The one Vault.

In that case I'm gonna vote for B. Light would seem as a good idea.

Let's just hope this won't happen in Fallout 3:
"Oh good, you found a new Waterchip... well, that's actually too easy, why don't you go find a new Water Recycling Machine instead..." :P
A. A generator sitting around that long will probably need many parts replaced unless it was simply turned off when the war occurred.

Weapons mostly work with just a little cleaning after a long time.

The Vault Dweller
Yeah, but they can still try, right? I mean, if they can get the generator working, they've got light. If they've got light, it's probably gonna be easier to defeat the thing...
Not to mention, as it said, cutting through the doors doesn't help. You need power to work the door locks and fully access the facility and Armories are a thing that tend to have better security doors than most other rooms.

The_Vault_Dweller said:
Weapons mostly work with just a little cleaning after a long time.
Ammunition does not though, most types of primers become unreliable when stored for a very long time, the only ammo they have new-ish is 9mm.
PhredBean said:
Ammunition does not though, most types of primers become unreliable when stored for a very long time, the only ammo they have new-ish is 9mm.

That depends. If you go to some WW2 battle site in Russia, Kursk for example and dig around for half an hour you're sure to find ammo, and it's still usable. Despite all the years in wet ground and corrosion.

Be careful though, mines are still functional as well.
I think they should go to B too,there is no sure the power generator will work but there is no sure either that there will have weapons that they can take it...and with that critter in there,i think it is good to have a light in there aint it?
I have no idea how I managed to miss this thread until now... this is pure gold man; fort Knox type shit :lol: . Keep up the good writing!
Now for the vote: I say B. As others have pointed out it's best to try and get some light in this place to make the hunt easier. Plus judging by the state of the first room someone has already went through this place and scavenged all that he could. Having a welding torch could mean two things:
a) they brought it with them, in wich case they have surely looted anything they could so going for the armoury is pointless: if it's open it's empty and if it's still closed that means it takes more than a torch to get through;
b) they found the torch in the machine shop and then there might just be something left in there, although unlikely.
Anyway the generator is the first thing they should check.
Let us not forget that the ones that looted this managed to get past the mutated rabbits and the other thing so they were either well armed and numerous or very stealthy... maybe they are still around,,,
I'm going to stop now because I'm already drooling all over the key board at the thought of how good this story will be :lol:
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
I have no idea how I managed to miss this thread until now... this is pure gold man; fort Knox type shit :lol: . Keep up the good writing!
I'm going to stop now because I'm already drooling all over the key board at the thought of how good this story will be :lol:
It may be worth pointing out now that the post before the post before yours was on the 9th, some noob bumped it for no reason. Tycell stopped posting entirely on the 8th, this story is dead already. Has been dead for weeks.
Crap! I started reading it and was too busy concentrating on the story to even look at the dates... damn! Maybe he is going to pick it up later on... it would be a shame to just scrap this.
This cant be truth,this thread dead,it is one of the best ones that i ever seen,dammit,i hope it comes back to live
When Tycell posted the last part of the story he mentioned he was feeling sick, so this might explain his absence the last couple of weeks. Hopefully he'll return and continue it. I might start a story myself where the readers vote on choices after Systematic Annihilation is completed.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeres Tycell!

Yeah, I have been away for a while. Glad to say that my arm is better now, I had a blood infection and everything, was quite harsh, its all better now though. At the time (a few hours after my last post, infact) I couldnt even move my arm because it hurt so much.

Allong with that I have also been away at sea for a while (HMS Ocean kicks ass) and have been doing various other things like getting my life a bit more in order and started training (jogging, weights, etc).

But fear not! I have returned and shall continue the story where we left, off, just let me count the votes and I will crack on with the next section. Glad to see more people paying this thread attention even though I hadnt posted for a while. What's even better is that you are all actually collectivly thinking and discussing the various options I give 'Tim', which is exactly what I had hoped would happen.

Excellent stuff, keep it up.


B is the winner!

Final scores;

A - 2
B - 5

Writing up the next section now.
Chapter 1: Leaving the Nest, part 11 – ‘The dead tell no tales.’

Making a quick decision Tim opted to head right, a power generator and a machine shop probably added up to them being able to somehow repair the generator. With any luck this would bring on the lights and mean they could track down whatever the hell that creature was with the advantage of light.

