The one Vault.

Chapter 2: Onwards and Outwards, Part 1 - ‘…And I'll be in Scotland afore ye.’

Lydia’s smile beamed down as Tim slowly opened his eyes. Pain and ache had settled all over Tim’s body as he had slept. The sight of Lydia’s beaming face dulled the pain some what.

“Wakey wakey.” She said.

“Urrrrgghhhh… What time is it?” Tim mumbled.

“0900 or so.” Lydia replied. She was bent over forward resting her hands on her knees.

“Why so early?” Tim groaned rubbing his eyes and stretching as he lay on his back.

“Early? You’ve been asleep since four O’clock yesterday afternoon, common get up we have stuff to do.” Lydia turned slightly and fumbled with something on the bed next to the one Tim was lying in.

As soon as her eyes were not pointing at Tim he had to stare at her breasts. They were hanging down where she was leaning forward and her Vault suit was undone slightly at the top showing a bit of cleavage. She had a very ample figure. As she turned back Tim’s eyes darted back towards her face. She held out a Vault suit with bits of leather and all sorts sewn into it. As the sleepy haze slowly lifted from Tim’s eyes he could see it was in fact his Vault suit.

“What do you think?” Lydia said smiling and holding up the jump suit.

It was defiantly Tim’s suit but it had been merged with the leather jacket and a few other bits of material. The leggings had leather knee pad patches on both sides, on one side red stitching could be seen snaking out from under the patch where the suit underneath had been damaged. The groin was mostly normal apart from the belt which had not only been attached to the suit it self but was now a combination of two standard issue belts, making a sort of large utility belt.

From just above the belt line up was what was left of the original leather jacket. It was only wrapped over the jumpsuit, not stitched in. Both arms had been removed and the shoulders had been given slightly extra padding from the excess leather. The front was covered in dense red stitching where the rips and holes had been repaired. The arms of the suit had patches on the elbows and strips of leather on the end of the fore arms which made up sort of bracers.

“What happened to the arms?” Tim Asked.

“We used them to patch up the jump suit and add a little extra padding in. Most of the left arm is left over; we could stick it back on if you like?” Lydia looked very proud of the new and ‘improved’ jump suit.

Tim considered the look of wearing a leather jacket with only one arm for a moment but quickly brushed it off as a silly idea, even if it would make him look like a hard case. Examining his Jump Suit Tim decided it was a big improvement on the original plain blue with yellow strip design. It also added a sort of bad ass look and gave more protection.

“Well, I’ll let you get dressed. Lieutenant Balk wants to see you as soon as you are up and ready.” Lydia flashed Tim one last smile and then set his jump suit down on the side of the bed and disappeared through the curtain that surrounded Tim’s hospital bed.

Tim pulled himself up into a sitting position and examined himself. His right arm had several fresh puncture marks, an empty ‘Slow-Stim’ lay next to him on the small bed side table. ‘Slow-stim’s’ as they had been nick named were effectively two normal stimpacks connected together through a new delivery system. Instead of an instant effect like a normal stimpack they were designed as a European equivalent to the American Super Stimpack.

Europe not having the resources of the USA could not afford the expensive chemicals used to make super stims so instead their scientists came up with the slow-stim. The slow stim took about an hour and slowly injected the stimpack chemicals into the blood stream rather than pumping them all in at once. The end effect was that the stimpacks, coupled with the natural healing rate of the body, healed much more injury than using two standard ones at once would. The hour trade off was more than acceptable seeing as stimpacks were a rare commodity in Europe, even before the war.

Tim pulled down the blood stained bandages that coated his torso, slightly, and examined the various cuts and lashes. Most of them were healing nicely although one or two of them would need another good nights sleep at the very least. Tim pulled himself to his feet and stretched, stopping mid way as the pain of his wounds spiked for a moment.

Tim was coated in patches of dry blood and black stains covered his hands where he had climbed out of the base the day before. It looked like the doctor had tried to keep things as sterile as possible around the more serious wounds but things like Tim’s hair took a back bench it appeared. Tim picked up his jump suit and headed for the showers Lieutenant Balk had told him about the night before.

