Dr Fallout
1. 'Little fanboy'I proved it in an earlier post with Bubba Zanetti and explained how they'd win in FULL DETAIL. We both know you read it you're just trying to ignore it little fanboy. Also, did you hit your head or something, really little fanboy? House confirms that in the event Kimball were to be assassinated, he would be martyred by the NCR military and the citizens of the Republic back West. His militant expansionist foreign policy would be vindicated and the NCR's occupation of the Mojave would be strengthened which is why House wants the Courier to protect Kimball so that the opposite would happen and Kimball would be held responsible for the NCR's defeat in the Mojave which in turn would result in the NCR military losing popular support back home and the end of Kimball's imperialist foreign policy. The people of the Republic will whole-heartedly support a war of vengeance against the Legion and the Republic Senate will throw their full support behind the war effort as well, ending your little wet dream of a Legion victory little fanboy. The only logic you've presented is "but bro, Lanius is such a badass, the Legion e can't possibly lose because he's so badass", which I've more than easily debunked so many times already little fanboy. Try again.

2. 'Believes without doubt the veracity and honesty of an in-game character who has his own motives and beliefs.'

3. 'Then makes a statement without any backing and states it as fact, ending with a condescending comment.'