“Alright, follow me.” Tim murmured to his companions.

Guiding himself with the flashlight in his hands Tim began to gingerly make his way down the corridor that lead to his right. His party members following closely, all of them were keeping an eye out for any signs of whatever that creature was that had attacked their fellow dweller so viciously. A few meters down the corridor on the left there was a large steel door which caught Tim’s attention, he stepped closer passing his torch beam over it to more closely examine it.

It was a thick steel door; on it was a label of some kind mounted on a plate with thick red printed paint. Brushing away some of the dirt Tim read the label. ‘CITADEL IN, C1Y C-D’. Tim had absolutely no idea what that meant, but he figured it must be some kind of military based marking system, and probably made sense to those familiar with the code. The thing that had caught Tim’s interest was that the door had been partly burnt, quite heavily around several of the locking bolts. One of the bolts, in fact, had been completely burnt through. A few of the others gathered around Tim, following his gaze over the door.

“I wonder why they didn’t burn through the rest of the bolts.” Tim thought aloud.

“Maybe they ran into that… thing.” One of his companions answered.

“Look!” One of them said.

Everyone’s eyes fell to the floor to the torch beam which had highlighted an item on the floor. It was a blowtorch, with a small fuel back pack lying next to it. Tim had the sensation of an icicle running up his spine like a xylophone as he knelt down to pick it up. Tim clasped his torch in his armpit and pulled the blowtorch and pack up with him as he stood up. Everyone gathered around to see what was going on.

“My god… it’s still on! Whoever used this last didn’t shut it off, they just let it sit here and run out of fuel.” Someone hovering over Tim’s left shoulder commented.

Tim turned the handset over revealing the underside in the light. There was a large streak of blood up the handle and over part of the fuel pipe which ran to the back pack.

“AAAHHHH!” The shout of fear from the group’s woman screeching into Tim’s ear shook him and made him jump.

The flashlight which had rested in his armpit fell to the floor and he nearly lost his grip on the blood stained blowtorch. Breathing out heavily Tim managed to calm his nerves a little. He threw the empty blowtorch back down onto the floor and knelt down to pick up his flashlight, the sight of blood had clearly got the rest of them scared.

“Fuck this man! Let’s get the fuck out of here!” One of the men said.

“That thing must-uv got him!” Another commented.

“Oh god… oh Jesus, help me.” The woman mumbled, beginning to cry.

“CALM DOWN, ALL OF YOU!” Tim barked, taking charge of the situation.

“Now we know that thing is down here, we have greater numbers and we sure as hell have greater fire power. Remember what that bastard thing did to Suzie?” All of them fell silent, probably thinking about poor Suzie and her slashed arm.

“Get your shit together, we’re gonna get this thing whatever and where ever the fuck it is, OK?” Tim stared each of them in the eye; he could see they were just as scared as he was.

Tim managed to rally the rest of his motley crew from despair and restore some sort of moral before proceeding further into the darkness on their hunt for this monster and the power generator. In truth he was just as scared as they were but what worried him more was that the blood on the blowtorch had been spilt relatively recently, probably a few weeks old. This meant that there were other people around other than the ones in the vaults, this was disturbing news indeed. Luckily it appeared that no one else had noticed this little detail, all of them being too busy holding in the bottle up their arse at the sight of the blood.

What was more disturbing to Tim was that if these people had come packing blow torches, and they were indeed able to get past the hordes of mutant rabbits, then they must have then come prepared for what lay ahead. No doubt they had brought guns and various other pieces of equipment with them, and they still couldn’t stop this monster, whatever it was. So what chance did Tim and his rag tag mini army have? A few moments walk down the corridor later some of Tim’s fears were laid to rest.

“HA! Look at this!” Tim said, almost gleefully, bending down and picking up what he had just spotted.

Tim rose back to his feet brandishing a spear in his right hand that he had just picked up off the floor. A grim sort of smile broke out across the faces of some of the party.

“If this is what weapons they brought with them then no wonder there is blood spilt, poor dumb bastards took this place one with spears, eh?” This raised the moral of the party and calmed a lot of them down.

