Chapter 1: Leaving the Nest, part 8 – ‘Lose a friend, gain an enemy.’
Tim twisted his head slightly until his neck cracked, rubbing the back of his neck and stretching he let out a sigh of relief. Looking around he could see everyone was busying themselves setting up a make shift camp. It was late morning, probably around 1100 hours and the sun was high in the sky giving the whole area a pleasant summers glow. Walking over to the Weapons tent he couldn’t help but don a smile as he approached, looking at Lydia. Lydia didn’t spot him coming, she was busy messing with something on the make shift desk built out of crates in front of her. Tim stepped up right in front of the desk of crates and grinned as she looked up to see who it was.
“Oh, hey Tim! Man am I glad to see you, I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me. That was really heroic of you, and it makes me feel really bad that I kicked you out of the vault on your own. Thanks for what you did, you saved my bacon. You feeling better now? Doc said you took a pretty nasty dose of poison from those little mutated rabbits.” Tim couldn’t help but let a quick though about ‘Lydia’s bacon’ pop into his head as his mind contemplated a response.
“Yeah, all good now. Doc inoculated me from the poison so I should be alright if the little critters decide to taste test me again. How’s the leg?” Tim smiled at Lydia; she was looking back at him returning the gesture.
“Yeah, thanks to you I am going to be ok.” Lydia said, pushing herself back on the crate she was sat on and lifting her leg up, revealing the small plaster cast that was now attached to her foot.
“Doc fixed me up pretty good, all I have to do is keep hitting it with a stimpacks every night and he says I should be back on my feet in two or three days, about a week before it’s completely healed, but it will heal, which is the important thing. I feel such an idiot for shooting myself in the foot.” She chuckled slightly and looked back at Tim smiling.
Tim smiled at her back, looking her straight back in the eyes as she was to him, he let the tranquil silence hold for a moment before replying.
“So yeah, I hear you’re the person to talk to about getting my guns back.” He said, still smiling at her.
“Yep, that’s right. With my foot done in all I can do pretty much is organize this make shift armoury. Still, so long as I can do something, everyone’s really busy setting up the camp at the moment, I don’t think anyone has really come to terms with the loss of the Vault yet, maybe they are all just keeping themselves busy and trying not to think of it. Lieutenant Balk took it pretty hard though, when they shut the door he spent pretty much the whole night up at the Vault entrance, just sitting there. Poor sod.” Lydia’s expression seemed to drop for a moment, but it soon bounced back to being a pretty smile.
“So yeah, guns, riiiight, heh. Ok, well, I don’t know where you 9mm side arm went but you can have mine if you like, I haven’t got much use for it at the moment, not being able to walk and all. Plus I can always have a new one go missing from the armoury later on.” She winked and smiled at Tim.
Lydia pushed a stack of papers to one side and retrieved her 9mm pistol which had been lying under the paper, she popped out the clip and checked it, it was fully loaded. Pushing the clip back into place, she gripped the top of the pistol with her thumb and fore finger and half pulled back the slide but not so much as to cock the pistol, looking into the chamber to make sure it didn’t have a round already in it she released the slide which sprung back into place and then made sure the safety catch was on. She flipped the pistol in one hand and passed it to Tim, who reached out and took it from her.
“Brilliant! That’s awesome, what about that pipe rifle too? That should come in pretty handy for picking things off from a distance.” Tim said, examining the pistol quickly and then sliding it into his leg holster, making sure to button the flap down this time.
“Oh right yea, my white knights sword, ha ha.” Lydia giggled slightly and then reached down to one side, the pipe rifle Tim had used to defend her with was pulled up in her fair hand, it had been leaning against a crate right next to her probably since Tim passed out, it was carefully packed inside its back mounted holster. Pulling it up and reaching over Lydia handed it to Tim.
“There you go, be careful with it now we only have four of them left now, oh and here’s your standard issue.” Lydia said as she lifted the lid of one of the crates in front of her and fumbled inside it.
She came back up holding three spare clips for the pistol, all loaded. She also reached down into the box and pulled out the ammo belt Tim had taken from the armoury on level 3, it was filled with 9mm rounds, twenty in all.
“And a little bit extra.” She said with a smile as she handed the ammo belt to Tim.
“Thanks Lydia.” Tim said, smiling back at her, clutching his pipe rifle and bundle of ammo.
