A is *still* the winner!
Final scores;
A - 7
B – 1
Hey guys, guess whose back.
I’m going to try and keep on top of this story as much as possible, the reason I stopped so abruptly is because my computer’s MB took a static hit and fried. It took me close to a full year to get this computer back (yeah, I was slack) and when I did the story wasn’t on it any more. Fear not I can remember where I was going with it all but please forgive me if there are a few minor mistakes from here on in it has been a while since I had a decent net capable computer.
Note: I have also read through the whole thing again and re-created the stats page for Tim. So the previous choices weren’t all in vein.
Chapter 1: Leaving the Nest, part 14 – ‘If the boot doesn’t fit…’
Tim pulled himself up to his feet. If he was going to make it out of here he would have to think smart. He made his way over to his fallen Vault dweller and checked to see if he had anything of value. His gun was missing and Tim couldn’t find it in the immediate area, how ever he did have a spare clip in his holster and Tim gratefully pulled it out and slid it into his own ammunition belt. That brought him up to 1 pipe rifle and 1 spare magazine full of 9mm rounds, 13 rounds in all.
Unfortunately the dead man didn’t seem to have anything else of value on him. Tim could feel the cold rusted grid of steel under his bare foot. Sitting down next to the man quickly Tim shot a glance at the door to make sure none of the littler critters was going to jump him and pulled on the man’s boot. Pulling it in line with his bare foot Tim compared sizes; he was at least 4 sizes too small.
“Damn it!” Tim cried out half under his breath.
“Squeak.” Came the reply.
Tim’s eyes shot up to the open doorway. One of the smaller rabbits was stood in the door way staring at him. It glanced at him and then spotted the large platter of bullet riddled meat which represented the larger beast they had taken down moments before. The small rabbit jumped forward landing on the corpse of its fallen comrade and instantly began checking through the skin. Tim slowly stood up and edged towards the door way.
“That’s right… big meal for you and your friends’ right there. No need to pay that pesky human any notice.”
Tim edged, back to the wall, towards the doorway not taking his eyes off the little hungry critter for a moment. Tim stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes caught the sight of another of the little critters. It looked at him for only half a second before spotting the big meal before it. It jumped over next to its comrade and began tucking in to the feast. Tim let him self breath and then resumed his course for the door. On his way another of the small critters darted through the door, this one however jumped straight past the large dead monster and instead sunk its teeth into Tim’ fallen comrade. Tim turned his head away, he couldn’t watch any more.
The critters were coming fast and in a steady flow now, no doubt drawn to the prospect of a free meal. Tim managed to get lucky with the timing and hop through the door way, backing away, at a brief pause in the flow of diners. Tim could hear more and more of the little bastards coming down the tunnel. It didn’t look like there was a lot of chance of getting out the way he had come in. Tim backed towards the metal door that connects this small corridor to the Machine shop. It was quiet this way, didn’t seem to have a flow of hungry critters, Tim figured it was his best chance for finding something to allow him to escape; thirteen bullets and a manual reload pipe rifle didn’t give good odds on getting through the tall grass in one piece or in any piece at all.
As quietly as possible Tim stepped backwards through the doorway and pulled the door shut, letting it bang loudly as metal hit metal. Tim spun the handle quickly locking the door in place. The sound of small teeth on bone was stopped by the thick metal door and Tim could hear nothing but silence and the faint subtle hum of a large open space. Turning around Tim took in the surroundings. This room was well lit, in comparison to the rest of the submerged facility. Light beamed in from the slit windows high above. Tim stared as, for just a moment; he caught sight of one of the small rabbits as it hopped up the motionless dirt waterfall and out through one of the slit windows, its dark shadow being cast back through the dusty sunlight just before it disappeared.
Tim gripped his pipe rifle holding it ready. It looked like this place was pretty safe, if any of the little critters were aware of him being there they would probably be charging by now. Slowly Tim walked into the room. The concrete floor felt like marble under his bare foot; cold, perfectly flat and smooth. The room was clearly a large vehicle shop or mechanical bay of some sort. Center piece in the room was what appeared to be a large armored vehicle. Set in rust and half buried at the front end in the dirt and mud that had build up through the open window over the years. Tim pulled back his sleeve and slid open the S.E.I.D. panel. Pressing the button for Sensors and then Radar time glared at the screen. The small clicking noise emanated as the circle expanded, stopping in a slight glow when it hit the walls or various large items scattered around the room.
