I'm looking for as many translations as possible of the phrase a dog's life. Mind you, though: it has to be an idiomatic expression in your language as well, meaning: a miserable existence. Please add the matching article. Thank you for your kind help. It is appreciated.
Here's what I've got already:
-- alec
Here's what I've got already:
English: A dog's life
Dutch: Een hondenleven
French: Une vie de chien [thx RUN_LIKE_HELL]
German: Ein Hundeleben [thx Buxbaum666]
Polish: Psie życie [thx Madbringer]
Spanish: Una vida de perro [thx Wooz]
Portuguese: Uma vida de cão [thx Briosa]
Swedish: Ett hundliv [thx Luke]
Romanian: O viaţă de câine [thx FeelTheRads]
Danish: Et hundeliv [thx PlanHex]
Russian: собачья жизнь [thx Brother None]
Persian (Farsi): زندگی سگی [thx Vault 13]
Estonian: Koeraelu [thx fedaykin]
Croatian: Pasji život [thx mr. pastorius]
Lithuanian: Šuniškas gyvenimas [thx Neamos]
Czech: Psí život [thx DJ Slamák]
Finnish: Koiran elämää [thx Hexarar]
-- alec