The one thing you'd change in your life, if it were possible.


Creator of Fallout Fixt
For me, I'd get rid of the need for sleep. Life without having to sleep would be amazing. Plus, think of how much you could get done! I really hate having to sleep, I've always hated it. Sleep is like that douchebag guy at work/school who just won't leave you alone, even though it's obvious you don't want to be around him.

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They have that already. It's called meth.

For me I'd probably change to a non-smoker.
Damn, man, this is a difficult topic :S
I came in here thinking it was a kind of "regret" thing, which would be easyer to pinpoint...

As for what I'd change right now... money. With money comes a lot of material goods, such as a proper place to live. But then I coulda wanted to change the underlying causes instead, or chance the nature of reality. This is sortof like "if you could have one wish" "I wish the ability to multiply my wishes"

But yeah... money!
I'd love to have been born a Genghis Khan.

I have no idea what I'd change...too much stuff really, nothing very original. Maybe increase my memory and intelligence so that I'm even more awesome?
No idea.

To tie with the OP, I wouldn't ban sleep, but I'd reduce it to, like, 2 hours a day. All that you need. Or have more than 24 hours in a single day.
Yeah, I'd rid of sleep as well seeing as how borked my current sleep schedule is. Yes, of course all the extra things to be done as well!
As for what I'd change right now... money. With money comes a lot of material goods, such as a proper place to live.

Speaking of which, contrary to what people mindlessly repeat, money does indeed buy happiness.
Without setting ground rules, Sduibek, your thread is beyond silly.

I'd say make me an omni-potent God. That's only changing one thing.
Wouldn't want to change a single thing, I am happy with what I have.
Blessed are the ignorant, for in ignorance they shall find contentment.

Not wanting to change anything either makes you a Zen master, or a person who lacks imagination. :)
Blessed are the ignorant, for in ignorance they shall find contentment.

Not wanting to change anything either makes you a Zen master, or a person who lacks imagination. :)

Or someone with a hot wife and sufficient free time and lots of money.

EDIT: Wait, maybe not on the wife thing. Everything I've seen has led me to believe that being married is a horrible death sentence.
I, for one, love sleep. Sleep is awesome.

[strike]90% of my life needs to change.[/strike] But I don't think that's the topic. I would make it so I would never have to go to the bathroom and it would be alright. I don't want some monkey's paw deal where I fill up with shit, explode, and die. Also menstrual cycles are gone.
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Tough question. People tell me I have potential often enough that I'm forced to believe it... I suppose I'd like to know what kind of potential that is and what in the bloody, bloody, bloody hell I'm supposed to do with it.
Tough question. People tell me I have potential often enough that I'm forced to believe it... I suppose I'd like to know what kind of potential that is and what in the bloody, bloody, bloody hell I'm supposed to do with it.

School? Career?
Both fine ideas and eventual goals. I'm on long-term disability, though, and even if I wasn't it's a lot tougher to get up momentum for that sort of thing ten years out of high school. Now we're getting off-topic, though.

In the interest of neatness, I'll rephrase that to "I'd like to have a clearer idea of which path, out of all the innumerable roads there are to walk, where I could be of most value and find the greatest measure of fulfillment."

Screw it. I'd just like to be kinder. Or maybe gimme Voof's poop thing, that'd be fun at parties.