Chapter 1: Leaving the Nest, part 15 – ‘Caesars thumb.’
Tim picked up the FN FAL, it was unloaded. Raising it up close to the Flashlight he noticed a small label hanging on a piece of string which was tied around the barrel. Tim turned the label to face him and pulled it into the torch light. ‘Firing mechanism broken does not have full auto capabilities. Ref: A-A-F-3345’. Tim placed the FN FAL down on the floor, leaning it against the shelves. Picking up the Assault Rifle Tim noted another small label dangling below it.
“Just my luck, a shelf full of broken guns!” He thought aloud.
Tim peered at Assault Rifles label in the gloom. ‘Stock chipped, grip loose, multiple scratches all over. Ref: A-A-F-3348’. This didn’t sound so bad. Tim set his flash light down on the desk and placed the Assault Rifle carefully in front of it, the light gleamed from the metal barrel of the gun. Sure enough the assault rifle was covered in scratches and there was an oily residue down one whole side. It looked as though someone had run it over in a truck. The stock was chipped alright – but that didn’t matter to Tim, nor did the scratches and stains on it.
The grip however was indeed loose. The wooden tube, where the hand not holding the trigger would usually sit, attached to the barrel was split in the middle in line with the barrel. Tim didn’t have a clue how you could fix this without some sort of super glue, he did how ever formulate a solution. After rummaging through some of the lockers he found what he was looking for. After a clumsy two minuet operation Tim picked up the Assault Rifle and bounced it in his palm. There was now a thick tight bundle of old worn rags tied around the offending grip. It was basic but it would last and it worked.
Tim collected the ammunition for the Assault rifle, a thin belt with several slots for spare magazines on it. There were four spare magazines in the belt along with the fifth magazine which Tim had just slid up into the rifle. Tim pulled the strap for the rifle over his right shoulder, pulled the gun up into his arms, and cocked it. The gun made a satisfying sliding clicking sound as the cock slid back into place and a round was pulled up out of the full magazine.
Tim felt he was now ready to open the door and step back out into whatever was waiting for him in the corridor. Fiddling all three weapons into comfortable and easy access positions in a nervous moment he gripped the Assault rifle tight in his right hand, holding it up on its strap mostly and with his left hand he spun the locking wheel on the door. He paused for a moment, listening out for any sort of sound. It was eerily silent. Tim spun the wheel the rest of the way around and kicked the door out, jumping back as he did so, further into the room to put some space between him and the open doorway.
The first monster scrambled into the doorway with drool slipping from its bearing teeth. The Assault rifle sounded like someone setting off fire crackers in Tim’s ears in this closed in environment. The monster broke into a spasm falling backwards as pieces of it spun off in sprays of blood. After a half second pause another of the larger creatures jumped up over the dead body of its comrade coming in diagonally into the room. Its fur flapped violently in small patches as the bullets riddled through it, it came down to the side of the desk like a sack of potatoes knocking the desk forward slightly to the sound of bone hitting wood at speed.
Tim could hear the cries of the smaller rabbits now, they were different from before, they sounded scared and panic ridden. Seizing the moment Tim walked forward quickly, the Assault rifle low down at hip height but always pointing forward. Stepping through the open doorway Tim turned and was immediately greeted by another of the large creatures. It was frozen in panic, it clearly didn’t know whether to run or fight. A petrified look was glazed over its eyes which were staring at Tim as if it had just that moment turned to stone. Tim didn’t give it a chance to contemplate its options. A spray of lead from the Assault rifle soon ripped its face to pieces, it thrashed in pain for a moment but then collapsed sideways in the corridor in a splash of blood. Tim was already turning to look down the other way, the assault rifle following his movements as if it were part of him.
A small carpet, comprised of the smaller rabbits, was now fleeing from the scene. Hopping away down the corridor in fear, it was justified, they were still in range. Tim squeezed the trigger of the Assault Rifle and didn’t let go. The sound of bullets ricocheting, the sharp thud of bullets piercing mutant rabbit flesh and the squeals of pain and panic all collided together to make a symphony of destruction. The carnage only stopped when the magazine on the Assault Rifle ran out.