Lydia stepped through the tent entrance into the medical tent and looked up over towards Tim’s bed. The curtains around the bed were fluttering as Tim was getting dressed after having his shower. She leant sideways slightly and got a glimpse of bare flesh through the thin gap where the curtains didn’t quite meet.

“You nearly done in there?” She asked.

“Give me a minuet.” Tim replied fumbling with the new belt.

“Balk wants us to meet him by the armoury tent as soon as you are done.” Lydia was still leaning sideways slightly trying to catch another glimpse.

“Us?” Tim asked.

“Yeah, looks like I am going on this next mission with you.” She said.

“Oh yeah… any idea what it is?” Tim said still getting dressed.

“No. Nearly everyone else is busy digging out that base you cleared out. Quite a mess down there from what I hear.” Lydia was still trying to sneak a peak through the curtains.

“… So how’s your leg by the way? Not in a cast any more I notice.” Tim said letting out a slight grunt as he tightened the straps on his boots.

“Yeah, it’s all healed now, nearly as good as new.” Lydia sharply pulled herself back into an upright standing position as the curtains were pulled back; hiding the fact she had been peeking. Tim stepped forward in his new attire.

Lydia looked Tim up and down. He had the thick leather “M4gnum” combat boots he had found in the base on. His knees were padded leather and his Vault suit slightly worn, the leather armless jacket sat comfortably on his chest and the padded shoulders looked intimidating. The new kind of utility belt meant that Tim could carry much more various odds, ends and ammo clips than before. The leather bracers on Tim’s fore arms looked good as well as providing extra protection and making his vault suit look a little more beefy. The left hand one also did a good job of covering up the SEID a little bit, though it was pretty well disguised as a plain bronze bracer anyway.

Lydia went a shade rosier in the cheeks and couldn’t help but smile slightly. Tim checked himself over quickly to make sure everything was secure and done up correctly, not registering Lydia’s reaction on a conscious level. He liked the improvements to his suit a lot, it was more comfortable than usual and the leather jacket and padding gave excellent protection for what they were. I wasn’t exactly ‘leather armour’ but it was a step up from just a leather jacket. Tim struck a pose in an over the top joking way.

“What do you think?” He said in a half silly voice.

“I love it!” Lydia replied.

“Common, Balk said to meet at the armoury on the double.” Lydia said as she began walking out of the tent entrance, Tim followed.

Tim looked up at the wall of trees in front of him. The foliage had taken the effect of the bombs pretty well. While the trees didn’t look as healthy as perhaps they should they still had leaves and a tint of green about them. Lydia was following closely behind Tim as they walked away from the camp and into the woods, following the river at the bottom of the valley. Tim ran over the plan of action one last time in his mind.

“Scout the area, find as many fusion shells as possible, bring them back to camp.” He said.

“Yeah, sounds really easy.” Lydia said in a sarcastic way.

“Oh I dunno. According to the maps we have there is, or at least was a pre war base about three or four days walk from here.” He said trying to keep the spirits up.

“When Balk said he was pairing me up with you for a mission an eight day trek in an overgrown forest wasn’t my idea.” She said hopping her rucksack on her back and pulling it up slightly as they walked.

“Well it has to be done. We need those fusion cells…” Tim loosened the grip on his assault rifle and let it hang over his stomach from the strap.

“Yeah, we need them alright. Pity the Lou couldn’t send any more of us out.” Vasquez said, running for a moment to keep up with Tim and Lydia.

Vasquez was a short dark haired Italian with a thing for fat women and the mind of a mechanical genius. He could dismantle an old car and turn it into a personal computer with the right tools and enough time. He was the third in their small party which had been sent out to the base they only knew as “grid AX4-99”. The base was obviously top secret at some point so instead of a name or mark on the map there was just a road system which just ended in a big blank white spot on the map.