The main thing was, Tim thought, that nothing was moving. The room seemed completely void of all or any undesirables. Tim wasn’t going to start taking chances though, with the radar unit still functioning Tim began to make his way into the room, using his flash light, still clipped to his chest to examine tables and cabinets for signs of weapons or anything he could use to help him escape. Most of the tables were covered in various mechanical devices or tools, the row of tables and work benches stretched down one side wall of the room until about two thirds of the way down where they stopped to make way for lockers and shelf’s which appeared to be covered and filled with pieces of engines. The last table on the row however was different, it was nearly completely clear of anything at all.
Tim’s torch beam passed over the table and stopped as the glint on torch light on metal bounced into Tim’s eye. A wash of good feelings passed through Tim as he stepped closer and examined the metal glint more closely. It was a very old six round magnum, just sitting there on its own next to a selection of torn and faded paper work in a folder. Tim set his pipe rifle down on the table and picked up the Magnum, looking at it in admiration of the craftsmanship. He flicked the release catch and the magnum’s round magazine slid almost effortlessly out of the side of the gun. Tipping the gun up above the table Tim shook it gently to see if any of the rounds were live.
Six metal shells fell from the open gun chamber and landed in a disorganized pile on the table. Two shells had been fired and were nothing but empty shell cases now but four of the rounds were unfired and looked perfect.
“Point four five caliber, wham-bam thank you mam.” Tim whispered to himself as he flicked away the two spent shells which went spinning off the end of the table.
Picking up the four unused shots Tim Re-Loaded the magnum and gave it one last look. It was a little worn, but it had stood up to time well. Good old stainless steel one, old father time zero. Slipping his new found ‘pop stick’ into the holster his 9mm used to occupy Tim looked at the paper work on the table next to where the gun had been sitting.
Someone had scrawled “User: c0ldst33ltrs4u PW: lolercopter” in pen as a foot note on the inside of the front cover. All the other paper inside the folder was far too faded to make out in this light and probably wasn’t of any relevance anyway. As Tim examined the paper work the SEID let off a worrying ‘ping’.
Tim’s arm darted up to just in front of his face and he examined the radar. There was a contact moving behind him. Tim spun around, scooping up his pipe rifle as he turned. Looking in the direction the SEID had indicated Tim could make out the silhouette of one of the smaller ex-rabbit creatures skittering along just outside of the slit windows high above. The creature passed the farthest window and, presumably, carried on about its business without ever glancing towards Tim. The ping from the SEID unit stopped and was once again replaced with the re-assuring click of the radar pulse.
“No time for sight seeing.” Tim said to him self.
It was a dark reminder of the grim circumstances Tim was in. Looking at the radar screen again Tim noticed that the path they had taken to get into the sub surface base was mapped out. The SEID had kept a record of the corridors and tunnels it had been down and where they were in relevance to Tim’s position now. It appeared that if Tim carried on through the machine bay he could probably come full circle and end up at the armoury from the other side. Also noted on the map was a strange symbol in the room on the wall next to the entrance with a small arrow pointing up. Tim couldn’t make out what it was but it looked like part of a grid of some sort.
Shining his flash light in the direction of the small symbol he realized what it was; a ladder. Following the ladder Tim could see it connected to a metal walkway above, which in turn lead to an opening. The faint glow of sunlight was echoed on the walls of the opening. It could be a way to the surface, but would he be fast enough, with only one boot, to make it out of the long grass? Looking at the other option Tim peered at the large doorway leading out of the mechanics bay on the other side. It was dark and appeared to lead further in to the facility but it did head in the same general direction as the armoury. Tim weighed it up.
A: Climb the ladder up leading towards the sunlight, hope to find a way out and make a break for it across the long grass. Risky with only one boot on as Tim can’t run as fast.
(+ 1 Strength + 1 Endurance + 25% Unarmed skill)
B: Head through the Machine shop and try to make it to the armoury. With any luck there will be more ammo for his Magnum and perhaps a new set of boots.
(+ 1 Agility + 1 Perception + 25% Small Guns Skill)
Choice is yours as always. Also here is an update on the character stats so far to help (or perhaps complicate) your decision:
::: Statistics:
Strength: 06
Perception: 07
Endurance: 07
Charisma: 05
Intelligence: 07
Agility: 08
Luck: -10 (Not going to be used, but -10 sounds about right)
Hit Points: 035/040
Melee Damage: 03
Carry Weight: 175 lbs
(Perks are Gifted and High metabolism.)
::: Skills: (As more skills come into use I will add them in).
Small guns: 75%
Big guns: 10%
Energy Weapons: 10%
Unarmed: 60%