“Oh hey, Lieutenant Balk said he wanted to see you, he should be up in the cave just outside the Vault entrance, you should go see him right away.” She said sitting forward in her chair slightly and leaning on the desk in such a way that her back curved in a delightful fashion.
“Sure, thing. Catch you later, yeah?” Tim said starting to walk away but taking one last look at the fine figure of a woman that sat before him.
“Yeah, catch you later.” She smiled as he walked away and then returned to her paper work.
Tim began half jogging towards the cave entrance, slipping on his new gear as he went. He put the ammo clips in the slots built for them next to his gun holster and slipped into the ammo belt that came to rest over one shoulder and under the other. Finally he pulled over the straps for the pipe rifle’s back mount and did them all up, he made sure the straps for the pipe rifle ran across the other way to those of the ammo belt to make getting to the ammo belt easier. Making sure all straps and clips were tightly tied and fastened so that nothing could fall off if he ran, he approached the cave entrance.
There was a Vault Security Officer stood at the entrance to the cave, he was sat on a large rock just to one side of it and he was eating out of a foil wrapped ration pack. He folded the pack close and put it down to one side of him, picking up a torch from next to him he stood up and swallowed the food in his mouth.
“Hey man, you here to see Lieutenant Balk right? Here, he’s just outside the Vault door.” The man said as he handed Tim the torch.
“Yeah, thanks.” Tim said, taking the torch from him and turning it on as he stepped inside.
Walking down the musky dry cave he kept the torch beam on the floor to see where he was stepping. The dirt floor of the cave had boot prints and drag marks all over it, spent flares littered the sides of the cave and dislodged rocks were scattered about the floor. As Tim approached the Vault door the light of a fire illuminated the area, Tim switched off the torch and approached. Lieutenant Balk was sat on the cave floor just outside the Vault’s huge metal door, a burning fire sat in front of him and various pieces of fire wood stacked in a pile next to him.
The Vault door was cold and silent, none of the lights were on and the access panel to the left of the entrance was dark and motionless, the power from the Vault’s reactor that had once supplied it gone it was now an expensive sign post to what had once been. The door looked very strange not being lit up, as if it had been there forever, never opened nor touched since the dawn of time. A slight shade of rust and time eternal tainted the door.
Tim walked over to Lieutenant Balk and stood right next to him, saluting him he stood silently and awaited a response, there was a long pause and the lieutenant didn’t take his eyes off the fire.
“Damn fine work you did fending off those rabbit, I hear.” He said in a distant tone.
“You should be proud son. I know I am, you did you duty, as we all did. But you did yours without fear or distraction, something I can’t say for all of us, that’s why I am picking you as the leader for a little expedition.” The lieutenant stared at the fire for a moment, and then looked up at Tim, a meaningful look in his eye.
“It’s dangerous having those rabbits nesting so close to our new camp, as best we can tell they are littered all over the hills to the North but they don’t like leaving the long grass. What’s more they have set up camp in the staging area used to build the Vault, could be some worth while stuff in that base. Remember that building you found that was nearly completely buried? Well it isn’t alone, I sent a scouting party out to that area earlier this morning, looks like a lot of the pre war structures survived, and if we could get to them we might be able to find some very valuable stuff in there. Like power generators, operating computer systems, food replication units, water purifiers and so on. First things first however, we need to clear out those rabbits that have set up camp in them.” Lieutenant had pulled himself together and was now speaking in a much more authority laden tone.
“I want you to lead a team of our security officers into the long grass and over to the buried base. Once there you are to find a way in and then clear out the area of all those damned rabbits. Once they are out of the way it should be safe to send in the bulk of our people to search the base for anything of value, if we’re lucky we can repair the base’s underground facilities and use them for storage and protection in this new world. Do you understand?” The lieutenant returned to staring at the fire.
“Yes lieutenant.” Tim replied.
“There are other issues as well, but we can deal with them later once I have the full details on what we managed to get out… before…” The lieutenant fell silent; his gaze was distant as he stared into the dancing flames.
Tim suddenly felt very awkward; he decided he would end the conversation as quickly as possible and do as the lieutenant had asked. Pushing out his chest a little and holding his hands behind his back Tim spoke in an obedient tone.