Tim didn’t really like the idea of an eight day trek either but Balk had ordered it. They needed at least five fusion cells to jump start the generator in the underground base next to their camp and they wanted reconnaissance on the surrounding area. Following the river was the only real practical way to approach their encampment by foot or with a vehicle. The body in the base was relatively fresh, which meant as some point someone had come here. This meant, in theory, at some point they could come back.

The trio of wondering dwellers walked along the river side for about an hour, most of the conversation was complaints and moaning to being with from Vasquez and Lydia, but it soon broke out into joking and the ‘what are you going to do first when you get back to camp?’. It was at this point that Tim stopped, just as it had come around to his turn to say what he would do.

“What is it man?” Vasquez asked.

Tim was silent for a moment. Ahead of him was a sort of Y junction, naturally formed by a larger tree and a collection of rocks. The main route lay straight ahead, following the river through the woods, but the path to the right lead up the valley side. Tim considered for a moment.

The valley path had fewer trees but it would be harder to walk and there was no guarantee it would bypass the forest or even lead anywhere other than up the hill. On the up side it would make for a better view of the surroundings being higher up and might also be a bit quicker with no trees to slow them down.

The forest path beside the river was a guaranteed option. They would defiantly hit the base eventually but progress might be slower if the forest got any thicker deeper in. That and you couldn’t see more than about 50 meters at any one time for all the trees. On the other hand the forest path next to the river meant fresh drinking water was always at hand and possibly warmer nights when they had to set up camp.

Choice time:

A: Take the high road, up into the rocky hills. (+ 1 Agility + Scout perk)

B: Take the low road; follow the river through the forest. (+ 1 Strength + Explorer perk)

Stats update:

::: Statistics:
Strength: 06
Perception: 08
Endurance: 07
Charisma: 05
Intelligence: 07
Agility: 09
Luck: -10 (Not going to be used, but -10 sounds about right)

Hit Points: 027/040
Melee Damage: 03
Carry Weight: 175 lbs

(Perks are Gifted and High metabolism.)

::: Skills: (As more skills come into use I will add them in).

Small guns: 100%
Big guns: 10%
Energy Weapons: 10%
Unarmed: 60%

Ah, another part done, phew. How do you guys like it?

Also, what are your opinions on the “…” parts where I just skip straight to the next interesting thing happening. I figured people wouldn’t really want to read about how Tim had a shower, took a dump, cleaned him self up and how Tim reported to Lieutenant Balk and got his orders or how he met up with Vasquez and was assigned as “expedition leader” as it were. Do you like the “…” bits or no? If not I wont use them any more, it is partly laziness by me but I figured it would get a bit boring if I wrote down every little thing Tim did while he was recuperating for his next ‘quest’.

There's a higher chance of getting attacked by something in the forest. Also, as you said, the higher ground provides a better view of the sorrounding area.
The "..." parts aren't a problem, because, in my opinion, it's much more effective to explain what had happened on the move.
Choice A.

Honestly it would be better for survival to stay in the forest, but if indeed they are scouting the area the highland would be a better vantage point.

I also like the "..." since I happen to use them alot as you've probably already noticed.

The Vault Dweller

Getting a good view of the surroundings sounds good to me.

The "..." works well, as long as you explain what happened on the run, as you did now.

Great text once again! :)

It's definitely a good idea to get a better look around.

I do like the ellipses as well. I do that when I write too to skip over what would otherwise be boring, or when I'm switching scenes between different characters' points of view. It's much better to jump straight to the interesting parts and retroactively introduce things like the mission's details and Vasquez as you've done.
A is the winner, writing up the next section now.

I am going to have to think of more varied options where the answer wont be so obvious to try and get some discussion going. :)
Sorry its quiet, I AM working on the next chapter but its my Bday on the 5th (I'll be 21) and all the organising parties and being given presents and having fun has torn me (reluctantly, :P) away from writing the Fan fic. I WILL post the next chapter as soon as I am done, its about 50% so far, fear not.
Well, after looking over your mighty interesting fanfic, I'll start with my comments. Very well written, would be good in book form. Ever considered a profession as a writer? It seems like you do it plenty well when not being paid, so why not sweeten the deal? Well, anyway, a good read. I've spent three hours going over the whole thing, including the discussions. Can't wait to see the next installment.
Fear not!