The lucky rabbits who had escaped the volley of bullets disappeared into rooms or pipes or anywhere they could find that wasn’t within sight of Tim and his rifle. Three of the rabbits lay dead, a fourth one tried to pull it self forward but then succumbed to its wounds, the last rabbit in sight was screaming and thrashing in agony. It was lying on its back with its back two legs blown off. After a moment or so it stopped making noise, it had either died or passed out.
Everything fell silent but Tim’s ears were ringing slightly from all the gunfire. Without taking his eyes off the end of the corridor Tim pushed in the small button which released the magazine. The small empty metal box fell to the floor and quickly came to a stop in the thin layer of mud. Tim reached down to his belt and pulled a full magazine from one of the slots, which he then slid into the Assault Rifle. The Rifle’s mechanism automatically slid forward and cocked it self once the fresh rounds were in place from the second magazine of the day. The action was smooth and Tim still hadn’t taken his eyes off the corridor.
“How do you like them apples?” He muttered.
Tim started his advance, following the corridor further away from the Machine Shop. For a while everything was completely silent. Tim turned a corner, ahead was a large open doorway with natural sunlight beaming down into the room connected. Between Tim and the lit room however were two more of the larger mutant monsters, they began to growl and hiss. One of them broke into a sprint for Tim; the other followed its partners lead. Tim Pulled the Assault Rifle up to his shoulder, aimed, and let off two short bursts. The critters fell to the floor skidding slightly.
Tim walked forward, this could be he way out up ahead. Entering the large room Tim could instantly see something was different. The smell of the room was different and the corners and floor all seemed to be stacked with long dead dry grass. Sun light was beaming into the large room from a big square hole in the ceiling. Directly below the hole was a large square platform, it appeared to be some kind of large hydraulic lift, sat center piece on the lift was what once had been a helicopter. Now it was little more than rust and scrap-metal.
Tim headed towards the large lift; it was partially raised with about a three foot gap between it and a small perfect fit hole beneath. The hole was filled with dry long grass and the smell was stronger around it. Tim stopped dead in his tracks, surprised and worried at what he could see. The hole underneath the large lift was almost coated in the strange biological substance that was smeared on the walls and floor.
Lying there in the hole, right in front of the large pillar that served as the hydraulic push for the lift was a very large very odd looking mutated rabbit. It was very large, but thin as well. It lay on its side and appeared to be exhausted and incapacitated. Piled around its stomach was the reason. About a dozen newly born mutated rabbits were there suckling on the creatures lactating nipples. Tim put two and two together and made one.
“It’s the god damn mother bunny!”
Clearly this was the main nest of the mutant rabbit infestation which plagued this base. The creature was in no position to fight; it was bleeding slightly from behind and was clearly completely exhausted. The small baby critters appeared blind and had no fur or teeth at this point, obviously they were no threat. Tim was also comforted by the fact there was a loaded Assault Rifle between him and this nesting mother. She looked like she could be really nasty on a good day.
Tim backed away slowly, not sure what to do, he spotted the charging beast out of the corner of his eye too late. Turning to face his attacker Tim was knocked completely flying by the huge monsters blow. The creature had its huge jaws wrapped around the Assault Rifle which was pulled from Tim’s grip, the strap slipping off from over his shoulder.
Tim hit the deck on his back and slid stunned and slightly winded. Pulling himself up onto his elbows Tim took a look at this gargantuan attacker. It was huge, much bigger than anything he had seen so far. It was about five foot tall, on all fours at least. Its huge jaws were misshaped slightly and it had teeth missing. Its eyes were dark red and almost seemed to glow. It had very little fur; its thick leathery light pink skin exposed. It was the rabbit alpha male; the cheeky meat just visible dangling between the back legs was a give away. The beast grappled with the Assault Rifle for a moment and then flicked its head, tossing it aside to the floor.
Tim was already climbing to his feet, the monster turned to face him and screamed with a deep horse pitch. Tim pulled the magnum from its holster and fired. Each shot sunk into the creature’s thick hide, the monster writhing in agony making a head shot impossible. Tim emptied all six shots into the creature. Lowering the .45 as the smoke cleared Tim expected to observe a corpse, he didn’t.
