The most hated family in america

There's few things I hate more'n uppity atheists. Yep. Ah say we have a "git tagether" so we reminds them of they place.
DGT said:
P.S. Religion, at its worst, leads to things like Jihadist Muslims. Do you think they have a right to practice their religion? Or does that only apply to the one religion you believe is right?

I believe Muslims have the right to practice their religion the same as Christians do. That was kind of my point.

Everyone should have the right to do what they want up to the point where it hurts someone else. Obviously if my church suddenly called on the congregation to burn homosexual houses and crucify Muslims I'd leave the church and speak out against it in the same way that I would speak out against these creeps who disrespect fallen soldiers.

The only point I was trying to make is that if you say "Religion x should be illegal because it makes some people mean/hypocrites/caused the crusades/is used by insane Muslims to perpetuate terror" I think your just as much of a bigot as the religions people who run around trying to force their religion on others.

As a side note, while lots of blood was spilt in the name of religion lots of blood was also split outside the religions realm. I don't think the Persians invaded Greece for any particular god. What about WWII Japan, Germany, and Italy? The USSR?

I could be wrong, but I think all of those were secular wars or religions only to the point where they viewed their leader as a god.
Thrawn said:
The only point I was trying to make is that if you say "Religion x should be illegal because it makes some people mean/hypocrites/caused the crusades/is used by insane Muslims to perpetuate terror" I think your just as much of a bigot as the religions people who run around trying to force their religion on others.
It's just like banning certain computer games because of violence - amoral.
Ah. I'm not going to go so far as to agree with the guy that said religion should be outlawed, although I can understand where he's coming from. And no, I don't believe religion is the source of all evil. Indeed, religion does good things, as well; it's all based on the individual. Anyway, fanatics like that family really irritate me. Unfortunately, nothing can legally be done at this point, as far as I know.

Edit: Well, maybe people could picket them. Line up in front of the church, maybe?
DGT said:
Ah. I'm not going to go so far as to agree with the guy that said religion should be outlawed, although I can understand where he's coming from.

I feel it is needed for me to add, and consider this my friend, that there are things that make up religion, and there are things that make up faith.

I beleive Faith is much more important than "religion" could ever be, but the fact that you, as an atheist, not only do not beleive in God, but actually beleive in nothing, disturbs me.
I believe in science, which comes to logical conclusions by observation and experimentation. It's not that I'm not open to the idea of a deity, but more that no religion presents a possibility I find likely (or even possible, in some cases). We can discuss this farther, if you'd like, but I'd imagine we should a) Make another thread, or (probably a better idea) b) Use PMs and/or whatever Instant Messenger you use -- I prefer AIM, personally, but also use MSN and Yahoo! on occasion. Wooz (and quite possibly several others) did not seem thrilled with the direction the thread's going.

Back on topic, though. I'm surprised none of the mourners have tried to get violent with the hillbillies.
I see no need to discuss religion with you. If we would, however, you would find I have the same logical way of thinking, I mean, of course, deductive reasoning, as most atheists do. I belive it for myself, but, to a pure logical and unspiritual mind like yourself, I can make no arguments in favor of religion, without posing as a hypocrite.

For me, no evidence is necessary, but for some, none will be enough.

I hope you understood where I'm coming from, for this is not meant to be a debate or insulting in any way.
religon is simply a way to control the population, it keeps people from going out and trying to screw everyone else out of what they have
I love how people always come in with statements lacking any form of nuance as if they're the absolute truth.
In my mind, it is just ethichally and morally wrong to picket & demonstrate at any
soldier's funeral - to get the message across that they (the ones who demonstrate) are against homosexuality in the US.

Every funeral should be respected as a service for the dead soldier and his or her family. It shouldn't in my mind be used for any family to vent their own (private) messages about anything.

If the family (phelps) is against homosexuality, there are ways to demonstrate against this without demonstrating at soldiers' funerals.

Just for the record, I don't have any beef with homosexuals or bisexuals etc.
I'm conflicted. I love the first Amendment. However, I hate these fuckers.

I'm going to allow the picketing, but also encourage the beatings.
I'm sure there's got to be some kind of technicality that they could use to nail these bastards... disturbing the peace or something. Y'know, the kind of legal technicalities that Jim Crow southern sheriffs used to break up civil rights marches back in the 60's? Only this time, they'd be working for the good guys.
Maybe people should picket the phelps every last moment of their miserable lives... Then salt the graves they'd buried in... Pour brimstone all over their carcasses... Cover the mounds of their graves with desicated corpses of rats.
Put their names in the history books as the most wrong religion and family that ever had the indignity of breathing on God's green earth.
well i dont know if you guys have this law in america but in britain we have a law that prevents sign etc like that being shown. not the GOD HATES FAGS but the ones that say FAGS SHOULD DIE etc in england that would be called encitement to murder and you would be arested for it and charged in a court of law. if america has a law like that then this family should have been arrested a long time ago. there sick fucks and i dispise there belifes in every way. also the church leader actually seesm to be a real dumb fuck any time he is asked a question he dosnt know the answer to he gets angry and tells the interviewer to go away. what a smuck.
i felt kinda sorry for the tinny lilttle kids though like aged 7-10 they just get forced to belive this crap and then pay the concequnces for it. just like when that little kid go smacked on the head with somehting a in a drive by.