I am still alive, its just been a crazy few weeks in RL. The story still lives. :) Finishing writing the next section right this moment.

Had an awesome 21st, just a really good time in my life at the moment, lots of things seem to be going for me, but not much seems to be going my way. Still, I am sure things will pick up.

Writing now. :)
Chapter 2: Onwards and Outwards, Part 2 - ‘Former glory.’

Tim started to walk again, changing direction, heading up the path which got progressively steeper. Lydia and Vasquez followed, chatter was light and meaningless. After about twenty minuets walking it was becoming noticeable that the party was no longer following the river directly.

“Hey man, where we going?” Vasquez asked.

“Higher ground might be quicker and should give us a better view of the surroundings.” Tim replied.

The long walk continued. Slowly the hill got steeper and the thick tree line broke up to make way for more scattered rocks and moss. The wind picked up slightly, not being held back by the thick wall of trees any more. The placement of trees slowly became sparser and eventually the party of three was out of the woods and climbing cold moss coated sheer rock faces and winding upward trails which didn’t seem to connect. This meant that every twenty meters or so you would have to go down on your hands and knees to climb up a bank or onto the next ledge or trail.

“Look!” Lydia’s voice rang out at the back of the group.

Tim and Vasquez stopped, taking a second to secure their footing and turned around to see what Lydia was trying to highlight. Tim’s eye’s widened. Just behind them and to the left the trees broke in a V formation and you could look out over the treetops. The forest seemed to stretch on endlessly, going down out of sight continuing along the flat and then back up on the other side of the valley. Nearly over the horizon you could just make out fields and possibly a break in the forest but it must have easily been fifteen or twenty miles away.

“Wow…” Tim said.

“That’s a hella’ lot of wood man.” Vasquez commented.

After a moments pause Tim wiped most of the damp from a mostly flat piece of rock on the hill side and sat down, letting a sigh of relief escape from his lips as he took the weight off his feet. Reaching around to his side Tim pulled up his Standard vault issue water flask and unscrewed the cap. Tipping the canteen over his open mouth Tim continued to swallow without closing his mouth until at least half of the water was used. Pulling the flask back down to level he let the air flow from his lungs in a refreshed tone.

The others took a moment to rest and refresh themselves as well eventually everyone was sitting on their own piece of rock catching their breath. After a short pause and taking in the view for a moment Tim pulled himself up onto his feet an ushered the others back into movement. The climb continued, eventually the route broke into easier to walk parts which weren’t so steep. Trees were few in this area and at regular spots you could catch a glimpse of the surrounding terrain but still they group pushed on. After almost an hour of climbing Tim caught sight of the summit as he pulled himself up over a small bank.

“We’re here!” He cried feeling good that they had made it to the top.

This area was almost flat with shallow mounds which seemed to roll over the top of the hillside like waves. A large thick fin of rock sprung up right in the middle of the hill and seemed to follow its summit along in both directions. Vasquez and Lydia both joined Tim on the top of the hill and after a moment’s banter and joking about being mountaineers they spread out, each finding their own vantage point to overlook the area. Tim began to climb up the large fin of rock to get a look on the other side of the hill.

Lydia scaled an up crop of rock and Vasquez half climbed a formation which leant over a shallow valley. Tim examined the fin of rock for a way to scale it. After standing there with his hands on hips for about ten seconds Tim realized that there was really no way to get over this fin without some sort of climbing gear, and even then it would be difficult. Just then something caught Tim’s eye. Half concealed in a curtain of ivy and moss was some sort of wall built into the side of the rock face.

Tim slid and hopped on the less than flat footing beneath him approaching the unusually placed structure. Tim reached a point atop a small mound of earth where he could see the wall clearly. It was, at some point, a building of some kind by the look of it. Nothing fancy remained. Just bare stripped half standing concrete walls and some collapsed roofing. There was actually a doorway which seemed to lead into the hillside but on closer examination it appeared only to be one more empty concrete room.

“What was this place?” Lydia’s voice came from just behind Tim and to his left.

