40% Of the americans are close to the poverty line.
Wealth inequality was never as large like today in the US.
A lot of your budged goes to the military. And a lot of that money ends up in private business.
Your prison system is privatized, and the US is one of the nations with the most people spending time in Prison - even more than China.
Now some people are even demanding a 'privatized' school system.
American infrastructure, is shit.
Banks have been bail-out with billions (was it 700? No clue), most of it ended up in the hands of the so called 1%.
Bernie represtended a plan, that was more sound than what both Hillary and Trump had - particularly Trump, I mean tax cuts while increasing the military budged and not touching on any social programs. And now, as he has won, it might even looks like the tax cuts will only happen for the 'rich', what considence.
And yet ... all you're saying about Bernie is " he will give free shit to everyone". But even if he did, I would rather want to see free education and health care, than seeing that stuff wasted on some new but useless Pentagon project.
Seriously, what is that Americans 'fear' so much about socialism?
'Timmy, tell us on this doll, where has socialism
touched you?'
He still had the votes though, something Bernie didn't have. Trump might have been an outsider but he at least had SOME elites behind him.
Yes, and that is the problem. And it looks like it won't take long before it will fall apart and blow right in the faces of those elites, considering this ongoing question about Trumps ties to Russia.
That was ALL he had, that was the problem.
Sadly, we will never know what a Bernie vs Trump situation would have looked like. But consider this. Trump was an outsider and Bernie was an outsider too. Trump managed to take over the Republican party, because people are fucked up of seeing the same old faces, many people voted Trump because they hate the known political establishment, according to some survey most people made the choice for Trump in the toll both, because they didn't 'knew' him, while Hillary represents the establishment in every possible way.
You can say a lot about Bernie, but he was NOT like Hillary, and he managed to get in to the democratic party NOT as a typical democrat, he managed to finance his campaign as an rather unknown political figure, not unlike Trump, without the backing of the big donnors - but sadly this is ALL(!) the democratic party cares about these days.
Now imagine if he had the WHOLE support of the democratic party. This is just speculation, but I think he would have destroyed Trump.
And even a Bernie that fails, might be still a better president then a succeeding Trump.
The hatred of capitalism is born from the view it exists entirely as a system of labor generating wealth for the wealthy which is not an unfair statement.
The reason to 'fight' our current economical system, has less to do with ideology at this point though. I mean I don't make a secret about my leftists and almost 'socialist' views, and I actually think that marxism has many good points - but also many flaws. But despite of this, I do not 'hate' capitalism.
But everything from a simply neutral and scientific perspective says, that our current resource consumption, exceeds Earth's capacity to regenerate those resources and we can not sustain this for much longer. We already spend the resources of 1,5 planets, and there will be simply a tipping point where things go down the gutter if we continue with our current behaviour.