“I will gather a team and proceed into the long grass, sir. We will search out for any way that the base might be recoverable and kill off the pack of mutant squatters. Shall I precede sir?” Tim asked, a long pause following his question.
Lieutenant Balk seemed to jump slightly, as he pulled himself back into reality and concentrated.
“Yes, take the men on shift guarding the perimeter of the long grass. Kill off all the creatures and examine the base to see if it can be repaired.” Tim nodded in acceptance and turned to walk away.
“One more thing, I am promoting you to sergeant, good work 145.” The lieutenant went back to staring at the fire, Tim didn’t hang around, he walked away turning on the torch to guide him self out of the cave.
Stepping back into the sunlight Tim handed the torch to the guard outside.
“How was he?” The man inquired.
“Distant, something is really troubling him.” Tim replied.
“Yeah, we think he blames himself for not going and getting the others out of operations.” The man replied.
Tim didn’t answer, although what the man had said might well be true something else seemed to bother him, the lieutenant seemed far too cut up for it to be just over the people in operations who didn’t get out. Tim knew the lieutenant didn’t have a partner inside the Vault and he couldn’t think of anything else that would be troubling the lieutenant so much.
“He promoted me to sergeant.” Said Tim.
“Oh… sweet… yeah he has been promoting a few other people and fiddling around with the command structure, I think it’s because we lost so many officers when the reactor blew. Damn funny thing that, went out without a sound, ground didn’t shake or anything.” The man said.
“Yeah… strange. Hey, did Mark make it out?” Tim inquired remembering his shift buddy he had seen when he walked out of his quarters that morning.
“No, sorry man, we did a roll call earlier on. He didn’t make it out.” The man replied in a sorry tone.
Tim didn’t say anything, suddenly the fact that the Vault was gone and that many of his friends were dead began to settle in. He had to keep a level head though; brushing the thoughts of his lost ones from his mind he located the perimeter patrol group that were guarding the edge of the long grass from his vantage point at the top of the rocky slope.
“Yeah, well, better get on with it.” He said half to himself.
Tim made his way over to the group of men and women which were meant to be guarding the long grass. There were seven of them in all, scattered along the edge of the grass forest which lay before them. Three of them were bunched up in the middle of the line, one sitting on a cargo crate, one lying against another crate and a third one stood in front of them his gaze pointed towards the long grass. Tim walked up to the man which was standing.
The one woman lying against the crate had her eyes shut, it had been a long night for everyone and she was clearly tired, the sun light gleaming from her side arm which was holstered. The man sat on the other crate just beside her was sipping water from a Vault Issue Flask, the heat from the sun basking down on the cool metal container. The man standing had a large stick resting on his shoulders, his arms hanging over each end of it and the body of the stick running behind his head.
“Well, haven’t you guys struck lucky?” Tim said, stepping up to the three of them.
They two men stared at him, the woman opening one eye and looking up at him.
“Orders from lieutenant Balk, we’re now the official exterminators, and it’s dangerous to have such poisonous little critters so close to our camp. Also we need access to the base they have made a home in so come on! On your feet.” Tim said, starting to enjoy his new role as sergeant.
“About god damn time!” The woman spoke, getting to her feet.
“Yeah, we’ve been getting restless here watching those little bastards rustle about in the grass and not being able to do anything about it. Lieutenant Balk said we couldn’t take any shots at them unless they got up close.” The man on the crate said.
“Yeah, sounds like they might be getting pretty close to us now, seeing as we’re going to go gate crash their little party over there.” The man with the stick spoke, swinging the stick down and tossing it to one side.
The man who had just thrown the stick pulled open the crate nearest him which the woman had been lying against, reaching in he pulled out a pack of torches. Tim smiled, it was payback time, and this time they were ready. Gathering up the seven officers Tim started wading into the grass, his small militia following closely. With the area lit by the light of day Tim could clearly make out a network of buildings buried under the dirt, most of them only having the roof showing and with no way in. Some of them however were more exposed and it looked quite possible to climb down inside the buildings through the windows.
Tim had two choices available to him.
A) He could set up his gang around the exposed buildings and try and draw as many out as possible to kill off as many as possible before heading in. (+ 1 perception + 30% Small guns.)
B) He could split his gang up into several groups and send each one to an exposed building, killing off as many as possible by shooting into the buildings through the windows. (+ 1 strength + 30% unarmed skill)
Feedback welcome, the choice is yours