond the mundane. Go be boring elsewhere.

- Likes being caressed and reciprocating. I'm very physical and attentive with my girls. What I can say? I'm a big softie deep down.
It's been awhile since I've seen the movie, but didn't the Enterprise arrive and Earth was already assimilated? They went back and waited for the Borg, right? And even if I'm wrong, the Enterprise could easily destroy the Borg Sphere, so nesting in the Enterprise was the right decision.
No the movie starts with the Borg battling Star Fleet and the Enterprise arriving late to it because Star Fleet Command didn't "trust" Picard believing he could be compromised because of his previous experience with the Borg. Turns out the fleet is destroyed. Picard kills the Borg in like 10 seconds. Then they start their time travel shenanigans and the Enterprise detecting an earth populated by Borg follows them.

Nothing that happens at the start of the movie makes any sense.
Got to have black or really dark brown hair. It’s a must. And light colored eyes, either blue or green. Also a must. And thick eyebrows. You know what? Let’s just say my perfect woman is an early-20’s Jennifer Connolly (I’m thinking Career Opportunities here).
Got to have black or really dark brown hair. It’s a must. And light colored eyes, either blue or green. Also a must. And thick eyebrows. You know what? Let’s just say my perfect woman is an early-20’s Jennifer Connolly (I’m thinking Career Opportunities here).
I like your style.
If you ask me i think its all quite stupid actually each person has their own preferences. There is no ideal because people have different things they want in a person.

And thank god for it or everyone would be going after the same person, 99% of people would be alone and nobody would be happy. The diversity of human desires is a great thing, helps make our society function. It allows one person to be satisfied and fulfilled as a photographer and another as a sailor.