Wasteland Peacemaker
It’s been out for over a year now, Jesus. What’s NMA’s general consensus? Personally it was kind of forgettable for me, sad to admit.
Cyberpunk has terrible storytelling tho, and the plot is terrible even if was told well. Most quest were fetch and kill quests with very few ones actually having any substance, and the world was mostly empty and everything was closed off, a completely shallow dioram of an open world, it was worse than PS2 GTA games.
It's like we are playing different games. Because I'm playing a game with amazing open world design. From a level design and worldbuilding perspective, Night City is by far the most interesting, intricate and complex open world in any video game; there is just so much verticality and density to every single area, there are buildings that have up 8 unique access routes, elevators that take you to 6 different levels, nightclubs located several levels underground below skyscrapers, shanty towns with cobbled-together and densely packed residential buildings with accessible roofs that serve as mission areas, a hidden casino under a pier accessible from rudimentary bridges over a sewage drain, areas where it is possible to travel several hundred meters exclusively through roofs, highways that pass over overpasses that pass over roads that pass parks, etc... And all of the missions take advantage of this meticulous level design, there are multiple access routes to all objectives, I actually counted 9 unique access routes to infiltrate a secret club inside a warehouse on the first mission with the Rivers guy.
As for the story telling, I think it was actually very good. There are plenty of characters who get their highlights, such as Goro on the rooftop reconnaissance mission and Jackie, well... any time he showed up really because he just was that cool. There is also so quite interesting dose of subtle symbolism going on if and it's really worth it when you get some of the references, like (spoiler alert!)and other tidbits. Anyways, I really think the story was one of the high points of the game and the endings in particulars definitely improved my opinion of the game.the Myth of Er on the Arasaka ending
I don't know if you are playing with mods but most buildings in the game are locked, only quest locations have different access points and most elevators except the one that takes you up to your apartment (that you have literally zero incentive to return to) close off the different floors after the ones quest the ywere used for is done. And even if you climb up every building there is no point in doing so, most of the time you just get junk to scrap or just find a rando cluster of rando generic enemies.
most elevators except the one that takes you up to your apartment (that you have literally zero incentive to return to) close off the different floors after the ones quest the ywere used for is done. And even if you climb up every building there is no point in doing so, most of the time you just get junk to scrap or just find a rando cluster of rando generic enemies.
The story is pretty poor, Jackie is a lame character that has death flags the second he opens his mouth in the prologue and Goro just calls yo to tell you he is gonna kill himself if you don't pick the Arasaka ending on the ONE mission you even itneract with, and even then he is just a stereotypical "HONOR!" type of character because that's the only way to write japanese characters obviously.
In fact the plot of this game has the exact same issue as TOW with it just dropping the endgame quest suddenly with very little indication that you were that close to the ending, altho in the case of Cyberpunk 2077 is because the story was so shallow and poor and you start wondering if maybe it glitched out and skipped over another 4 quests because there are still no stakes stablished at all, and at least TOW has multiple endings for each character and location while CBP just has Skype calls at the end for some characters and Night city remains unchanged as a location in every single one.
Yeah, most buildings are locked in a game that depicts a giant metropolis with literally thousands of buildings in it. Ok. It's truly a shame that only the mission areas for the hundreds of different missions in the game are intricate and complex explorable environments.
Everything here is not true. Your apartment is an area you have to return to for several quests and it is a good place to store equipment in. There are also a lot of elevators in the open world, specially in the very verticalized spaces like Japantown.
You are not even making sense here, frankly. No stakes established when it is already long established since the meeting with Goro on Tom's Dinner that V is dying and that they will have to make a choice about who they think can help them remove the biochip? Everything Goro set's the player up for in the dinner meeting after the prologue is exactly what happens, it's a very clear development of events.
So, there are no stakes for the game. The only thing it's stablished is that your generic thug character is dying from Mcguffin cancer and the choice is entirely in how you are gonna go inside and get told you can't be saved in anyway. There is nothing in this game that makes you feel like siding with anyone is gonna change anything, hell the "main villains" literally tell you they don't give a shit about the McGuffin anyway. The only incentive you are given to not side with Arasaka is that Keanu Reeves won't think you are cool and legit, choomba! V as a character is not interesting. There is no development of an interesting plot, everything that happens with Goro feels like a queater of a second act in a halfway decent story but then it just drops you on the ending.
At least The Outer Worlds has like actual endings for every location you meet, skill checks are more than just filler options with no effect (THey are literally highlighted in Blue to show you they are pointless). Also no rando NPCs that you are barred from attacking, you can even pick pocket people in The Outerworlds, which is more than what you can do with eve the most important characters in CBP2077 who even in combat are a non-entity, which doesn't really matter much because the AI of enemies in CBP2077 makes even Fallout 4 seem like the most tactical game of all time in comparison.