The monster was hit, and wounded, but not down. Its thick leathery skin had saved it from most of the penetration, though it was bleeding slightly it was now even angrier than before. Tim holstered the magnum quickly and reached for the shotgun – too late. The beast landed on him like six hundred pounds of seagull shite at a fun fair. Tim was back on the deck in an instant fending off the large jaws. The monster slashed and chomped at Tim but somehow Tim was able to fend it off from landing a killer blow to his neck or nuts.
The huge creature let fly a powerful blow into Tim’s side. Tim skidded and rolled through the dry grass flooring and scrambled to his feet turning to run. The monster was already upon him, its huge powerful jaws coming down on his shoulder. The leather jacket being the only thing stopping it from tearing Tim’s arm open a treat. Tim kicked and elbowed the monster which had now bundled him onto the ground again. Tim somehow managed to roll over onto his back.
The monster began to tire slightly, its arms no longer slashing so hard, instead it put all its effort into another powerful snapping strike with its jaws. Tim threw his hands up and grabbed the beast by the throat, pushing back with all his might; he managed to get one knee up under which held the monster fast. Slowly the creature was getting closer; it was thrashing and snapping in Tim’s face. Slowly the monster drew nearer. Tim could smell and feel its foul hot breath breaking over his face every other second.
The monster made a push and managed to gain on Tim, snapping quickly one of its front teeth caught Tim on his brow and swiped down the left side of his nose cutting him. This beast was terrifyingly powerful but it didn’t have much stamina, and those six magnum shots were helping. That combined with the adrenalin gave Tim his last window of opportunity before he wound up lunch.
Reaching down Tim took a hold of the shotgun which was still strapped to his chest. Pushing with his legs he managed to awkwardly free the shotgun from under the belly of the monster. The creature had other ideas and pushed down even harder than before, arching its back and pushing forward with its back legs. The monster’s head came right back down towards Tim’s face. Tim gripped the trigger and pushed the double barrels forward, with his left hand, away from his chest.
The barrels lodged into the creature’s mouth, thinking it had got him the monster turned its head down slightly and bit forward taking the barrels further in until they were lodged at the back of the pallet of its mouth. Tim fired off both rounds. The monster’s head split open like a celebrities face under a scalpel. A massive projectile of Buckshot, blood, brain matter and beastie tissue flew up towards the ceiling, most of which rained back down all over the two combatants soaking them both in a shower of blood.
The Monster went limp and collapsed stopping all signs of life entirely. Tim was being crushed by the huge beast and just about managed to roll the huge carcass off him. Tim pushed himself away, kicking with his feet, sliding across the floor away from the huge dead monster. He was almost in shock and it took a moment for his heart rate to go down, Tim nearly broke into tears at one point amazed he had survived such a savage and brutal assault.
After a moment to compose him self Tim gathered his senses once again. Suddenly he was aware of movement around him. Looking around Tim could see tens of the smaller mutated rabbits fleeing from the area, all of them scrambling up tunnels and out into the daylight. Their king had fallen and the jesters were fleeing from the court room. Tim slowly pulled himself to his feet. He was limping slightly now and was still bleeding quite badly from the deep cut on his face.
Tim reloaded the shotgun with rounds from the belt and then the magnum with the auto loader. The queen rabbit was crying out under the huge metal lift, crying for help, but the small army of rabbits had seen enough and they were having none of it. Tim limped, swaying slightly, over to the Assault Rifle. He picked it up and staggered back over to the huge helicopter lift leaving a trail of blood drops behind him. Tim stood there with the assault rifle in his hands staring at the queen rabbit.
The large female was skinnier than the ‘king rabbit’ and looked as though she could be quite fast and vicious once rested. The small collection of baby rabbits were still suckling at their mother, she was totally helpless for the time being. Tim began to see red slightly. Glancing just above the Queen he noticed a large rubber hydraulic pipe which powered the huge lift. He looked back down at the currently helpless creature and her kin which had caused him and his comrades so much trouble.
Choice time:
A: Shoot the hydraulic pipe, the fluid will gush out and the huge lift will come down and crush the mother rabbit and all her young – this will seriously dampen the rabbit population in the area in time.
B: Walk away. Give the mother rabbit time to heal and move on with her offspring. This would mean the rabbits would be around in the surrounding area for much longer.
Choose wisely and think about what the rabbits represent in the area. The rabbits will never return to the underground base but they will be in the surrounding area.
Phew… quite a big chapter. Hope you guys like it.