Tim turned around to look at her before turning back to look at the desolate ruins. There were more of them; they seemed to carry on along the hillside for at least another 50 meters or so. All of them were half collapsed bare concrete rooms, with nothing in them save for a few broken ceiling pieces.

“Dunno. Looks like it could have been some industrial operation or perhaps a shelter of some kind. What ever it was it’s just a bunch of hollow rooms now.” Tim stated.

“What if there is something valuable inside?” Lydia said.

“Maybe, but we don’t have time for that now, we have a mission, remember? Besides… my last little trip into an underground base wasn’t exactly a cake walk if you recall.” Tim smiled and looked back at Lydia who was smiling slightly also.

“Check it ooout!” Vasquez’s call came from on top of the rock formation he had first climbed.

Tim and Lydia made their way over to where Vasquez was and followed his gaze. Tim was in awe. Lying in the bottom of the shallow valley was the remains of a fighter aircraft of some kind. It looked like one of those ones which could take off and land vertically. It was in pieces now however, it had hit the ground hard and the actual chassis would never be of use to anyone again saving for possibly memorabilia or perhaps making a small dog hut of some kind from some of the larger pieces.
The cockpit looked relatively untouched; the front panel had been smashed forward slightly and one or two of the screens were cracked but it looked as though someone could have survived the crash. The lid of the cockpit was missing completely and so was any sign of a chair or pilot. By this point the party of three had moved closer to the wreck, examining it up close.

“I don’t believe it; this engine looks like it could still run!” Vasquez had an excited tone in his voice.

“Some how I don’t think it will ever fly again Vasquez.” Tim said a playful tone to his voice.

“Oh yeah, no way, but. With the right tools and a few strong guys you could save this jet engine. Hell, it looks like all it needs is the loving touch of a good engineer and it would be running sweet as a nut. Can you believe that? Of all the things to survive this thing crashing into this mountain it would be the most fragile part.” Vasquez clearly loved his job.

“I would have said the pilot was the most fragile part Vasquez.” Tim brought a sobering point back into the conversation.

Vasquez and Tim both moved over to the cockpit and examined the inside. The bottom of the pit was filled with water up to the point where the shell had been ripped open and it could seep out. The pilots chair was completely missing and there was no sign of any life what so ever.

“Maybe he ejected?” Tim said.

“Look, over there!” Lydia was pointing ahead of the crashed plane to part of the hollow concrete structures which lay above it.

There, ripped worn and tangled in the undergrowth was a red and white cloth with cords coming out of it, it looked like a parachute. The party of three scrambled up the hill, out of the shallow valley, excited at the prospect of finding the pilot. Upon reaching the top they discovered the cockpit seat lying half buried in the undergrowth, the cords still attached the parachute which was tangled and torn in the surrounding trees and bushes.

Lying half way between the seat and the nearest concrete structure was a piece of white parachute material which had been tied onto a tree branch in a double knot. Presumably as some sort of signal to let rescue teams know the pilot had survived. Tim led the party up towards the concrete shell of a building. He stopped just inside the doorway of the hollow shell.

There, leaning against the far wall on the floor was the pilot; or his body at least. A skeleton dressed in flight gear. A USA patch was sewn into the shoulder of his jacket. A Colt 1911 was loosely resting in the right skeletal hand. Tim slowly approached the corpse. The flight suit was in pretty good condition but Tim wasn’t about to strip this poor sod of everything, he had more respect for the dead. He did however have an interest in the small disk which was extruding from the flight jackets breast pocket. Carefully Tim slid the disk out of the pocket and examined it, being careful not to disturb the fallen hero.

It was a Holo-Disk of some kind, not the UK Standard though; it appeared to be one of the square USA versions. For some reason Tim felt it would be a good idea to take the disk, he didn’t have a Holo-disk reader on his SEID at the moment and it wouldn’t matter anyway, to read this disk he would need an American Holo-disk reader. The UK Holo-disks were much smaller than their United States counter parts, the disks were rounded and only contained one roll of tape rather than the double roll US standard. They could still hold a decent amount of information however, not quite as much as the US versions but enough.