Tim could see a few of them were verging on breaking into a laugh, even though it wasn’t very funny it was a much needed spirit lifter at this point. Unfortunately Tim felt like eating his words a few moments later. The group stood in a semi circle around the mass of rags, dried blood and bones. This was probably the poor soul that owned the spear Tim had picked up a few meters before. It looked like what was left of a man, the stench of rotted flesh was breaking through over the already dominant smell of rabbit shite.

The corpse appeared to have had long dark hair, he was lying face down on the floor, most of his arms and legs had been shredded by the little carnivores leaving only the bones and a few scraps of rag. What was left of a set of jeans, thick black boots and a leather jacket were draped over the body, and most of it was smeared with long dried blood. It didn’t look as though he had anything of value left on his person and that he had died quite painfully.

The group stood and stared for a moment, two of the party were physically sick and had to turn away. Tim felt like hammered shit for saying what he had just before; this was no “poor dumb bastard.” It looked as though he had gone down with a fight a few rabbit skeletons lay not far from his body, in the end however, it looked as though they had won. Tim Knelt down next to the body and placed the spear on the ground next to it, feeling some sort of strange spiritual need to return this dead warriors weapon. After a moments reflection Tim broke the silence.

“Alright, let’s move on.” The rest of the party followed Tim’s lead and proceeded in single file past the pile of rags and bone, each of them taking one last look as they passed.

A few meters past the dead body the corridor ended and Tim was faced with two large metal doors. Running his flashlight over them he could see that neither of them was locked. Each had a plate with thick red print on it, as the door before them had, labeling what it was. Tim read the plates; ‘MACHINE SHOP C1Z C-D’ the other read ‘GENERATOR ROOM C1X’. It appeared as though the Machine Shop lead onto other areas, where the Generator room was a dead end, not that it really mattered. ‘Which way first?’ Tim thought.

As usual, the choice is yours!

A: Into the Machine Shop.
B: Into the Generator room.

Think carefully about your choice, there is a little surprise coming up in the next chapter.

Just a quick note: Obviously you have noticed that the doors have what appears to be random lettering on them ‘C1Z C-D’ ‘C1X’ etc. But this lettering is not random. On board a ship (military ship) every door is labeled to show what deck it’s on, what compartment its in, and what ‘priority’ it has, along with what compartments it connects too (if it does connect).

So, C1Z C-D becomes; Compartment C (C), Level (deck) 1 (1), Connecting compartment C to D (C-D), Z priority (Z).

Priority is pretty simple to pick up. X,Y and Z. Z means the door is low priority and can stay open if needs be, Y means the door should be closed if you are performing operations (basically if your out to sea) usually this is because its part of the ‘Citadel airlock system, which I will explain in a moment. It also means this door should be shut at all times if you are at battle stations. Finally X doors are high priority, which should be kept shut at all times no matter what.

Citadel system is again easy to explain; every ship is air conditioned inside, any compartment that is air conditioned is referred to as part of the Citadel. ‘Citadel In’ means you are going through an airlock into the air conditioned area (not an actual airlock, just two airtight doors where you should close one before opening the other). And Citadel out means you are coming out, as in coming out into an area which is open to the atmosphere. A side effect of having the whole ship pressurized is that if you open an inner door and an outer door of the airlock (as I discovered) air will start rushing out, and if you’re not careful you could end up with a thick steel door being blown in your face. It’s not too dangerous, but it will give you a sting on the nose if you’re not cautious.

I was trying to think of a way to explain this in the story itself but I couldn’t think of a way, so I just went ahead and told you guys. Keep it in mind next time you are out on a ship, eh? :)
You've returned! Glad to have you back.

As for the choice, B is what I would do. Getting to the generator room was the initial goal anyway and going to the Machine Shop means getting deeper and deep in this facility (not something we are really ready to do yet). I am sure there is a "nice" present waiting for us with choice B, however. :)
While I'm fairly sure they'll need to hit the machine shop in order to repair the generator anyway, I'm going to say the generator room first so they can assess what they'll need to get it running. With luck, they may not need anything. So B it is.

P.S. Good to have you back, damn good thread, I was dissapointed when I thought it died. Good luck.
Choice B since they may or may not need anything in the machine shop.

I'm so glad you're back Tycell! For one thing with all the work you did on this when you disappeared I felt that perhaps you died. Good thing you survived that infection or whatever it was you had. It may even inspire your writing...

Not to also mention I really missed this story. :)

The Vault Dweller