*shakes head*, yeah saying that half of the population might have to 'move' from the coasts due to rising sea levels and if we want to avoid that we have to make changes NOW, is preaching from a high horse.There is a lot and I will answer most of it in a later post.
A quick thing though is:
AGAIN, like you said Crni, the facts are out there about climate change. The fear has already been mongered and people told the world is going to end. HOW MUCH HAS CHANGED ATM?? How much has all those FACTS and FEAR done to make our governments move FASTER with green energy??
And when you consider who's currently runing the white house and one of the largest economies, I think there is even MORE of it required ... look at the video with Bill Nye and tell me things are 'fine'.
I will simply respond with this:This is what I am saying. You can scream, get on your moral high horse, spread fear, whatever. It is not going to motivate JOE PLEBE. If you want Joe Plebe, the majority of the nation, to get onboard, then you need to speak on terms THEY understand.
That means making a really good SALES PITCH for green initiatives. That ALSO means not associating said green initiative with tax hikes, power outages, energy prices rising sharply, Jill Stein.
SERIOUSLY, the left just keeps screaming CHANGE CHANGE and you better fucking change THE WAY I WANT YOU TO. Otherwise, go fuck yourselves.
This. Is. Not. Fear. Mongering.
It is merely stating the facts. If you have children or grand children then you should listen to this and actually demand changes by your self.