@Crni Vuk
And I can be more optimistic about progress and you can be more pessimistic in general. We are running around in circles here.
The polar caps are melting man. And half of the human population lives at the coast.
We aren't runing around in circles. We are actually runing out of time.
@Crni Vuk
I have to admit though Crni, it is like every time someone brings up a good idea, you are soooo eager to shoot it down. I bring up abolishing degree requirements and your all like 'Well it is only a temporary fix'. CT agrees with the benefits that will result from a robot labor class and your like 'Well progress can be bad too you know'. I think a robot work force could bring UBI and your like, 'Well times will be sucky for a few more generations'.
In which point in human history was there ever a 'peaceful' or 'smoth' transition? Look it's not like I DON'T want to share your sentient, it's just that I don't think it's very realistic to expect it. And I think history is rather on my side than yours. Could it all be solved at the right time and just so that the effects are not serious? Possible. But does it look like we're on that path right now? With the guy that is runing the EPA? And who doesn't believe in global warming? With a president that declared it a 'hoax' by the chinese? And that's just one example of many. And so far I don't know either republicans or democrats talking about automatition. So far, improvements often happend after catastrophes, we humans seem to learn only from mistakes and we rarely if ever act preemptively. Which is well, a problem when you consider that we're facing global mistakes right now, and not just some empire that is going down, or some civilisation that can move to a new continent full of resources.
As how a scientist once said, there might be a time where Oil is not viable anymore, but the 'new' technology to replace it is not there yet. And this transition, is a big questionmark. Energy and energy consumption is what keeps our modern economies runing. Take it away, and a colapse is kinda inevitable.
@Crni Vuk
I have to admit though Crni, it is like every time someone brings up a good idea, you are soooo eager to shoot it down. I bring up abolishing degree requirements and your all like 'Well it is only a temporary fix'. CT agrees with the benefits that will result from a robot labor class and your like 'Well progress can be bad too you know'. I think a robot work force could bring UBI and your like, 'Well times will be sucky for a few more generations'.
In which point in human history was there ever a 'peaceful' or 'smooth' transition? Look it's not like I DON'T want to share your sentient, it's just that I don't think it's very realistic to expect it given our current behaviour.
And I think history is rather on my side than yours. Could it all be solved at the right time and just so that the effects are not too serious? Possible. But does it look like we're on that path right now? With the guy that is runing the EPA? And who doesn't believe in global warming? With a president that declared it a 'hoax' by the chinese? And all those growing right wing populism in Europe with their fast and easy answers to every problem? And that's just one example of many. And so far I don't know either republicans or democrats are having a serious discussion about automatition and the effects from it and no major party is doing it here either.
So far, improvements often happend after catastrophes, we humans seem to learn only from mistakes and we rarely if ever act preemptively. Which is well, a problem when you consider that we're facing global mistakes right now, and not just some empire that is going down, or some civilisation that can simply move to a new continent full of resources. Once the planet is fucked, it's simply fucked, some environment which has been heavily ruined and radiated or what ever can't be simply renaturated like there never was a problem. There is even a serious dabate among geologists to name this epoch the
Anthropocene, due to the effects humans have on this planet, there have been like just recently 200 new minerals discovered which only exists because of humans, like from industrialisation particularly once we started mining coal, iron and the like.
As how a scientist once said, there might be a time where Oil is not viable anymore, but the 'new' technology to replace it is not there yet. And this transition, is a big questionmark. Energy and energy consumption is what keeps our modern economies runing. Take it away, and a colapse is kinda inevitable.
I mean are you ever satisfied with any kind of answer or you just happy being a negative Nancy? It is like if we have any answer that is not your idea of a perfect lefty solution that makes things super duper IMMEDIATELY, you are not satisfied.
Well, for starters we would have to stay true to the Kyoto-protocol and the Paris agreement, which outlined the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM that has to be done to prevent the worst predictions of scientists about climate change for the next 70 years or so. And which Trump is very confident to abolish by the way.
Stop to put words in my mouth please, like I am demanding a perfect solution here. This isn't about finding the perfect solution, this is about what SCIENTISTS(!) say, what the MINIMUM(!) is that has to be done to make our planet CO2 neutral. Not in 50 years. Not in 70 years. But now. Like right now. Some 20 years ago, they said we would have to become by 2020 Co2 neutral, or the average temperature by 2070-80 will be 4° higher, which will well make the polar caps ice free in summer. That's not speculation. That's fact. And time and time again no nation has actually managed to reach the goals they ALL(!) agreed on some 20 years ago. And now it's to late. Some scientist already argue that we have to look for adabting to this 'new' future that we're creating, if possible. Like rising sea level. Places like Venice might be completely lost for example and that's not the only one.