“What about the pistol?” Vasquez asked.

“Leave it, we don’t need it.” Tim replied.

Tim noticed the name tag on the front of the jacket, “R. Grey”. Pocketing the disk Tim motioned for the party to leave, there was nothing they needed from the dead pilot and he had more respect for life than to tear apart some ones last resting place for his own curiosity. The party proceeded back outside; none of them looked too healthy and the spring had been taken out of their step some what.

Tim pulled up his canteen and took a swig of water; it was the last of the water in the canteen. Not enough to quench his thirst but enough to wet his throat. Tim pushed the empty canteen back into its little holder.

“Anyone got any more water?” Tim asked.

“I got a bit, but it’s not enough to last all three of us.” Lydia said.

“I just had the last of mine, sorry.” Vasquez explained.

There was more silence as Lydia shared the last of her water with Tim. Tim took one last look at the crashed aircraft; it made a fitting monument to Man’s former glory. The pinnacle of technology for an entire nation now reduced to nothing more than a large paper weight with moving parts.

“It’s getting dark.” Tim observed after a moments silence.

“What we gonna do?” Vasquez asked.

It’s choice time.

A: Head back down into the valley, towards the water. This will mean setting up camp in the woods at night but will mean they party receive water from the river.

B: Set up camp in one of the ruined concrete buildings for the night and head back down the mountain in the morning. This will mean setting up camp with no water.

What do you guys think? I hope you like this episode, I know it was a little dull in parts but it plays an important roll in time to come, but perhaps not for the reasons you think. ;)

Feedback is always welcome.

Nology5890: Thankyou for your comments. However I somehow doubt that I would get paid for writing things such as this. I mean yeah I could write it as a book (could even convert it from this multi-choice form if I wanted) but who would buy it? I dunno, sounds like a nice idea but I have no idea how I would go about getting paid for doing this. :)

Meh, there are always certain people who like the post-apoc genre, I happen to be one of them. I'd probably get it in book form, just because I find the whole idea of post-apoc (especially Fallout) quite exciting.

I know the woods could be dangerous at night, but so could the ruins and they need water. Making that climb in the morning without having had anything to drink in several hours could be worse.

The pilot's name is "R. Grey," I see. Related to Richard Grey, perhaps?

I had thought Nology5890 meant you could simply write professionally in general, not necessarily Fallout fanfiction. That's a possibility too.

Man this is good, I can't believe I have only just found this Every post is better than the last! Keep up the good work.
Yeah, what Mr. handy said as well. It seems you have a style of writing that is able to draw readers, is all I was getting at, but then I got into that whole 'oh, people luv PA! you should put this into a book!' rant a couple posts ago.

Just to get it out there, you have a very good writing style that seems to draw the best out of this community. You should consider writing as a profession.

There. That ^ was what I meant.

Somehow I feel that if something dangerous is coming to them at night time, the concrete buildings would be a better place to defend themselves compared to the open woods.

Enjoyed the story as usual. :)
Mr. Handy said:
A.The pilot's name is "R. Grey," I see. Related to Richard Grey, perhaps?

More sort of a bonus thing for the hardcore F1 fans. Just coincidence in this story, the master isnt going to come flying across the atlantic in a giant airship he hijacked from the brotherhood to find his long lost cousin or somthing stupid like that... :P :)

Nology: I see what you mean. Thanks for the praise and all. I am dyslexic so perhaps that is why I can write such... graphical text? I'm not to impressed with the last chapter, its not my best work to be honest and I feel I can do better. Still, we'll have to wait and see. :)

Also: Do you think if I started writing a non Fallout based PA story that it would be any good?
Tycell if i was you I would try and write professionally as your stuff is really good and i would read any story you come up with dude, Oh yea you seem to have overcome your dyslexia really well for some reason mine wont go away.
I'd go for A. They'll have to get to the water one way or another, and - compared to walking through the forest during the day - I guess it's less of a risk to stay in the forest during the night since most of the wildlife is sleeping.